Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Carly's Here

Barry went to Heathrow airport to pick up Carly. He went to terminal  four gate seventeen where Delta flight thirty five would be coming in. Barry took a seat to wait for her flight to taxi in. The plane taxied in to gate seventeen. Out came the first set of passengers. Barry then saw Carly. He gave
her a hug and kiss. Come on lets go get your luggage said Barry. They went downstairs to get her luggage. Then they headed to the front of the terminal to get the shuttle to the parking lot. I've kind of gotten use to driving on the right side said Barry as they got to his rental. So how's things at home?  he asked. Ok said Carly Maggie and Max are fine. What about your new doggie? asked Barry. The guy who couldn't take his beagle with him to Seattle ended up taking him. He actually found another apartment building that allowed dogs. Oh I'm sorry about that he said. That's ok said Carly. Because I got another dog instead. Shirley told me about a one year old make Golden Retriever. He had flunked out of The Seeing Eye training facility. They're like Guiding Eyes for the Blind. They train German  Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Labrador mixed to be seeing eye dogs. Shirley said this family adopted him. But because they were to busy to take care  of him they dumped him off at BARC. Shirley called me and asked me if I wanted to take a look at him. I told her sure I can come after work. So last Monday I went over to BARC to take a look at the dog. Shirley took me back to his cage. She told me his name was Bailey. She let me take Bailey to their outdoor space. I sat on one of the park benches and threw a tennis ball to Bailey for him to catch.  He then jumped up on the bench and sat next to me. I started scratching his fur. Then I asked Bailey "Do you want to come home with me?" Bailey just let out a woof which I took for a yes. After he did his business we went back in.  I told Shirley that I asked Bailey if he wanted to come home with me. He let out a woof which I took for a yes. So I told Shirley that Bailey was going home with me. Shirley
said with your husbands two Labrador Retrievers Bailey should fit in very nicely to your family. We went inside so I could fill out the adoption papers. After I did that I took Bailey out to the Jeep. I then opened the front passenger door to let Bailey in. Once he was in I closed the door and went around to get in the drivers side. I started the jeep and we went home. Now on the way home I told Bailey your going to fit in perfectly to our family. There's me, my husband Barry and his two Labrador Retrievers Maggie and Max. I know Barry, Maggie and Max are going to love you. Once we got home I took Bailey around to the backyard so he could do his business. Then I went up the steps to the back deck. I unlocked the sliding glass doors and called Maggie and Max. They both came running to the sliding glass doors to go outside. Once they were outside Max saw Bailey and went running towards him.  Max and Bailey started chasing each other all over the yard. Maggie joined in the chasing too said Carly. Carly got out her iPhone and pulled up a photo of Bailey that she had taken. That's Bailey said Carly as she showed Barry Bailey's picture. I can't wait to meet Bailey said Barry. Steven and Debra
are taking care of the dogs while I'm over here said Carly. They wished us a happy first anniversary. Steven said after Barry gets home we'll take you two out for an anniversary dinner. I told Steven that was fine by me. Time flies when your having fun. Well it does you know. The week had flown by real fast. So here it was Saturday July eighteenth. Carly and Barry went out for dinner before the concert.  The concert was starting at eight pm. Barry's wasn't like Brian Murphy who always started his shows five or ten minutes late. Barry and Carly got to the Palladium at seven pm. Carly gave Barry a kiss on his cheek for good luck. He went backstage to get dressed and up his makeup on. While Carly went into the lobby. Barry decided to wear something different for a change. Instead of his usual black loafers, black pants, white shirt and colorful jacket. He chose to wear cowboy boots, black jeans, white shirt and the tail coat jacket that he wore during The Greatest Hit's and Then Some Tour. Barry had pulled that out of his warehouse of bad clothes. Not all the clothes in his warehouse were bad. It was now time go to his mark to stand. The house lights dimed and Barry's intro number started. Then came the familiar "Right here Right Now" piece. The curtain opened then out came the backup singers Kion, Billy, Dana and Robin. Mike Lent started playing an acoustic guitar. Then you heard Barry singing Music Is You by his friend John Denver. At the end of the song since Barry didn't know how to yodel he hummed. His backup singers said ladies and gentlemen Barry Manilow. Barry came walking out carrying an acoustic guitar in his right hand. He went to the center of the stage. Barry said the song you heard before I came out was called Music Is You. Music Is You was written by my dear friend John Denver. John also wrote these two songs. The first one you might know because folk group Peter, Paul and Mary recorded it. With that Barry began to play Leaving On A Jet Plane. Then he sang that song. After that Barry said the other thing John and I had in common was our love for the ocean. Also oceanographer Jacques Cousteu and his ship the Calypso.  In the eighties John wrote a song about the Calypso. Barry played and sang that song also. Another one of my hidden talents playing the acoustic guitar. Summer two thousand seventeen I'm going on the road again in the US. I'm going to be playing the outdoor venues. Or as I like to call them the sheds. I'm starting in Boston and finishing in Seattle. During my summer tour next year I'm playing three nights at Red Rocks Amphitheatre outside of Denver Colorado. Aspen Colorado was where John lived. He had this beautiful home set on the mountain. His songwriting space was glass enclosed. That's where John wrote his songs. While John still lived there I got to visit him there a few times. One time when I was there John and I wrote some songs together. Maybe one day I'll record the songs that we wrote together said Barry. From John's songwriting space you could see the rocky mountains. It was breath taking Barry said. When I do my three concerts at Red Rocks Amphitheatre July seventh, eighth and ninth I'm going to pay tribute to my dear friend John.  That is also when the BMIFC is having their next convention. BMIFC members you can go the Barry Net website for more information on the convention. What do you say we go back to the Mayflower said Barry. Barry did a few songs from Here At The Mayflower. Then he did two songs off the sequel Here At The Mayflower II (Many more stories inside.) Those last two songs Welcome To The Mayflower and Who Is The Shadow Man are from my next album all original material called Here At The Mayflower (Many more stories inside.) coming out Sunday November thirteenth fifteen years to the date the prequel Here At The Mayflower came out in two thousand one. Welcome To The Mayflower is sung by the new elevator operator Eddie. Eddie took over after Freddie blabbed to much and got shot in an alley on his way home from work. Who Is The Shadow Man tells the back story on who the Shadow Man really is.
Just wait a minute "See I flew in from the west coast just the other day." Barry then sang Brooklyn Blues from   his Swing Street album. Barry continued on with songs off of New York State Of Mind, Barry Manilow nineteen eighty seven, Showstoppers, 2:00AM Paradise CafĂ©, 15 Minutes (musical) Something's Comin' Up (Barry's album recorded for fan club members only.) Barry then did the Spanish guitar version of Copacabana. He ended the show with Every Single Day. Before he left the stage. The audience yelled Barry Barry Barry to get him to come back on stage for an encore. Barry came back out and said to the audience. I never done this one live. It's Carly's favorite off Barry Manilow my album from nineteen eighty seven. With that Barry did In Another World from the album. To bad we can't stay here all night and order Chinese. But the Palladium wants us out of here. So good night everyone said Barry as he waved to the audience.

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