Tuesday, April 28, 2015

One Voice BMFC Pt. 2

Barry's show ended with Copacabana from his first Tony award winning musical of the same name. Plus Stars In The Night from another of  his Tony award winning musicals Harmony with the Evanston High School chorus backing him up. Barry then went off stage. The crowd went completely nuts chanting Barry, Barry, We want Barry. Barry had no choice but to come back out. The fifty-eight One Voice members yelled out "We love you Barry." You guys are something else and I am totally flabbergasted said Barry. Ok I have time for one more said Barry. Aw they all chimed. Ok maybe two more. Barry then said I'm going to need help on this one. There is someone here tonight in the audience who has a beautiful voice. Her name is Carly. Can we have to house lights on said Barry. The house came on and Barry looked out. He soon spotted Carly. Barry said Carly can you come up here? Carly got out of her seat and came up towards the stage. She went to the side opening and went backstage. She came on the stage and went to stand next to Barry. For those who don't know this is Dr. Carly Simon  she's a veterinarian at the Bronx zoo in New York. She's also my fiancée. What I didn't know was Carly has a beautiful voice. She doesn't know this but I caught her singing the song Somewhere from West Side Story one day. So do you think if we ask her nicely she'll maybe duet with me on this song. Why not said Carly. So the audience was treated to a duet of Somewhere by Barry and Carly. After the duet Barry gave Carly a kiss on her cheek. The Evanston chorus was still on stage. Carly left the stage so Barry could  sing One Voice Acapella with the chorus. Barry left the stage once again. No luck the audience still wouldn't let him leave. You all are too much said Barry. So he went to the piano and sang Forever And A Day which he wrote for his fans. After the song ended Barry got up blew the audience a kiss and left the stage.The house lights came on and everyone stared to leave. Debbie Nelson went to find Carly and Susan. She told them David Taylor Barry's personal assistant came to her seat right before the second half started. He told me to tell you that he wanted our entire fan club to stay here. Because he was coming out to meet all of us. David said as soon as Barry took off his makeup and changed clothes he'd be out to talk to all of us. Carly and Susan went around and told their members to come down to the seats close to the stage. Soon Barry came out. He jumped up to sit on the stage floor. Hi everyone Barry said. Hi Barry they all chimed in. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for starting that Can't Smile Without You sing along. You ladies are something else. Carly went to her handbag to get an envelope she brought with her. This is for the Manilow Music Project. Two of our members created stuff that we auctioned off. Janice Leonard did a painting and some charcoal drawings of you. While Debbie Nelson did a full sized quilt with the patches being your one voice profile logo We also made one voice logo tee shirts. Which we sold for ten dollars. We raised a grand total of ten thousand dollars. In side the envelope is a check for five thousand dollars. The other five thousand dollars went to purchasing musical instruments. We gave those instruments to The High School for Business and Technology, Progress High School for Professional Careers and the High School for Legal Studies. These three schools used to be Eastern District High School. As you know your high school moved from Keep St. to Grant St. In the late 90's the school almost closed. However it didn't when a new principle took over and changed things  around. All three schools share a performing arts department. With three concert bands, two jazz bands and a dance group. Susan and I went out and bought some brand new Yamaha musical instruments with the other five thousand dollars. We then went over to their music department and explained to their band directors who we were and what we did. I explained to head band directors about the three schools once being one school called Eastern District High School. I told him that one of Eastern District High School's alumni was Broadway songwriter/Jazz artist Barry Manilow. I told them you had started the Manilow Music Project which raised money to get musical instruments into the schools that could use them. I told them "Barry doesn't know this but we raised ten thousand dollars for his Manilow Music Project." I then told them that we took half of the money and put that into a check. Which I was going to give to you. The other half we bought new Yamaha musical instruments which we are giving to you. We gave them a drum set, three saxophones, three clarinets two flutes and one trombone. The band and jazz band directors were floored at our donation of new musical instruments. We do have a regular charity which is the Harmony Program for New York City. They are an after school music program for New York City kids.We did two car washes  and two bake sales. We raised seven hundred dollars for them. Carly then handed Barry a tissue. Just incase you need this. Barry thanked Carly, Susan and their members for this special gift. Barry then said hey David. David came out. Barry jumped off the stage. He asked everyone in the front row to move over one seat. Barry then sat in between Carly and Susan. He asked David to step back and take a picture of him with the members. So David stepped back and took a photo with Barry and the members in it. Barry and the girls all said cheese as David took the picture. Barry thanked them for their love and support. He gave both Carly and Susan a kiss on their cheeks. He said goodbye to them as he left to go back to his hotel.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

One Voice BMFC PT. 1

Little did Barry know that a buss load of fifty-eight Barry Manilow fans from New York City had made the trek to Chicago, They went there originally for his three Chicago shows. But when they heard what Brian Murphy's fans were saying about their man. Plus what Suzanne Somers had said about their man and his former manager Garry. They knew they had made the right decision to make the trek to Chicago. The trip was arranged by the co-directors  Carly Simon and Susan Barrett of the One Voice Barry Manilow Fan Club. . The One Voice Barry Manilow fan club was started by best friends Carly Simon and Susan Barrett. Carly and Susan met their freshman year of high school. Carly and Susan decided to go see the musical Copacabana when it opened on Broadway in October 1978. While sitting next to each other they decided Barry Manilow needed a local New York City area fan club. So that's how the One Voice Barry Mnailow fan club was born. It grew into a fifty-eight member New York area fan club for Broadway songwriter/ jazz artist Barry Manilow.. Their members came from the five boroughs of New York City and Nassau county. They held regular meeting once a month. They went as group to every one of Barry's musicals when they came to Broadway. Then when Barry chose to try his luck as a jazz recording artist, And recorded  his first album 2:00AM Paradise Café. They followed him into that realm and went to all his New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Atlantic City shows. That's when they started having their all night video parties to watch his concert videos. They even went as a group to his fan club conventions. Every member had worn their One Voice BMFC logo jacket to keep warm since it was in the fifties. The members were sprinkled throughout the main floor of the Chicago Theatre. When it got close to "Manilow Time." The time that Barry usually started his show. The One Voice BMFC members started singing " You know I can't smile without you. I can't smile without you." Once they started singing everyone in the theatre started singing along with them. David went to tell Barry about  some fans who started singing the song Can't Smile Without You and how the entire theatre joined in. Right after they finished the song Barry told David to tell Seth Jackson to dim the house lights. Also for Ken Newman to cue his the intro music. Which was a mix of snips of his songs. Then here came the Right here right now. Right here right now. The audience heard  the instrumental opening to the beginning of Brooklyn Blues his opening number.  The audience stood on their feet to give Barry a thunderous applause. Barry couldn't believe how loud they were. He thought for sure they were going to blow the roof of the theatre. Carly and Susan told their members once Brooklyn Blues the opening song ended they were to yell in unison "We love you Barry." at the top of their lungs. Carly and Susan wanted their members to let Barry know who much they loved him. In fact they told their members to pass it around which the members did. So the entire audience yelled "We love you Barry." to him. Barry just stood there in amazement after what the entire audience did. He  said man  you guys are sure vocal tonight. Barry then went to the piano to sing Could It Be Magic. The only difference was Barry didn't do the Take That version with BAMS like Brian Murphy did. During the intermission David went out to do a little looking around. He hit the lobby where he saw a bunch of  women standing. He went over to say hi to them. So where are you ladies from? David asked.  One of the ladies said New York City area.  Oh really said David. Yes said Debbie  we're from all five boroughs of New York and Nassau county. Is this all of you? asked David. No said Debbie. There are actually fifty-eight of us total. We're all members in the One Voice Barry Manilow Fan Club. Our fan club was started back in October 1978 by our co-directors Carly and Susan. Carly and Susan knew Barry Manilow needed a local New York City area fan club that's why our club was started. We decided to take our annual road trip to Chicago this time to see Barry's three shows. But when the whole gay issue and Suzanne Somers stuff came up our co-directors knew our Barry needed us here for support. So here we are. Just then Carly and Susan came back from the ladies room. Carly said hi to David. This is my bestie from high school Susan Barrett. Susan said hi to David too. David was going to pull Carly aside to ask her something. Carly caught David before he did. They all know about me and Barry so you can say whatever you want to me in front of them. Dose Barry know about this? asked David. Dose Barry know about  the One Voice BMFC that I'm a co-director of no he doesn't. He dose know that I've been a huge fan of his since 1978. We need to get back to our seats said Carly. David went to the back to find Barry before he went back on stage. Barry was just coming out of his dressing room when David caught him. Have I got something to tell you. What have you got something to tell me said Barry. Guess who I saw in the lobby. I don't know. Who did you see in the lobby said Barry. Carly said David. Carly? said Barry. Yes Carly said David. She was with her bestie Susan and fifty-six other members of your One Voice BMFC from New York City and Nassau county. I asked Carly if you knew she was a co-director of one of your local sanctioned fan clubs. She said no you didn't know that. Coming to Chicago was there annual fan club trip. One of the other members Debbie told me other trips have been to your fan clubs annual conventions. Debbie also mentioned that the charity that they support is the Harmony Program from New York City. Carly said when the members heard about this gay business they knew coming to Chicago to support you was the right thing to do. Barry told David can go out and see if you can find one of the members. David said sure Debbie said something about sitting in the second row center section. Kye came out of his dressing room and told Barry the girls were fixing their makeup. David made a mad dash  to find Debbie. He saw Debbie right away. He said to Debbie when the shows over would you tell Carly and Susan to have all of you in the club stay here. Barry's going to come out after he takes off his makeup to meet all fifty-eight of you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What The Bleep!

Barry and David went back to their hotel. Barry and company were staying at The Langham Chicago. The Langham Chicago  was located at 330 N. Walbash. Barry was staying in the Langham Club classic river view suite. The hotel was a few blocks north of the Chicago river. In fact Barry could walk to the Chicago Theatre if he wanted to. Once Barry got back to his hotel suite he took off his North Face jacket. He hung it in the closet and went to sit down. Just then his cell phone rang. It was Garry's ring tone. Hello Garry said Barry. How's things going out there said Garry. Ok said Barry. Except for some news I got from Carly. Is she ok? asked Garry. She fine said Barry. Carly called me to tell me she did a Google search on me. She was looking for articles from the Chicago magazines and newspapers on me and my up coming shows. She always shares the articles with her Facebook groups. No such luck. Instead she found articles on the commitment ceremony you and I had in April 2014. The what we had last year ? said Garry. The commitment ceremony you and I had last year in front of fifty close friends at my Palm Springs home  It was in our backyard. But you  don't live in Palm Springs any more said Garry. You moved back east to Brooklyn New York in two thousand nine.  Yes I did said Barry. Then in two thousand eleven I sold my Palm Springs home to Brain Murphy and  his manager/partner Gregory Knoffler.  Carly said it was in People, US, Radar Online, Monsters and Critics, NY Daily News, UK Daily Mail and other online sites. How did they get that piece of information asked Garry. Carly said the People article mentioned Suzanne Somers saying that she was at our wedding ceremony last year. And how freeing that was for me coming out of the closet. Carly said one of her Facebook friends said Suzanne was on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens  show on Bravo last Thursday night. The Facebook friend mentioned that someone called in and asked Suzanne if she went to the Copacabana singers wedding ceremony. Now that's when she must have told her story.  How freeing it was for me to come out of the closet seeing as I am a gay man. Really and I'm getting married to my fiancée Carly in September. After the National; Enquirer article on Brian Murphy came out his fans went ballistic. They said I was gay one not Brain and the National Enquirer got it all wrong.  My fans should boycott my shows because I lied to them they cried.  Last Friday night Brian Murphy was interviewed by Barbara Walters. Oh really said Garry. I'll have to go on demand and see that. Barbara did a two hour interview with Brian Murphy and his manager/partner Gregory Knoffler said Barry. Carly was mad because she wanted to see that new TV program Clue based on the board game. Oh is that why that wasn't on last Friday said Garry. I had DVR the program and got part of the Barbara Walters interview instead. Which I then deleted said Garry. Deanna and I were going to watch it. However we  scored front row tickets to  Josh Groban's concert at the Staples Center. So that's what we did last Friday. We had dinner at Mr. Chows before Josh's show. Now tomorrow I'm doing a radio interview with WGN's Dean Richards. I'll see which way the interview goes tomorrow said Barry. If I have to I'm ready to discuss the whole me you and our it never happened commitment ceremony. One happily married guy  for the second time around. And one soon to be happily married guy me for the second time around said Barry. On Wednesday I did Windy City Live. They are so nice to me every time I'm on their show. They always give me a large tin of Garrets Chicago style popcorn. That's a mix of cheese and caramel corn popcorn. You and your popcorn said Garry One day you're going to turn into a tall stalk of corn. Barry just chuckled. Now Marc already knows all about this whole Suzanne mess. He suggested I don't talk to her for a while. Which I haven't said Barry. That's the best thing to do said Garry. Deanna is still flying high from Josh Groban's concert. We got to backstage after his show. He said that you and him should collaborate on something in the future. I told him he needs to get in touch with your manager Marc Hulett. He said I thought you were Barry Manilow's manager. I told him I was but I retired  two years ago. He said you did I said yes I did. Stiletto Entertainment is now being run by my daughter Kirsten Kief. While Marc Hulett manages my most high profile client Barry Manilow who I use to manage.  I gave Josh Marc's cell phone number if that's ok with you. Yeah that's fine with me said Barry. I'll have to see if Josh likes Jazz. Because maybe we can collaborate on a Jazz album together or a Broadway album said Barry. Oh one more thing. Guess who's making a surprise guest appearance tomorrow night. Who? said Garry. Debra Byrd said Barry. She was part of Brian Murphy's backup group called Lady Flash. Oh yeah! said Garry. She did backup on your Showstoppers tour. Then she was back with Brian during his The Greatest Hits and Then Some Tour said Garry. Now she's vocal coach for American Idol said Barry. Let me get going said Barry. I've got to take a shower, east dinner and head over for tonight's show at the Chicago Theatre. Have a super time tonight on stage said Garry. I will said Barry. Barry took a long hot shower. After drying off Barry got dressed and went down stairs to meet up with everyone else. They all decided to east at one of The Langham's restaurants. Then they were going to walk to the Chicago Theatre since it wasn't very far. Once at the Chicago Theatre Barry went to his dressing room. When he got there he found two large bouquets of flowers. He checked for a card on the first one which read. "We love you forever and a day Barry Manilow. Love your Ivory Keys BMFC Belevidere Ill. The second one read "You're simply the best. We love you Barry Manilow. Hugs From In The Key of B BMFC Hoffman Estates Illinois. Barry was trilled to get those bouquets of flowers. As he was putting on his makeup there was a knock at this dressing room door. Barry said come in. In came David with yet another bouquet. This one was calla lilies. Barry told David to read the card. David found the card and began to read it.  It said "We love you Barry and we're forever yours faithfully. Your, One Voice BMFC New York City. Barry couldn't believe the support he was getting from his fans.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Crying Boo Who Who!

Brian Murphy fans were completely taken off guard when they  herd the news that their beloved Brian was gay. One fan even though this was a sick cruel joke being played on her and fellow fans. Some of them even blamed Barry Manilow for this. He's the one who is totally gay not Brian they cried. They called radio stations to voice their opinions. They went on Facebook and suggested that people boycott Barry Manilow's tour. Because he is the gay one not Brian. Barry caught wind of this. So he decided to post a message on his Facebook page for his fans to read. "It has recently come to my attention while I was checking Facebook's home page that Brian Murphy's fans are blaming me for Brian's coming out. Yes Brian Murphy got outed sexually by The National Enquirer two weeks ago.  But his fans don't believe that and they are saying that I'm the one who's gay not Brian.  I wrote four songs that Bell records bought and gave to Brian to record. Soon after that I started writing songs for Brain Murphy. I've known since then that Brian was gay.  So all of  you know I am not gay. I've had many girlfriends over the years, Lorna Luft, Linda Allen, Dana Robbins, Abigail Stern, Julie Berkovic, Skylar Hertzbach and a few others. In 2011 while I was on GMA with Adrienne, Enoch and the cast of 15 Minutes. One of the other people that was on GMA that day was Dr. Carly Simon Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Bronx Zoo. Dr. Carly Simon was there because the zoo keeper who was suppose to be on that day got sick. So Dr. Carly Simon covered for that person. Carly is a super cute dynamo in a small package. I thought wow is she beautiful. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, five foot four and a nice physical shape. She left before I could ask her out or get her number. Two weeks later I make the trek to the Bronx Zoo to ask her over to my house for dinner. Which I did. Then she in  turn invited me over to her house for dinner. We hit it off immediately and we've been together ever since. So for all you fans who have wanted me to have someone special in my life. I  have a very special someone in my life. Yes I know you wished I would have gotten married years ago when I was younger.. I also know you wanted me to have some kids. Well back then the right person hadn't come into my life. The right person has now come into my life Carly.  In December 2013 Carly and I went into New York. I took her to  the corner where the ABC news studios is located. I had Carly look up at the screen where she could see the Carly will you marry me on the video screen. Carly said yes to marring me. So we are getting married on Sunday September 6, 2015. We are getting married at the B'nai Avraham synagogue in Brooklyn. Our reception is at The Palm House at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Our wedding will be a traditional orthodox Jewish wedding ceremony. BTW I'm a nice Jewish boy who goes to orthodox synagogue every Saturday. Yes I do. Once we're married and we come back from our honeymoon. I'll put the wedding ceremony and reception videos online so all of you can see it. I figured you guys needed to know what was going on before things got way out of hand. On Monday September 7th. Carly  and I are being interviewed by GMA's Robin Roberts for a special edition of 20/20 live. Now for those of you seeing the shows "Only In Chicago" you're in for a special treat. I'm adding some Manilow Sings Sinatra songs to the show. Like My Kind Of Town (Chicago Is My Kind Of Town). I may even throw in Only In Chicago which I wrote with Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire that Brian Murphy recorded. And for the rest of you east coast fans fear not I haven't forgotten you either. I'm making my way across the USA from west to east. So get ready Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and all the rest we're heading your way real soon. Thanks for all your love and support over these forty years. See you somewhere down the road. Hugs,  Barry." Barry figured he owed his fans an explanation as to why Brian Murphy's fans were pointing the finger at him. Barry and David decided to go to TGIF Fridays for lunch. Barry was craving one of their blooming onions and a barbeque beef Swiss cheese burger. The burger actually came with bacon but Barry requested his without the bacon to stay kosher. Barry also ordered a raspberry ice tea for his drink. He and David shared the blooming onion as an appetizer. Shoe string French fries came with the burger. David had a chipotle sauce  pepper jack cheese bacon burger and a peach ice tea. After lunch Barry told David he wanted to hit Macy's for some underwear. Barry told David he needed about six pairs of Jockey brand briefs. He was also going to get a package for tee shirts while he was at it. Then David reminded Barry he needed some new black dress socks. So Barry was going to get a package of them too. Barry had thrown away three pairs of holey underwear this morning. So he and David made their way down to the Loop to Macy's. Barry even found two long scarves. One was black with dog bones. The other was grey with navy stars on it. Barry whipped out his Capitol One Manilow Music Project credit card. Because that's what was in his wallet. His card also had the bonus advantage miles  on it. So he could earn frequent flyer miles with each purchase he made as well as giving to his Manilow Music Project charity. Just then Barry's cell phone played Marc's music. Each on of his friends had a different piece of music attached to them when they called. Hello Marc what's up? asked Barry. Well I hope you're sitting down. No but I can be said Barry as he sat on a bench inside Macy's. I hate to tell you but Suzanne Somers was on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens show last night on Bravo. OK said Barry. Well you're not going to be saying ok after I tell you this piece of news. Which is said Barry Suzanne told Andy all about you and Garry's relationship. Oh said Barry. She told Andy how freeing it was for you to come out of the closet.  Say what said Barry How freeing it was for me to come out of the closet said Barry. Garry and I have never had a romantic relationship. Two straight guys having a gay romance really said Barry. Tomorrow while I'm on WGN radio with Dean Richards I'll address that issue. Carly turned on her computer. She went to Google to check to see if there was any new news on Barry Manilow. There at the top of the first new page under Barry Manilow was an article from People magazine about Barry's friend Suzanne Somers talking about  his relationship with his former manager Garry . That she was dear friends  with both gentlemen. How coming out was so freeing for her friend Barry. Under the People link was a whole lot more links to other online sites with the same information. Monsters and Critics, Radar Online, US, NY Daily News and many more. Carly made a quick phone call to Barry. Barry answered his phone with a hello. Hello it's Carly Barry. Hello sweetheart what's up. I'm surfing Google Barry Manilow for any new news on you. When I went into  the news pages to look for articles from the Chicago papers. No news on you or your shows there. But loads of articles on you and your former manager Garry Kief's relationship. as told by your dear friend Suzanne Somers. She talked about how freeing it was for you to come out. Also that she was your grooms person at yours and Garry's commitment ceremony last April. Marc already called me about this said Barry. I'm I'll be hearing from Garry on this pretty soon said Barry. I'm sure Deanna isn't going to like hearing this. Deanna was Garry's second wife. He was divorced from his first wife his daughter Kirsten's mother. Remember you met Deanna last year at the Christmas party that I had at my house. Suzanne couldn't come out east for this. She's never been too happy with me moving back to New York City. The thing is I was doing musicals long distance with Bruce Sussman. So every time a new musical of ours went to Broadway I had to come back east for rehearsals, previews and opening night. I stayed in a hotel the first time. Then I rented a condo a few times. Until I finally said enough already. I'm moving back to be closer to Broadway. It will be a lot easier to rent a place when my musicals do their two cities  runs before they go to Broadway. Than renting a place every time my new musicals come to New York City. Besides I realized I'm a New York at heart. Also deep down inside I wasn't very happy living in Palm Springs. It way to celebrity for me. Also it's way more gay than San Francisco is. That's probably why people think I'm gay said Barry. Like Francisco said Palm Springs is the gay capitol of US. Francisco is the owner of Frisco's Mexican Cantina. A lot of gays go to his restaurant to eat. I went there a lot too. Good Mexican food said Barry. I got to get going talk to you soon. I love you sweetheart said Barry. I love you too said Carly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

OMG! We Never Saw That Coming.

OMG! We never saw that coming now did we? Carly turned her TV on to watch one of her favorite shows Clue which  was on ABC at 9pm. Carly made a mad dash into her kitchen for  a snack. She decided on some Kellogg's cracker clips the barbeque ones. She hurried back in to catch her show.  But when Carly got into her living room there was Barbara Walters on her TV screen. What was she going on now. Barbra  opened by saying "Tonight we bring you a special two hour interview with legendary pop recording artists Brain Murphy." Oh thought Carly what's this all about? I know Barry told me Brian had canceled his One Night Live tour the before the tour started.  Well Brain you've been around a long time said Barbara. Yes said Brain have been alive forever since 1812.  Then Brian chuckled. As the interview progressed it became clear to Carly why Brian Murphy was doing a two hour special interview with Barbra Walters. She  dialed Barry's cell phone number. Barry said hello. Barry it's Carly. Calm down sweetheart what's up. I was getting ready to watch a new TV show called Clue which is patterned after the game Clue. It was suppose to come on at 9pm right before 20/20. When I came back from getting my snack Barbara Walters came on saying that  she was doing a special two hour interview with legendary pop recording artist Brian   Murphy. Oh really! said Barry. Yes really said Carly. Barbara introduced Brain Murphy and then his manager Gregory Knoffler. So your definitely going to have to turn this on when it comes on where you are right now. Brian and Gregory were holding hands. They were holing hands said Barry. Yes said Carly. Uh oh said Barry he's finally going to do it. He's finally going to  do what? asked  Carly Come out the closet said Barry. Not a straight guy as most in the  music industry thought  he was said Barry. Since me, Adrienne, Enoch, Jack Marty and Bruce wrote some of his songs we all knew he was totally gay Even Garry  Kief thought Brain was a little queer. He e really thought Gregory Knoffler very queer. I didn't know he was gay said Carly. Well now you know said Barry.  Actually since I never was a fan of his  I turned the to another station. The Cooking channel had on Unique Sweets so I watched that instead. Wait till this shit hits the fan tomorrow and his fans find out said Barry. Their going to be so very devastated. What about the press said Carly. Most of them figured he was straight one while they figured you were the gay one. I did flip back and Barbara was asking him about his many relationships.Barbra asked him how many partners he had over the years said Carly. He said he had a few beards. He mentioned a Julie Kerwin, Michelle Beasley and Roberta Arnold. I know that Roberta Arnold is a lesbian said Barry. She then asked if there were any other guys before Gregory came along. Brain said no there weren't. Then I couldn't believe it when Barbara mentioned you. Why me asked Barry. Because she asked Brain if he and you had a relationship. Since you two were close. Brain said NO WAY! Barry's to STRAIGHT for my taste. Barry and his songwriting partners  wrote songs for me.  Brain then said Barbra are you trying to get me to out Barry Manilow? Barbra said Well! The press has been  speculating for a long time that he is gay.  Barbra  Barbara I've known Barry Manilow since 1975 and I've always known he was STRAIGHT said Brian. When I met him back in 1975 he was dating a girl named Linda Allen.At the end of the program Barbra thanked both gentlemen for their candidness. Then Brian   kissed Gregory on his lips. Well we're stilling going through with our 20/20 interview with GMA's Robin Roberts.  Because I'm pretty sure Barbara didn't believed a word  that Brian Muphy said about me. I took to wearing my sterling sliver ring that belonged to my grandpa on my right ring finger. That way no one could make the comment that it was the ring I got when I married Garry Kief said Barry. Oh I'll have to tell both Garry and Marc about this. They can go on demand and watch the interview with Barbara Walters. You should be where now said Carly. We're headed to My Kind Of Town  Chicago is. We may even do that song while we're there.  We're doing three shows at the Chicago Theatre. Friday April 10, Saturday April 11 and Sunday April 12. Then it's on to Detroit and Pittsburgh. Just then Barry's hotel room phone rang. I've got to go said Barry. I've got another call coming in. Ok I love you said Carly. I love you too sweetheart said Barry. Barry picked up the hotel phone. He said hello. Hi Barry it's Garry. How's the tour going so far? Great said Barry. Guess what I found out. What said Garry. I just got off the phone with Carly. She told me  that she wanted to watch this show  and it wasn't on. Instead there was a two hour special with Barbara Walters. Barbara was interviewing Brian Murphy and his partner Gregory Knoffler. Your joking said Garry. Brain Murphy doing an interview with Barbara Walters who asks all sorts of probing questions. No Garry I'm not joking Brian Murphy did do an interview tonight with Barbara Walters. He came completely clean out of the closet said Barry. Oh my word he announced he's gay. Yup said Barry. Oh and the real kicker was I got mentioned. You why? asked Garry. Because Barbara asked Brain if he and I had a relationship since we were close. Of course Brian sais I was too straight for him. He also mentioned to Barbara that he knew I was straight. I'm still doing the 20/20 interview with Robin Roberts said Barry. Carly's going to be on 20/20 as well. We're taping the 20/20 interview on Monday September  7th the day after our we get married.  I have a dermatologists appointment on Monday. So Carly and I won't be able to leave on our honeymoon till Tuesday. We'll bum around Manhattan all day. Then we'll grab dinner before we head over to the ABC news building to do the interview. ABC news will air the 20/20 interview with GMA's Robin Roberts at 9pm. ABC is showing the special 20/20 interview with Robin Roberts live said Barry.