Monday, March 28, 2016

I won't be back to these cities again.

I Won't Be Back To These Cities Any More. Was the title of an article in the Cincinnati Enquirer paper. Fans saw the article and began to panic figuring Barry was giving up touring. The fans were all over everywhere. The BMIFC's Barry Network site, Barry's Facebook page and even their own Facebook groups/pages for him. The fan were freaking out major. Barry happened to go over to his Facebook page and saw them freaking out. Now just wait a darn minute thought Barry. When did I say I wouldn't be back to any of those cities. Barry went and read the article and realized it was about Brian Murphy not him. I kind of figured he was retiring from the road. When I was in Los Angeles last month Brian and I were presenters at the Grammy Awards. Brain and Gregory came to my after Grammy party at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. That's where he talked about the late planes, the hotels and the room service. He then mentioned about maybe going back to headlining in Las Vegas again. Brain told me he and Gregory Knoffler his manager were looking into two hotels/casinos the Alon or
Resorts World. Both of them won't open until two thousand eighteen some time. Brian has been around since nineteen seventy three. That was forty three years ago. No wonder Brian was getting so tired of being on the road. He does have some health issues to deal with. Brian has atrial fibrillation, hip problems and arthritis. While I don't have any health issues what so ever. Then I didn't start my recording career till nineteen eighty three. Nineteen eighty four was when I went on tour for the first time. My songwriting partners and I wrote some songs that were jazz flavored. However we could not come up with an idea for a musical we could put these song in. I shelved the songs. But I realized I wanted everyone to hear those songs. So I put them out on an album for everyone to hear. Then I
haven't been on the road the entire thirty three years of my recording and performing career. When
I have an idea for an album I create it put it out. Then I go out and promote it with a tour. I don't sit at the piano the entire two hours I'm on stage. But then again I don't do pelvic thrusts or any other dirty hot body moves like Brian dose. I could tell when I read the article that Brian's getting tired of all of that. It to bad his he doesn't have the back bone to tell his fans "NO I need some time off." Instead he just continues to tour all over the UK and US. Now my fans don't beg me to come here go there and all over everywhere said Barry. The thing is I kind of like going on the road to perform. It keeps me from getting too sedentary. I get to see different places. I do get plenty of exercise while I'm up on stage performing . Then I get to meet the fans who have supported my career for the last forty five years. Last year was a total blast we went by tour busses like the country artists do. That why next year when I'm playing Canada in March I'll be going by tour busses. Same with next summer when I do the outdoor sheds tour busses. Barry then went over to his Facebook page to post a very quick message. "Hi Gang it's me Barry. Just so you know what I'm up to right now. I'm getting ready to put out a new album for this coming fall. You guys are going to love it. Especially those of you who just loved my nineteen ninety one Showstoppers album. Right now. I'm in the studio with the New York Pops Orchestra,. Plus my band and backup singers. I'm recording a tribute album to my very favorite Broadway songwriter Stephen Sondheim. Stephen wrote Sunday In The Park With George, Follies, Sweeny Todd and others. He also wrote the score to West Side Story with Leonard Bernstein. The album is being called Barry Manilow The New York Pops Orchestra Putting It Together The Songs of Stephen Sondheim. This new album is filled with some of my favorite Stephen Sondheim songs. The title of the album Putting It Together comes from Sunday In The Park With George. Prior to me recording the song my friend Barbra Streisand recorded it on her first Broadway album. I asked both her and Stephen if I could use her version of the song. I got a yes one from each of them. I asked the New York Pops Orchestra if they wanted to be on this album. They were very thrilled to be a part of this album. They will also be on stage with me for my five night Radio City Music Hall run at the end of this year. That will be Wednesday December twenty eighth thru Sunday January first. I'm targeting the album release date for Tuesday October eighteenth of this year. You know what that means album debut the day before it's released. That will be Monday October seventeenth at Carnegie Hall with the New York Pops Orchestra, my band and backup singers. I've invited a very special guest to sing a duet of Somewhere from West Side Story with me Barbra Streisand. Barbra did a duet of Somewhere with me on the album. I'm even asking her to open the show with me when I sing Putting It Together. I will let you all know when the tickets for Carnegie Hall go on sale. Ok I see two wagging tails that need to go outside. If you're saying hey wait a minute where's the third wagging tail. Carly's Beagle Charlie just passed away yesterday. He was ten years old and had a very bad heart. He's in doggie heaven with all the other dogs  both me and Carly had. For now love and sloppy wet kisses from me., Barry" He finished his Facebook message and then got up to take the dogs out. Yesterday Barry had to take Carly's Beagle Charlie to the veterinarians. Barry went to get the dogs up he found Charlie in his doggie bed unresponsive.  When he got Charlie to the office vet tech Tracy took Barry right back to examine room three. Charlie's doctor Dr. Landon came in. He knew right away what was wrong with Charlie. His heart had finally given out on him. Charlie had a heart problem for quite some time. Dr. Landon told Barry that Charlie heart just gave out. He explained about Charlie's heart condition and that Carly knew all about it. Barry called Carly at work to tell her what happened. Also that the veterinarians office would take care of Charlie. Barry left the office minus Charlie. Barry thought maybe he'd go to BARC early. So he headed over there. Once there he ran into Shirley and told her about Charlie. Barry decided to do some dog walking. He asked about Susie the female dachshund. Susie had been thrown out of a car pregnant. Luckily someone saw Susie being thrown out of the car and stopped to pick her up. She was brought to BARC where she gave birth to seven puppies. Four females and three males. Shirley told Barry everyone got adopted but the runt. He was one of the male puppies.  Barry decided to take him out for a walk. Once back inside he took off the leash. He picked the puppy up and petted his fur. You need a good home said Barry And  I know the perfect home for you mine and Carly's. Also Carly needs you. Just as much as you need her. Barry adopted
a cat Madeline. However Charlie, Maggie and Max all barked and growled at her.  Madeline the cat went back to the shelter.  Barry went to find Shirley to ask about adopting the little puppy. She told Barry  the adoption fee was the same for both dogs and cats.   He then told Shirley he wanted to adopt the little puppy. Carly has tomorrow off said Barry. Carly gives all her employs off on their birthday. If their birthday lands on their weekend off  she gives them Friday off. So I'm going to bring her here tomorrow to pick up the little guy in the morning. Barry left and went to Petco to get some stuff. He got Rachel 's dish beef dog food, Rachel Ray beefy dog treats, two dog bowls, leash,
a dog bed and some squeaky toys. Barry then went home. Once at home Barry put it all away in the dog closet. Down on the garden floor the dogs had their own closet where they kept all the dogs stuff.  Besides going and picking up the little puppy tomorrow Barry had a few other surprises up his sleeve for Carly's birthday. Barry thought about the last nine months. Marring Carly last year was the
one of the best things he ever did. Finally finding the girl of his dreams. Then marring her was the
right thing to do. Now sometimes you don't find the right person until your much older. Which is what happened in his case. He didn't find the right person until he was in his late sixties. That's when he found Carly. She was everything he had wanted and more in the right person. Just then he heard the front door open. Is any body home said Carly. Yes said Barry. The dogs were running out of dog food so I went to Petco to pick some up. Are you still ok after I called you about Charlie? he asked.  Yes I'm ok said Carly. Well tomorrow you're off said Barry and it's your birthday. I do have some surprises for you for tomorrow he said. On my lunch hour I made my reservations for my flight in July to London. I leave Friday July eighth from JFK on Delta flight 357 . My flight leaves at two fifteen am. That should get me into Heathrow airport at nine forty two. Janice and Vicki are very ticked off at me. Why? asked Barry. Because they wanted me to room with them for the BMIFC UK convention in June. I told them no I wasn't going to the convention. They wanted to know why I wasn't going to the convention. I said I have an anniversary on July twelfth and I want to celebrate it with Barry. Katie was the only one of the three who totally understood. Besides it's our first wedding anniversary,  Barry went into the kitchen to finish up dinner. Something smelled really good. Ok so what's for dinner? asked Carly. Spinach salad chicken piccata mushroom risotto with peas said Barry. Sounds yummy said Carly. Carly went upstairs to get out of her work clothes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Facebook Post for 3/13/16

HI Gang
It's me Barry here. First off thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my New York State Of Mind album. As you heard and saw I won Best Jazz Vocal Album for New York State Of Mind. I remembered to thank my wife Carly, my manager Marc and of course you guys my fans. So what's news well I'm doing  NYE in NYC at RCMH, 5/N W/D/28, Thurs/D/29, F/D/30, S/D/31 and Sun/J/1. Tickets for those shows will go on sale later this summer. I'm letting you know about this ahead of time so you can make your plans. You know airfare, hotel and etc. Alicia mentioned the fan club should have a "Big Fun In  NYC for NYE weekend. The Big Fun weekend would include  two tickets to my shows Friday December thirtieth and Saturday December thirty-first, sit-down dinner before Fridays show, NYE party after Saturdays show and a Q&A brunch on Sunday. I will again as always get great rates for the hotel. I'm thinking the Grand Hyatt would be the perfect hotel. So once we get everything figured out we'll let you all know. Canadian fans I haven't forgot about you. Get ready for March  two thousand seventeen when I am going up north to do some shows. I'll be doing shows in Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vancouver. If you happen to see a bunch of tour busses and a small motor coach with the Brooklyn Blues Tour logo on them honk. That will be us traveling down the Canadian highways. I used tour busses last year and had a blast seeing America from outside the tour bus window. Instead of looking down on America from an airplane. We got to stop in some quaint cities and towns along our trip. I'm even going by tour bus next March when I tour Canada. Dave Koz thought I was nuts for doing that. I explained to Dave that Carly bought me a copy of a book she has called Travels With Charlie by  John Steinbeck. John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes Of  Wrath, Cannery Row and etc. John his poodle Charlie went on a year long road trip. From the east to the Midwest to the west and deep south. It sounded like  John
Steinbeck and his poodle Charlie had a blast going on the road. So that's why I tried it. Hey US fans summertime and the sheds are calling. Yes you heard me right the outdoor sheds are calling me. Oh Barry Manilow come perform on us. So what dose that mean for you fans. Well it means summer
two thousand seventeen I'm doing the outdoor sheds. From MA Mansfield (Boston) Xfinity Center to AZ Phoenix AK-Chen Pavilion. I have the list of outdoor venues that I'm going to be doing up on my
Facebook page. So go check it out. Alicia and I are thinking  about another convention in. I hope you are too. We're leaning towards Denver Colorado when I do two nights at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Let me know what kind of stuff you want to do during the convention. Now in place of the formal sit down dinner we're thinking of having a picnic before the first concert. A Q&A brunch.  I'm thinking Barry Bingo with me calling the numbers. I'll make the last Bingo game if you get all the squares you win. What will that lucky fan win. A chance to met me backstage back stage after the show. Then they will get a ride back to hotel with me. I've got to let you go nature is calling for Charlie, Maggie and Max. They're looking at me and going to the studio door.
Take Care Love and sloppy wet kisses from me and the dogs.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Home Again

Barry had been on his iMac doing some looking over on Facebook. What the he double hockey sticks said Barry. Did I say this was my last tour. No I did not.  I started the Brooklyn Blues Tour last year. Leg one began February tenth and ended on June twelfth of last year. I did three shows in NYC. The Carnegie Hall benefit, the PBS Great Performance taping and the fan club members only concert at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park. Then I took time off to get married to my fiancĂ©e Dr. Carly N. Simon. Honeymooned in Montreal and Quebec Canada. Went on Good Morning America with my songwriting partners and the cast of Here At The Mayflower in October. Spent Thanksgiving in the Big Easy New Orleans with Carly. Stayed at home for Christmas and New Years. This year so far I've been to LA for the Grammy Awards and I hosted my first ever Grammy party. Then I'm off to London the last two weeks in May to rehearse for my three month Palladium run. I am coming back to the US June sixth thru June fourteenth for the Tony Awards. I'm performing with the cast of Here At The Mayflower. That musical might just be up for some Tony Awards this year. Then it's  New Years Eve in New York City at Radio City Music Hall Wednesday December twenty-eighth thru
Sunday January first. I canceled my Barry Manilow Friends and Fans Cruise. I guess I have to many fans who get sea sick. Because not enough fans signed up for it. Now I'm also working on a new idea for an album for early two thousand seventeen. I'm targeting February fourteenth of next year. Maybe that's Brian Murphy who's not going to tour any more. Brian did tell me he was thinking about going back to headlining in Las Vegas again said Barry. So maybe that's who the fans were talking about Brian Murphy not me. I'm in the planning stages of the next leg of my Brooklyn Blues Tour for two thousand seventeen. It's the summer sheds tour. From the  Xfinity Center in Boston to the AK-Chen Pavilion in Phoenix. And of course I'll be traveling by tour buss again. I already have four  Newell  Porsche Coaches two thousand fourteen. They have my Barry Manilow Brooklyn Blues Tour logo on them. I'm getting another coach. This one is a Dynamax dx3 It's smaller than the Newell Porsche coaches are. I have my ten piece band, three backup singers, me and my PA David Taylor. I decided to splitting to band and Kye into two busses. Sasha Thomas, Kate Michaels and Melanie Nyema get the third buss. The fourth bus is for Ken Newman sound, Seth Jackson lighting, Andy Mason tour manager and Cameron Kelly wardrobe. Me and David Taylor will be in the Dynamax dx3. We'll take turns driving form city to city. The sheds tour is June, July and August of two thousand seventeen. I've already printed out calendar pages for June, July and August. That's so I can put the cities on the correct days I'll be playing them. This time I'm starting from the east coast Boston MA and going to the west coast Phoenix AZ. Prior to the sheds tour I'm going across Canada from Quebec to Vancouver in March. Garry suggested that I tour across Canada the same way I toured last year from Seattle to Philadelphia. I had a blast doing that road trip last year. You know I'm kind of liking the tour bus idea. You get to see more of America that way. Now we'll have to get the tour busses ready for Canada in March. Also the sheds for June, July and August of next year. Just then phone rang and Barry picked it up. Hello he said. Hello Barry it's Garry. What's up Garry? asked Barry. Well I heard Clive Davis is collaborating with Johnny Mathis on a concept album. Really Clive and those concept albums said Barry. Marc called early and told me fans were bitching about my no one under twenty
policy at my shows. I'm an adult contemporary jazz artist not an artist who sings songs for the under twenty crowd. I told Marc that I think fans do that so the artist will never retire from performing. So here's a new generation of fans that want to see you perform. However this new generation is way to young to understand the messages in the songs.  Carly, Janice, Kate and Vicki went to see Brian Murphy at the Barclay Center on Saturday night. Carly called me after they got there to tell me the lobby was crawling with kids. Yes you heard me right kids. Loads of mothers brought their kids to Brian's show. A fan named Debbie who was sitting next to Vicki. Thought it was so cute when Brian sang Can't Smile Without You with an eight year old named Emily. Barry told Garry he was going to let him go so he could fix dinner. So what's on the menu? asked Garry. Burgers on the grill with the fixings and German potato salad. Just then Carly walked in. Garry's on the phone said Barry. Hi Garry yelled Carly. Barry then hung up the phone to get dinner started.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Oh Brother!

Oh Brother! Is right.  Barry had called Carly to tell her he was coming back a day late. Carly told Barry that was ok. After Carly got off the phone with Barry she got another call. This call was from Marc. Hi Carly it's Marc is Barry around? No he's still in LA. I just finished talking to him. Why what's up? she asked. Well Scott Nevins dropped a major bomb shell to The National Enquirer for their next issue. Oh Really said Carly.  Yes really said Marc. What's the major bomb shell that he dropped? she asked. Well that you and Barry never consummated your marriage vows. And he has the proof to back it up. Now how would Scott have the proof when he wasn't with us in our hotel room on our wedding night. So he wouldn't know exactly what we did that said Carly. Then as you know after he got out of jail he made a bee line straight to Montreal. He was hoping he could stop us from having our honeymoon. We stayed over night at TRYP 345 W. 35th St. It was four blocks from Penn Station. In Montreal was stayed at Hotel Zero 01 Rene Levesque Blvd. Then in Quebec we stayed at TRYP PUIR 395 Rue de la Couronne. We actually gave everyone the name of a different hotel in Montreal. The only people that knew our actual hotel was you, Garry and my parents. That was because we figured Scott would come up to Montreal to stop us from having a good time. He's still trying to find a way to break us up any way he can so he can have Barry as his partner. Sorry that's not going to happen ever. Yes we consummated our marriage on our wedding night. When Barry called earlier he told me he ran into Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel. Barry said hi to them. Then Suzanne asked where's the Mrs? Barry said he told her at home in Brooklyn.  Oh but I figured she's be out here with you said Suzanne. She not Barry said because Jeff Houston's daughter got married on Sunday February fourteenth. Jeff asked for that weekend off long before I found out I was nominated for a Grammy Barry told her. Barry went on to tell her how good I am to my entire veterinary staff. Veterinarians, vet techs and etc. If they need time off  she gave it to them or switched days with them. Her dad Dr. John Simon was the same way when he was head of the Bronx Zoo's veterinary department. That's why Dr. Jeffery Houston declined Dr. Simon's job as the head of the veterinary department at Bronx Zoo. He know  Dr. Simon's  daughter Carly was the right person to fill her dads shoes. That's why Carly is now the head of the veterinary department as the Bronx Zoo.  By the way did Barry tell you we're going to the Met Gala in May on the second. No he didn't tell me that said Marc. Now that will be your first black tie event said Marc. Yes It  will said Carly. I asked Barry if I had to go glitz. He asked me what I meant by glitz. No you don't have to wear something with sequins said Barry.  Just something that looks formal. So did you find an evening dress to wear?asked Marc. Yes I did find a  evening dress to wear said Carly. It's by fashion designer Alberta Feretti so are my shoes. I got a two piece bohemian looking evening gown. The top is a taupe color with the bottom being white. Then I asked what kind of shoes the runway model had on? The lady at Alberta Ferretti's shop looked them up on the computer. She showed me the photo of a pair of taupe strappy sandals. She ordered the two piece dress and sandals for me.  In fact my wedding dress was also by Alberta Ferretti.  Oh yeah I remember that said Marc. Barry completely lost it when you came in to
the room. With my evening dress I'm wearing some gold bangles and my engagement ring.  I had someone once asked me why? I didn't wear my engagement ring. I said to them being a veterinarian at the Bronx Zoo. I didn't think it would a  good idea to wear the ring while working on the animals. I then showed them my wedding band. That same person asked about the design on the ring. So I showed them a photo of the wedding rings side by side. The person then understood what the design on my ring meant. Last night when I was on Facebook I saw a post where someone called Suzanne
Somers an unflattering name. That she dresses like a slut with her low cut neckline side slit dresses that she wears. Only certain people can pull off the low cut necklines and side slit dresses. Simply put she's not one of them that can pull that off.  Other people commented and agreed with the poster.  She even got called a sleazy slut. Of course a lot of people don't like all her hormone and medical talk. One other Barry Manilow fan asked me if Barry practiced her hormone stuff. I told them I didn't know. After Barry and I started dating I asked him that question. He said absolutely no way do I practice what she preaches. I don't need hormone therapy or hormone replacement.