Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hello Garry Calling

Which is true said Barry. People say one thing and do something completely different. I'll agree with you on that said Garry.  Next year I'm rolling out the tour busses again said Barry.  I'll use them in March when I tour Canada. Also when I play the sheds in the summer. I've already figured out what hotel the fan club is using for next years Denver convention. It's the Sheraton Downtown Denver. The  Sheraton Downtown Denver has one thousand two hundred thirty one regular rooms and eighty two suites.. The convention will start on Wednesday July fifth and go thru Sunday July ninth. That's while I'm in Denver for three show at Red Rocks Amphitheatre on Thursday July sixth, Friday July seventh and Saturday July eighth. The BMIFC members will get tickets for both Friday and Saturday nights shows. Saturday before the show we'll be having a picnic. We're having hamburgers, all beef hot dogs, potato salad, coleslaw, chips, buns, drinks and all the fixings. The picnic will be instead of the usual formal sit down diner. Alicia said we have fifteen thousand fans signed up for this years UK convention. Carly's buddies Janice, Kate and Vicki are upset because Carly's not going to this years convention.  Carly explained to them she was coming to the UK in July to celebrate our first wedding anniversary on July twelfth. Carly leaves July eighth on a late night flight. She should get in Saturday July ninth sometime. Carly's staying till Saturday July fifteenth. Her flight leaves sometime after six pm. I'm off on Tuesday July twelfth so we can celebrate our anniversary together said Barry. Then in the fall we're going on vacation somewhere.  We haven't decided exactly where we're going yet. Now Carly's not home yet. But wait till she gets home do I have a surprise for her said Barry. Ok so what did you get her? asked Garry. Well it's got long soft hair and it's so cute. Shellington going to love this. What did you do? said Garry. Last month when I was at BARC for my usual  volunteer day  I saw Shirley with this cute dachshund. I asked her about the dog. Shirley said someone brought it in to BARC. The person said they saw someone throw the dog out of their car window. They stopped and picked up the dog. The person then brought the dog to BARC. Shirley was in the process of  getting the dog ready for adoption. I asked her to put the dog on hold after it was ready for adoption. She said oh are you thinking of adopting the dog? I told yes.  Because Shellington needs someone his own size to play with. Maggie and Max my Labrador Retrievers are too big for Shellington to play with. The dog is a male long haired dachshund.. Just then Barry heard a car door slam. He heard the door open and Carly said hello is any body home? Barry told Garry I'll let you go. Ok talk to you later said Garry. So how was your day? Barry asked Carly. Great said Carly. We have a new baby giraffe male and a new female tiger cub. Just then Maggie and Max came into the living room. Donna told me her son Kevin's was having a new baby. Donna's baby sitting Jake her grandson while his mom has her new baby.  Donna brought Jake over to se the doggies. He said I'm going to have a baby brother.
That's Donna's son Kevin who's wife is having the baby. I just got off the phone with Garry. He said tell Carly we both said hi. and happy birthday  He said he and Denise were coming over in July to see a few shows at the Palladium. Then he said ran into Brian Murphy and Gregory Knoffler at Spagos. Brian said he was leaving for Dublin this coming Saturday. Brian mentioned he was doing Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester, London, Bournemouth and Cardiff. Then It was off to Tel Aviv Israel for two shows in July.  Brian mentioned he and Gregory would be coming back to London to see two of my shows before heading home. He told Garry he needed some time off. This morning I touched base with my fans on Facebook. I posted a new message telling them what's news and what's up,. I gave them a little teaser about my super secret project. I gave them a hint. Which was doors and windows. OMG are you talking about the people who live at the Mayflower apartment building? asked Carly. Now after putting  out Here At The Mayflower in two thousand one. Fans hoped you'd put out another album with more stories to tell from the Mayflower . few wondered who really is the shadow man? Are you the shadow man and was that song written about you? Did Ken get a better paying job? How's Joe  getting along now that his beloved Esther's gone?  Now that Freddie was dead who took over as the elevator operator? Plus the rest of the tenants we haven't met and their stories. I always wanted an other album about the Mayflower said Carly. That was one of my favorite albums of yours said Carly. The other ones were 2:00AM Paradise Café, Barry  Manilow your first pop album,  Barry Manilow At The Gershwin, Showstoppers, Night Song and New York State Of Mind.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Barry Stuff

Fictional Barry Manilow's new merchandise. Two baseball caps and two tee shirts.
                 Putting It Together The Song Of Stephen Sondheim album baseball cap.
                                       Barry Manilow Putting It Together Tour baseball cap.
                                           Barry Manilow Putting It Together Tour tee shirt.
                                           It's A Manilow Thing Only Fans Understand shirt.

Barry's Facebook Message 5/21/16

Hi Gang
It's me Barry coming at you with exciting news. I've been working on a super secret project. This one is something your going to love. Believe you me you going to love it. I know some of you asked for another jazz album 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Well I sort of dumped that idea for something else. Oh No! I can see some of you freaking right now. "What do you mean no 2:00AM Paradise Café II." We were looking so forward to that. Calm down everyone. I can give you a hint about the super secret project. Two words doors and windows. Doors and windows really? Yes really  doors and windows. Now I'm still putting out my Putting It Together album. It's already to be released on Tuesday June twenty first. That's the day there will be a record signing at Rough Trade records. The signing will
start at one pm and go till four pm.. I'll be signing copies of the Putting It Together CD. I hope to see you UK fans there. Then on Sunday November thirteenth I'll be doing another signing this time at Rough Trade records Williamsburg. Actually it's an album signing because I'll be signing vinyl copies of my super secret project. Tickets will go on sale at the end of August for the New Years Eve shows. That's Radio City Music Hall Wednesday December twenty eighth thru Sunday January first. The BMIFC is planning a New Years Eve Party weekend for Friday December thirty thru Sunday January first. We will be using the same hotel as last years NYC Rhythm Convention the Grand Hyatt.  It took us two days to record the Putting It Together album. It was recorded at Carnegie Hall with  the New York Pops Orchestra. Plus my band and back up singers. We were at Carnegie Hall February twenty fifth and twenty sixth. After I come back from "Merry Old England" I'm going on vacation with Carly. We haven't decided exactly where we're going. I do know we're going by rail. I enjoyed taking the train last year. We took Amtrak's Adirondack to Montreal and Via Rail to Quebec. Just like last years tour across America by tour bus. Which I loved,  So I'm doing that again in March two thousand seventeen when I tour Canada Plus during the summer when I play the outdoor sheds. Well I have some dogs looking at me wanting to go out.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Goodbye Everyone Now Really!

Carly got every other weekend off from the Bronx Zoo. This being her weekend off Carly decided to check Facebook to see what was going on over there. Someone had posted two concert videos of Barry's. The person said they were the last two shows that Barry was going to do ever. What said Carly is this person talking about last two shows. The last two shows Barry did was in June of two thousand fifteen. The PBS taping of Great Performances Wednesday June seventeenth. And the BMIFC members only concert at the Delacorte  Theatre in Central Park Saturday June twentieth. The next batch of shows would be this summer in London at the Palladium between Friday June seventeenth and Saturday August twenty seventh. Barry had always wanted to do a short run on London's West End. Just like he did twice on Broadway. Once at the Gershwin Theatre in nineteen eighty nine and the St. James Theatre in two thousand thirteen.  The show would be Thursday thru Sunday of each week. With Barry having Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays off. Barry would be off till the last week in December. That's when he was doing five nights at Radio City Music Hall from Wednesday December twenty eighth thru Sunday January first. March two thousand eighteen Barry was touring Canada. Summer two thousand eighteen would be the sheds tour. Barry would be playing outdoor venues all across the US. Barry had just finished his new album Barry Manilow The New York Pops Orchestra Putting It Together The Songs of Stephen Sondheim. It was a tribute album to one of his favorite Broadway songwriters. He was doing a duet with Barbra Streisand on the song Somewhere from West Side Story. So Carly couldn't figure out why this person thought this was the end for Barry when it wasn't. Carly knew that Brian Murphy wanted to slow it down. But then he has a ton of health issues to deal with and Barry didn't. Just then the phone rang. Carly picked it up and said hello. Hello Carly it's Garry is Barry home? Not he's out picking up his car. His car said Garry was there something wrong with it. Oh didn't Barry tell you last fall his two thousand thirteen Range Rover was leaking gasoline. No he didn't said Garry. Well it was said Carly. So he took it to Dave's Auto Import repair shop. Dave put it up on the rack only to discover the gas tank had a big rust hole in it. Dave told Barry he'd be better off getting a new SUV that replacing the gas tank. So Barry sold Dave his Range Rover for parts. So I take it he's getting a new Range Rover? asked Garry. I think so said Carly. Just then Carly heard a door close. She looked out the window and saw Barry getting out of a blue SUV. Barry just came home but that sure doesn't look like a Range Rover out there. From what I can tell from here it's blue said Carly. Barry came in the front door. I'm home he said. Carly said I'm on the phone with Garry. He thought you were getting a new Range Rover. But that SUV sure doesn't look like a Range Rover. No it's not said Barry. Range Rovers start around Sixty five thousand dollars. By the time you add taxes and other charges they're over ninety five thousand or more. I still got an SUV but I paid less money for it. Which is exactly  what I did said Barry. Carly put Garry on speaker phone so he could hear Barry talk. My new SUV is a two thousand sixteen Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. The color is true blue pearl exterior. The interior is Morocco black leather. So with taxes and other charges I paid thirty five thousand, three hundred and seventy nine for my new SUV. It will fit me, Carly and the three dogs said Barry. I just couldn't see shelling out at lot of money on another Range Rover. The BMW, the Roll Royce and all the Range Rovers I had in the past were expensive vehicles. I have driven Carly's Jeep Wrangler a few times.  And I liked how it felt when I drove it.  Did you hear about Brian Murphy's Night Time With Brian? asked Garry.  It was after Brian's second show at the Pantages Theatre in LA. Yes I heard he was doing one said Barry. I got to go thanks to Gregory Knofler Brian's husband said Garry. It was sort of interesting.
He thanked his son who just graduated from college, his daughter and his husband. Really said Barry. Brian doesn't have any kids. Gregory Knofler has a daughter Elizabeth from a relationship with one of his beards. Gregory is gay but he's always had a beard when he goes out somewhere. One of his beards got pregnant and had a little girl. Last month Carly and I saw Brian at the Barclay Center said Barry. Of course Suzanne and Scott were there. I think they were looking to see if I had shown up. A few of Brian's fans saw me with Carly going to our seats. After the concert we went to Nibbles for a drink and a snack. Carly saw Alan, Suzanne and Scott come into Nibbles. Luckily they didn't see us. We were out in the glass enclosed patio. They were over closer to the bar. Brian mentioned he could put his suitcase away. He wouldn't have to shave any more. I guess he wants to look like Grizzly Adams said Barry. If I let my beard grow I'd look like a bum. Brian will be in the UK next month for some shows. Plus the one show in Tel Aviv Israel. Now what about Europe, Russia, Asia, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Mexico and South America? asked Garry. He's got fans in those parts of the world who want him to saw thank you one last time to them. Besides he's never ever been down to South America except on vacation.   What is it "Say one thing and do another." said Barry.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Barclay Center Brooklyn Sunday April 17, 2016

Barry and Carly had tickets for Brian Murphy's One Last Time concert at the Barclay Center. They had pretty good seats in the third row right of center. The house light dimed and his intro number started. Out came Kye Brackett, Sharon Hendricks and Melanie Taylor singing the who who who's. Which was the start to It's A Miracle. Out came Brian to sing "You wouldn't believe where I've been the cities and towns I've been in. From Boston to Brooklyn and every town in between." He then did the up tempo version of Could It Be Magic. Daybreak, This One's For You, Somewhere In The Night and Looks Like We Made It. Back in the seventies when I was just starting out I was given songs by the head of Bell Records. The songs were written by a songwriter named Barry Manilow. Who is in the audience tonight. So maybe if we clap loudly enough we can get him to come up here on stage. That's what they audience did they clapped very loudly and chanted Barry Barry Barry. Barry got up out of his seat and went to where he could go up on stage. Everyone my dear friend who wrote songs  for me and produced my early albums Barry Manilow. When Barry Manilow walked onto the stage he got a standing ovation. Yes back in the early seventies Barry helped me out. I can sing but I don't write songs nor did I do any producing of albums. Barry , his songwriting partners and Ron Dante helped me out. By writing songs for me and producing my early albums. That began our  friendship which has lasted for a long time. Now where are the Guinness Guys? asked Brian. Out came two guys from the Guinness Book of World Records. They're here tonight to present a special Guinness Book of World Records. It's a first time the Guinness Book of World Records people have ever given this world record out. This Guinness Book of World Records is for the first Broadway songwriter to ever have four musicals on Broadway at one time Barry Manilow.  There's a revival of Copacabana at the Gershwin Theatre, Harmony Marquis Theatre since two thousand three, 15 Minutes Palace Theatre since two thousand eleven and Here At The Mayflower Broadway Theatre October of two thousand fifteen, If your in New York for a little longer check out one of his fantastic musicals. So after the guys gave Barry his Guinness plague. Brian asked Barry if they could do a duet together. Barry said sure. Brian and Barry did a duet on Turn The Radio Up from Here At The Mayflower. Soon the show was over. Carly told Barry she wanted to make a quick stop at the ladies room. Good idea said Barry. I think I'll hit the men's room while we're still here. One inside one of the ladies room stalls  Carly heard a familiar voice. Carly knew it belonged to Suzanne Somers. So she stayed in the stall until she knew Suzanne was gone. Once she came out another person said look what I got. I got Suzanne Somers autograph. The girl mentioned that Suzanne said that Barry Manilow was here with his partner Scott Nevins. Some other fan came out of a stall and said oh really. Suzanne told you that said the second girl. Yes she did said the first girl. Interesting when my friend Laurie saw Barry with a woman. Laurie said they were holding hands as they were going in with an usher to find their seats.  Laurie and I happen to be fans of Barry Manilow's as well as Brian Murphy. Barry got married last year to his fiancée veterinarian Dr. Carly Simon. Barry put his entire wedding video on his M-TV site last September for all us fans to see. So I don't know where Suzanne Somers got her information from. Barry's  fans know that Scott Nevins has had the major hot's for Barry for a long time. Scott would like nothing better than to have Barry as his husband. Not going to happen ever said the one fan. Carly left the ladies room and saw Barry. She told him everything that happened while she was in the ladies room. Barry said to Carly come on lets get out of here before we're spotted by Suzanne and Scott. Once outside the Barclay Center Barry hailed a cab. He gave the cab driver the address of the place where he wanted to go for an after concert drink. Once at the restaurant they were seated by a window. Barry ordered two appetizers onion straws and sweet potato fries. He also ordered two glasses of merlot. While I was in the ladies room stall I heard Suzanne's voice. So I waited till I didn't hear her voice any more. Then I came out of my stall. When I came out one fan showed me the piece of paper with Suzanne's autograph on it said Carly. The fan then told me that Suzanne said Barry was here with his partner Scott Nevins. That's when another fan Janet came out and stood on the other side of me. She said oh yeah! My friend Tracy saw Barry going into the main floor holding hands with a woman. That Janet said her friend Tracy figured that the woman was his wife. The fan on my left said what wife? He doesn't have a wife he's gay.  Janet said he's not gay and yes he has a wife. The fan on my left went out in a huff.  The other fan said she sure believed what Suzanne told her. All us Manilow fans know all about Scott Nevins and how he has the major hot's for Barry. Also all of us fans find Scott Nevins  discussing. Actually I think he's ugly said Janet. I'm Janet what's your name? I said it's Carly. Janet said fans are so happy that Barry got  married. Barry and Carly were enjoying their late night munches. When Carly said don't turn around but Alan, Suzanne and Scott just walked in said Carly. Thank God we're sitting out on the glass enclosed patio said Barry. It looks like they got seated way over near the bar said Carly . Which is a good thing because we will be able to leave without them seeing us. I made a list of places we should go for this years vacation. I'm not really doing much of anything this coming fall said Barry. I'll be busy at the end of December with my concerts at Radio City Music Hall. Wednesday December twenty eighth thru Sunday January first.  Remember that was the puzzle I put out for you fans to solve last year. All money from the five shows is going to charity.  I was thinking we should go in either September or October. As for places to go I'm thinking we should go by Amtrak again. I really enjoyed the train ride we took last year for our honeymoon said Barry. So where would you like to go Carly? he said. Hum! thought Carly. Let me think about that. Now I do want to go on Amtrak again said Barry.