Friday, July 8, 2016

A New Day.

Carly had talked to Barry right after he ate dinner. After talking to Barry Garry called. Now did Barry make it to London in one piece? asked Garry. Yes Barry and company made it there in one piece  to London. Barry's Delta flight from  JFK left at eleven fifteen am on Tuesday June thirteenth. His flight got in to Heathrow at twelve am Wednesday June fourteenth. After they got their suite cases they all caught cabs to their rental homes. Barry went directly to be. Then he got up ate breakfast. Then he Billy and Kion  took a train to Liverpool to see Brian Murphy in concert. Brian gave Barry three tickets for his Wednesday June fifteenth Liverpool show. Barry, Billy and Kion had tenth row center seats. Billy and Kion sat on Barry's left side. On his right side was a four year old toddler and her grandmother. Barry got into an argument with the grandmother about bringing her four year old to see a sixty nine year old singer.  Barry turned to Kion and explained to him why children under the age of eighteen are not allowed at his shows. They won't understand the messages in the lyrics to my songs. Besides my songwriting partners and I didn't write songs for infants, toddlers, children, pre teens and teens. Our songs were written for adults over the age of eighteen. Yeah I remember the eighty four convention brunch and Q&A said Garry. When one fan bitched to Barry about him  not allowing her four year old to come to his concerts. After she bitched four other fans also bitched  to Barry about the same thing. I remember that too said Carly  The  fan who bitched first was sitting at our table. After Barry made his comment about why he doesn't allow children under eighteen to his concerts. The fan said "what  an a** hole." got up and left the room. Another fan who knew that fan told us she dumped Barry for good. So did the other four fans who also bitched at that Q&A. Barry is an adult contemporary jazz artist. Not a infant, toddler, children, pre teen and teen recording artist said Carly. Barry didn't record "The Wheels On The Bus" or "The Farmer In The Dell." Or any other songs geared to the under eighteen set said Carly. He recorded Paradise Café, Keep Each Other Warm, Do You Know Who's Living Next Door? and ETC. Oh well their loss not Barry's. Because for every fan he's lost over they years he's gained so many more said Garry. Barry said on opening night he saw Charles, Camilla, William and Catherine sitting in the audience. After the show all four of them came back stage to meet Barry and company.. Barry had bought gifts for George and Charlotte. He got George a Tonka dump truck and Charlotte a giraffe. Barry figured the kids would like their gifts. What boy doesn't like a dump truck said Carly. Barry felt Charlotte was a little to young for a Barbie doll. The giraffe came from the Bronx Zoo gift shop. William and Catherine thanked Barry for the kids gifts. Barry told them that his wife Carly got the giraffe from the Bronx Zoo gift shop. He then explained to them that his wife was the head of the veterinary department at the Bronx Zoo.  Then the following day in the London paper their was a photo of Charles, Camilla, Barry, Catherine and William. Barry's staying in London after his Palladium run. That's because his latest musical
Here At The Mayflower is opening at the Palladium this September with the original cast. Before
Barry went to London he auditioned new cast members for Broadway. He's been auditioning cast members for London on his off days. Now those cast members will take over their rolls in January. He auditioning the main cast and their understudies. Here At The Mayflower opens on September twenty third which is a  Friday. He's also arranged to do a album signing at Rough Trade East at 91 Brick Ln Shoreditch. He'll be autographing vinyl copies of Hare At The Mayflower II (Many more stories inside.)  Fans who purchase vinyl copies will get a free  copy of the CD.  Carly said goodbye to Garry so she could let the dogs out. Once back in her phone rang. Hello she said. Hi Carly it's Vicki. So how was the convention? she asked. It was a blast said Vicki. Janice, Kate and myself stayed until Saturday June twenty fifth. We got tickets to see Barry on Sunday  June nineteen. The band didn't start out with Barry's usual number. Saxophone player Michael Lington came out and started playing the intro to Do You Know Who's Living Next Door? from Here At The Mayflower. That's when Barry came out and sang that song. We noticed he was using the fire escape set from his 2001/2002 Manilow Live Tour. That's when he was promoting his Here At The Mayflower album said Vicki. Then he did Turn The Radio Up, Freddie Said and They Danced extended version. After those songs Barry did two new ones called You've Got To Meet Eddie and Who Is The Shadow Man? Barry said  so if your wondering about the last two songs there new songs going on my new album called Here At The Mayflower II (Many more stories inside.) It's being released on November thirteenth which is the exact same day fifteen years ago that Here At The Mayflower came out. My songwriting partners and I knew we weren't done telling all the tenants stories. So there were tenants yet to meet. Tenants with more stories to tell. We decided that we needed to continue the Mayflower apartment building story. Also you have been bugging me about the Shadow Man. Who is this guy and what does he do? I figured it was time you all knew who the Shadow Man was. First off he's not me since my life is very open. You know loads of stuff about me. My full name Barry Alan Pincus last name Manilow now. My birthdate Thursday June 17, 1943 and age 73. My family grandparents Joseph and Esther Manilow, mom Edna Manilow dad Harold Pincus later Kelliher,  stepdad Willie  Murphy, Aunt and Uncle Leo and Rose Tartakow. cousins Dennis Tartakow  and Olivia,  second cousins Greg Tartakow and Jordan Tartakow. My orientation which is straight.  All my girlfriends from Carole to Carly. My marriages to Susan Dexiler and Dr. Carly Nicole Simon. You knew all the places I lived New York City, LA and Palm Springs. Plus a lot of others things I've told you about me said Barry. I patterned the Shadow Man after Brian Elliot Murphy the pop singer I produced albums for and wrote songs for. Brian is way more secretive than me. Bell Records shaved three years off Brian's age. Then when Bell became Arista president Clive Davis just kept up the farce. Brian was actually born on June eighteenth nineteen forty six.  But with the age shave the year got trimmed to nineteen forty nine. Brian has finally admitted that he's  seventy instead of sixty seven. After my Palladium runs ends in August I'll still be here to see my musical get up and running. Barry continued on with his show. At the end Barry said tomorrow in the US it's independence day. Years ago me and Bruce Sussman wrote a song for our nations birthday. It's called Let Freedom Ring so let me sing it to you. Which Barry did.

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