Saturday, July 29, 2017

Makes Your Blood Boil

Carly was over on Facebook checking in on all her groups. She also went over to four of her favorite Facebook pages. Those four pages were Ray Charles, Hurley The Giant Golden Retriever, Ally "The Adventures Ally." and Autumn Marie. All four of these dogs were Golden Retrievers Ray was blind, Hurley and Autumn Marie and Ally were dealing with caner As a veterinarian she wished she could help them. Carly knew all about doggy cancer. Her dog Charlie had Hemangiosarcoma which was an inoperable form of caner. Charlie was on chemotherapy drugs and pain pills. The caner finally took over his entire body. Carly had her beloved dog Charlie put to sleep so he wouldn't suffer any more.
That was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. Carly got a message from Lily a friend of hers on Facebook. Lily told Carly about going over to Suzie's Facebook page. Lily mentioned that Suzie had brought up Barry's sexual orientation. She told Carly Suzie mentioned that Barry felt liberated after he told everyone he was gay. Barry was now free to be with Scott Nevins Suzie said. Suzie did sort of acknowledge that Garry wasn't gay and was married. Oh then according to Suzie I'm either a beard that Barry married to cover up his homosexuality or else I'm considered a nothing said Carly. Both Barry and I know he's not gay. So do all his friends except Suzie, Alan and Scott. Even all his fans know that Barry isn't gay. Barry and I have been very happily married for two years now since July 12,2015. So while I was in Denver for the BMIFC convention. Barry took me out to dinner on Tuesday June 11th. I left Denver later that day. Lily also told Carly that Suzie mentioned a benefit in Palm Springs she recently went to that Barry was at. Oh really now! Barry been on his Williamsburg Tour since Friday June 2nd. The tour started up in Mansfield MA at the Xfinity Center. He finishes up on Thursday August 31st. at the Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island. Then on September 9th Barry is preforming at the 30th annual Memory Benefit for Alzheimer's at Cipriani's on 42nd St. I'm definitely going with Barry to this benefit. Barry and I are sitting with Lorna Luft and her husband Colin Freeman and Melissa Manchester and her husband Kevin De Remer. I'm sure Barry has told you he's performing at the benefit.The photographers who usually cover this stuff will be there. As well as the paparazzi being there looking for the latest juicy  gossip to share with the tabloids. That's why Garry called to see how Carly was doing. He also told her Suzie,  her husband Alan and friend Scott Nevins were coming from Palm Springs for this benefit. Garry also mentioned he text messaged Barry to let him know that Suzie, Alan and Scott Nevins were going to be at the Memory Benefit for Alzheimer's. Barry text message reply was "It figures they'd be coming to this." Carly told Garry she found her gown for the Memory Benefit For Alzheimer's. It's a Carolina Herrera short sleeved black dress that has a black sash around the waist. The shoes are black sequined at the pointed toe. It then fades towards the back of the heels in gold sequins. The shoes are by Jimmy Choo. Once I heard that Suzie, Alan and Scott Nevins were coming to this benefit. I knew that I need to up the glam factor. I'll get my hair done at Cutler Salon in Williamsburg. That is where Barry and I always go to get our hair done. Right now Barry's decided to let his grow a little longer. It's kind of a shaggy cut which I love. I know it's a style that his fans will love. Since they've always like Barry will longer fuller hair like he has in the 80's. The new cut or style goes well with his concert attire. The black bikers jacket, black boot cut jeans, white/black six button shirt and biker boots. Barry thought he'd go edgy for his latest Tour said Carly. I've already seen this concert five times. Northwell health at Jones Beach Wantagh NY. Five times at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison CO outside of Denver. I'll see the concert one more time when he plays the Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island on August 31st. That's the last of the US leg of his Williamsburg Tour. Then at the end of December 2018 Barry's got a big surprise for his UK fans. So far only Marc, David, Eric and I know about this. Barry said I could tell you but mums the word to anyone else. Barry has already signed the contract to do two weeks next year in London at Royal Albert Hall during the Christmas and New Years holidays next year.  That will be
Sunday December 23, 2018 thru Saturday January 6, 2019. Then Barry talked to BMIFC director Vikki about having a BMIFC Convention. Which Vikki did ok the BMIFC London Convention for next year. The convention will take place Thursday 27th thru Tuesday December 31st. It starts with Thursday nights meet and greet cocktail party and ends with Tuesday nights New Years party. Now
Barry told me that we are renting a three bedroom house during his two weeks at Royal Albert Hall. He also mentioned he is inviting you and Denise. David will be spending Christmas and New Years next year with his wives family. Marc and Anthony are going to celebrate with Marc's parents. Eric and his wife Serena  will be staying with us as will you and Denise. Barry's getting a little sick of turkey so he's decided to have roast beef with wild mushrooms and onion gravy, potatoes, carrots and dinner rolls. For desert it will be a raspberry trifle. Barry said he's cooking dinner. All I'm doing is some cooking and making cookies while I'm there said Carly. Christmas dinner is being taken care of by Barry. One of my friends Rita went with some other friends Janice, Kathy and Debbie to MGM National Harbor to see Brian Murphy's two concerts. Now when Rita got home from the concerts she called me to tell me all about them. Rita said that Brian got his right ear pierced. So now he wears a diamond stud in that ear. She also said he's becoming too Liberace. Meaning he's dressing more and more like Liberace does. Way too much sequins and glitter.  That's the way Liberace always dressed three piece sequined suits and a fur floor length cape. Loads of big gaudy rings on his finger. Rita did say a least Brian doesn't wear a floor length cape and gaudy rings. Barry has nine more dates left on his Williamsburg Tour. He's done until Saturday December 30th and Sunday December 31st when he plays Centre Bell in Montreal Canada. Then there's The First BMIFC New Years Convention in Montreal Canada Thursday December 28th thru Sunday December 31st. Barry is off until next Friday when he plays Deer Valley's Snow Park Amphitheater in Park City Utah.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Facebook Post July 23rd.

Hi Everyone it's me Barry coming at you from La La land Los Angeles CA. I'm out here for three nights at the Hollywood Bowl. Sunday July 23rd, Monday July 24th and Tuesday July 25th. While I'm here I'll get to see some of my west coast friends. Garry, Denise, Rob. Sue. Kristen, Adrienne, Neil, Enoch and Marty. Now I thought I'd share with my 2018 schedule as it looks so far. January and February nothing. March 4th thru April 29th first regional run for At The Mayflower Majestic Theatre San Antonio TX. May nothing. June Williamsburg Tour Australia and New Zealand. BMIFC Australian Convention Melbourne Thursday June 13th thru Sunday June 18th. All my Australian fans will get to help me celebrate my 75th birthday. July and August nothing. September 2nd thru October 29th second regional run for At The Mayflower Forrest Theatre Philadelphia PA. November nothing. December Barry's Holiday Shows two weeks Sunday December 23rd thru Saturday January 5th. The BMIFC's Second New Years Convention Thursday December 28th thru Monday December 31st. Now I sort of forgot by accident to put down the city where the two week holiday shows will take place. So Ladies and gentlemen  drum roll please. Ta Da London England Royal Albert Hall. I can almost see you British fans freaking out all ready. Yes I'm performing on Christmas Day December 25th. So get ready everyone for next years excitement. It's time for lunch. Garry, Adrienne and Enoch are coming over to Marty's house. He's doing hamburgers on the grill. Oh and one other little thing is next years schedule is subject to change if I decide to add some other stuff. see you LA fans tonight tomorrow night and Tuesday night.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Denver Convention Time.

Carly had her suitcase packed along with her backpack. Carly was leaving Tuesday afternoon from Penn Central station on Amtrak's Lake Shore Limited. She was headed to Chicago where she would change trains. Her train would depart at 3:40PM Tuesday Penn Central New York and arrive 9:45AM Wednesday Union Station Chicago. So Carly had a layover of four hours and forty-five minutes. Carly was taking the California Zephyr to Denver. The train would depart at 2:00PM Wednesday from Union Station Chicago and arrive 7:15AM Thursday Union Station Denver. Her roommates sisters Rita and Zoey were flying in to Denver early Thursday morning. Rita and Zoey were bringing the fan club stuff for their table on Friday. Friday was local fan club day. Their fan club had gotten permission from Vikki to sell their fan clubs tee shirts. The proceeds from the sale of their tee shirts would be split in half. With half going to the Manilow Music Project and the other half going to the One Voice Foundation. The One Voice Foundation was an organization started by Barry Manilow to help defenseless cats and dogs. Once Carly got to Denver she texted Barry. That was to let him know she had got there safe and sound. Carly took a cab to the Sheraton Downtown Denver. He had texted Carly his room number so she could stow her suitcase until check in. Check in wasn't until later in the  afternoon. She got to Barry's room she knocked on the door. Barry opened the door to let her in. He gave the love of his life a hug and kiss. Carly mentioned to Barry that Miss Shelia had posted photos from the Key Bank Pavilion concert.  She told everyone on the Facebook page she and friends ran  that the photos were taken by "Barry's Official Photographer" Larry Nichols. Now wait a minute Eric Schaefer is the only one who takes official photos of Barry. Eric is also the videographer who takes official video footage of Barry. Shelia loves to make everyone think she's one of my BFF's. Which she is not said Barry. Shelia's been trying for years to get into my inner circle. So the fans who like her Facebook page will think I'm BFF's with her. Now I've never been BFF's with Miss Shelia.  Carly then told Barry that Brian Murphy had added another concert in September. This concert is in Philadelphia at the Wells Fargo Arena. Now why doesn't he just go on tour instead of adding one concert at a time. Well the major news is that Brian Murphy signed a eight year contract with the Westgate Hotel and Casino formerly the Las Vegas Hilton. That's where Brian was from February 2005 to December 2009. Then he did two years January 2010 to December 2011 at the Paris Hotel and Casino. Brian begins his  new Las Vegas run at the Westgate Hotel and Casino in February of 2018  said Carly. He'll be at the Westgate Hotel and Casino thru 2026. Brian was in Las Vegas last Friday at the Westgate Hotel and Casino. ET co-host Kevin Frazer was at the Westgate when Brian made his big announcement. He talked to Brian about why he was coming back to Las Vegas. He mentioned he liked the glitz and missed performing in Las Vegas. Really I hadn't heard that said Barry. I thought Brian was through with doing major touring. Or in this case major eight year run
in Las Vegas.  I'll have to tell both Garry and Marc about that. They'll find that very interesting in deed said Barry. I did talk to Marc on Saturday so I told him about Brian Murphy's second  time in Las Vegas. This time for eight years total. Marc thought Brian had decided to slow it down. You know a few show here and a few shows there said Carly. I guess he decided not to go that route said Barry. The entire four day convention was a blast. The fans loved the barbeque picnic on Saturday. One fans even scolded Barry for eating a hot dog. Barry told her it was a kosher hot dog. You know Hebrew National. "We speak to a higher authority."   The concerts were the best.  Barry was leaving Denver on Wednesday morning. Tuesday night Barry took Carly out for an anniversary dinner.  Since Barry was leaving Denver right after breakfast. Wednesday July 12th would be their second wedding anniversary. Wednesday morning Carly took Barry out for breakfast. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips.  Barry then got into one of the vans that took everyone to the airport to catch their private plane. Barry was just renting the plane for this tour. Brian Murphy was the one who actually bought a private airplane. All the roadies and tour staff left by tour buses for their next stop in Dallas TX. Now Carly wasn't leaving Denver till 7:10PM on the California Zephyr. She would then get into Chicago at 2:50pm. she was leaving Chicago at 9:30PM on The Lake Shore Limited. The train would arrive into Penn Central at 6:23PM. Once she got to Chicago she would text message Barry to let him know she made it there. The same with making it back to New York and their house. Then it was back to work on Saturday at the veterinary hospital. Barry would see his songwriting partners at his LA concerts. He was going to see Kristen, Garry, Denise, Rob and his family at those concerts too. He figured Suzie, Alan and Scott would be there. At least he would have Garry and Rob there to help him out if Scott tried anything. Barry and Eric were staying at Marty Panzer's house in Sherman Oaks. Nobody but Kristen, Garry Rob, Adrienne, Enoch, Jack and Bruce knew where the guys were staying.  Barry had only told those seven friends along with Carly. Barry had given Carly a list of all the hotels he was staying at along with their phone number just incase she needed to get in touch with him. Tonight Friday July 14th Barry was in Houston TX. Then it was on to Phoenix Monday July 17th, San Diego Wednesday July 19th, Irvine Friday July 21st and Los Angeles Sunday July 23rd, Monday July 24th and Tuesday July 25th.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Looks Like We Made It.Facebook post 7/15

Hi Gang,
It's me Barry coming at you from Phoenix Arizona.  We have Sunday off so we can do some sight seeing. Monday night is my Phoenix concert at the AK-Chen Amphitheater. I've also been working on some new things for next year. Number one is what I am going to be doing for New Years Eve 2018. Which is playing the O2 Arena for four nights. That's Friday December 28th thru  Monday December 31st. So I'll be spending my New Years Eve 2018 with all of my British friends Plus any American fans who choose to come over for those four shows. Number two is the BMIFC's Manilow In London Convention. The convention will go from December 28th thru December 31st. Vikki and I are working on the details for the convention in London.  I brought my Mac Book Pro with me. So I can investigate hotels for next years NYE convention in London. Other things for next year is the
Australian/New Zealand tour and BMIFC convention in Melbourne. Also next our latest musical will be ready to do two regional runs. Regional run one is The Majestic Theatre in San Antonio Texas.  That will be March 4th thru April 29th. Then Regional run two is The Forrest Theatre in Philadelphia Pennsylvania That will be September 4th thru October 28th. Adrienne, Enoch, Jack, Marty, Bruce and myself are hoping fingers crossed we can get it to Broadway in either 2019 or 2020. The BMIFC will have tickets for fans during the previews. Keep checking the Barry Net or my Facebook page for further updates on when tickets will go on sale. At The Mayflower (Many more stories inside.) will finally introduce you all to the Shadow Man from  the K-mart edition. And no the Shadow Man is not me. The Shadow Man is a very famous pop recording artist kind of like Brian Murphy. He's now an old man looking back on his long performing career. He wonders how long can he keep the charades he's been playing up. "Man to man. Tell me what's the plan? How long can you be the Shadow Man?" The Shadow Man kept some secrets from his fans. So he's been wondering lately if he should divulge his secrets. You'll have to wait and see when the musical hits San Antonio TX The Majestic Theatre 2,264 seats and Philadelphia Pennsylvania The Forrest Theatre 1,851 seats. For anyone coming to Monday nights show can't wait to preform for all of you. See you somewhere down the road.
Love and sloppy wet kisses.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

New York City Rhythm

New York City Rhythm is the fictional story of two guys from New York. One is Barack Alon Manilow a pop songwriter, record producer, Broadway songwriter and singer. Barry as his mom always called him is a Jewish boy from Williamsburg Brooklyn New York. Two is Brian Alan Murphy a pop singer. Brian is an Irish boy from Astoria Queens New York. Back in 1973 Barry wrote four songs which he showed to his new friend Ron Dante. They decided to make a demo record and peddle it to different record labels. The last label they peddled it to Bell Records who bought the four songs. Bell Records had just signed to their label singer Brian Murphy. Bell Records bought Barry's four songs for Brian Murphy to record. Brian Murphy's first album shot straight to number one on the Billboard Hot 200 Album chart. When Brian found out Barry had wrote the four song he asked Barry to write some more songs. Also Brian got Barry and Ron to produce his early record albums. That freed Barry up so he could write musicals for Broadway. In 1978 Barry and his two songwriting partners Bruce and Jack got their first musical Copacabana on Broadway. Copacabana became a huge success on Broadway. Copacabana won all the Tony's it was nominated for in 1979. Brian became a huge pop star that all the women fell for. He toured all around the world. Brian even won a Grammy for singing Barry, Jack and Bruce's song Copacabana on his Even Now album. Around 1983 Barry and his songwriting partners wrote a batch of jazz songs. Once the songs were written they had trouble trying to come up with a musical to use those songs in. So they chose to shelve the songs. However Barry wanted the public to hear those songs so he decided to record those songs himself. His songwriting partners thought Barry was nuts. But Barry went a head any way and put the songs on an album. His first album called 2:00AM Paradise Café a jazz album that became a huge success. 2:00AM Paradise Café came out in October 1984. It debuted a number one on Billboard's Hot 200 Album chart. Number one on Billboard's Jazz Album chart. The first single When October Goes debuted at number one on Billboard's Hot 100 Singles chart. Both the album and the first single came out certified quadruple platinum. Then the following year 1985 2:00AM Paradise Café won Grammy Awards for  Album Of The Year, Record Of The Year, Song Of The Year, Best Jazz Vocal Album, Producer Of The Year and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. Now Barry had a main secondary career as a singer. He went on his first tour to promote 2:00AM Paradise Café.  That first tour was a complete sell out. Standing room only at every venue he performed at. Barry did go to Europe however he got booed off the stage. He went to Asia and the same thing happened again he got booed off the stage. Barry did have good luck in the US, Canada,  Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Australia and New Zealand. On a subsequent tour Barry decided to go to South Africa, Mexico and South America. Again when Barry went to these areas of the world he got booed off the stage. So Barry chose to stay with the countries where he wasn't being booed. He finally went to Russia and they embraced him with open arms. No booing this time in Russia. Brian had better luck with the countries where Barry was booed. Barry had four managers throughout his career. Miles Laurie, Garry Kief, Marc Hulett and David Taylor. He also had five personal assistants throughout his career Paul Brownstein, Rodger Wall, Marc Hulett, David Taylor and now Eric Schaefer. Brian on the other hand had only one manager Gregory Knoffler. He had only two personal assistants Ross Jackson and AJ Marcus. Barry from day one had been totally open about his sexuality which was straight.  Some of his celebrity friends thought he was gay and only had romances with men. Which wasn't really true at all. He had girlfriends throughout junior high and senior high. He even married his high school sweetheart Susan Deixler. Barry and Susan were married for a year and nine months before they got their divorce. He took a couple of years no girlfriends to concentrate on finishing Julliard Music School. Before he started having girlfriends again. Lorna Luft, Linda Alsn, Roberta Kent, Dana Robbins, Abigail Stern, Julie Ann Berkovic, Skylar Herzbach and Carly Nichole Simon were Barry's girlfriends. Carly his last girlfriend was the one that Barry realized was the one he wanted to be with forever. Barry wished he had met Carly years ago. Because if he had he would have married her back then. Luckily Barry found Carly six years ago in 2001. In 2013 Barry proposed to Carly. Two years later in 2015 Barry and Carly got married. Brian on the other hand didn't hid his sexuality either. All of his family, fans and friends knew that he was gay. Brian  had a slew of boyfriends before he met his partner and manager Gregory Knoffler. In 2008 Brian and Gregory got married on the beach in the back of their Malibu beach house. Suzie who was also friends with Brian was his best woman. Barry had gotten an invitation but he couldn't go. He was in the middle of a UK tour when Brian and Gregory got married. Barry heard that Liza Minnelli sang at their wedding. Barry didn't know what Liza sang at Brian and Gregory's nuptials.  Brian and Gregory had all their celebrity friends at their wedding. Barry only had two celebrities at his wedding. His very dear friends Melissa Manchester and Richard Marx. In fact Melissa Sang at his and Carly's wedding. She sang Looking Through The Eyes Of Love from Ice Castles as he and Carly walked down the aisle. One thing most people didn't know about Brian and Gregory they had a two kids.  In 2010 they got their friend  Halley who was in her thirties to carry a baby for them. That baby came from Gregory's sperm.  On Wednesday September 7, 2010 at 8AM their daughter Eliza Cathleen Knoffler-Murphy was born. Then three years later Halley got pregnant again this time with Brian's sperm. So on Thursday July 18, 2013 at 6PM Brian Gregory Knoffler-Murphy was born. Eliza was now 7 and Brian was now 4. As for Barry and Carly their kids were furry and had four legs. They had four dogs two Labrador Retrievers and two Pit Bulls.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fur Kids

Barry and Carly's fur children. Barry's two Labrador Retrievers. Maggie female yellow lab age seven years old. Max male black lab age four years old. Carly's two Pit Bulls. Boomer male fawn and white age ten months. Buster male chocolate and white age two years.