Thursday, April 12, 2018

Now What?

Now what thought Barry. First off I didn't have a heart attack in two thousand sixteen. Second I've never smoked a cigarette in my entire life. Cigarette smoke stinks. I know all about that since both my step-dad and mom smoked. It also makes your breath and clothes smell bad. Third I don't have cancer of any kind especially not lung cancer. The last surgery I did have was back in nineteen forty seven when I had my tonsils removed. All the other stuff I've had done since then was done as an out patient. That's having a fractured ankle reset after I tripped over an electrical cord. Having stiches to a cut to my chin when my junior high girlfriend punched me there.  Brian Murphy's the one with atrial fibrillation. He's also the one who smokes cigarettes. Pal Mal non filters, Camels (The Turkish Delights.) and now it's E-cigarettes. Brian along with his partner Gregory Knofler smoke. Even his personal assistant Matt Carlson puffs E-cigarettes. I'm also not the tooth pick (skinny) one. Again that's Brian Murphy. Brian hates to eat. I'm six foot tall and weight one hundred and seventy five pounds. I'm a major foodie and I love to eat.  A foodie is a person who loves to eat. I also admit that I'm a junk food junkie.  Give me some homemade cookies, ice cream, nuts and pop corn. I will be one happy camper. That's why I decided in the mid nineteen nineties to go to culinary arts school. I already knew how to cook the easy stuff. Casseroles, fried chicken, meatloaf, pizzas and ETC. But I wanted to know more about elaborate cooking techniques. Making sauces like a mole', Salsa Verde, hollandaise and ETC.That's one of the reasons I went to the CIA (Culinary Institute of America). You can actually call me Chef Barry Manilow. After I graduated from Eastern District High School. I decided to go to Juilliard Music School. To get into Juilliard you have to take their entrance exam.  I already knew what I already knew what I was going to major in and minor in. I chose to double major in composing and conducting. For my audition I composed a piece called I've Got Me Some Rhythm which is an instrumental jazz piece. I recently gave the music to Marty Panzer and he put lyrics to the music. I've Got Me Some Rhythm is going on my 2:00AM Paradise CafĂ© II album. My conducting piece was Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel Kamawiwo'ale. My piano audition piece was Chopin's Prelude in C Minor. I based my song Could It Be Magic on Chopin's Prelude in C Minor on it. From Juilliard I have a Bachelors in Music, Masters in Music and a Doctor of Musical Arts. You can call me Barry Manilow Doctor of Musical Arts. Back in the mid nineties I went to the Culinary Institute of America where I got my culinary arts degree. You also call me Chef Barry Manilow if you want.  I didn't want to open up any sort of eatery without an actual culinary arts degree. I chose to open up some gastro pubs. My two gastro pubs in New York are staffed with people that I went to cooking school with. The Inquisitor article that just came out last week is a piece of garbage. I'm sure they saw the Daily Mail article from a while back.The Daily Mail was speculating that I had lung cancer and I was near death. I let the Daily Mail know I wasn't happy with their article. Since it had all my fans freaking out big time after it came out. I told the Inquisitor ask me first before you put any more article on me. Garry was the one who called me about the Inquisitor article. Garry also called both David my manager and Marc head of Stiletto East about the article. I called David to tell him I put a post up on my Google + community page to do major damage control. Now that Barry was home he got to meet the newest member to his family Ringo Carly's Beagle. Barry wondered if Ringo was named after Beetle's drummer Ringo Starr. Barry went onto his Google + community group to tell everyone about the newest doggie a Beagle named Ringo. He also told them about Barry Manilow At The Red Rocks the five disc DVD set. Barry Manilow At The Red Rocks Amphitheater is a five DFVD disc box set from last July's concerts there. What's up next you might add is a much needed vacation for Carly and me. Then my Australian and New Zealand tour down under in June.
Where I get to celebrate my seventy fifth birthday in Melbourne. BMIFC convention down under in Melbourne. Blenheim Palace concert Monday August twenty seventh. My three month Broadway run in September, October and November at the Cort Theatre. Three nights at the Barclay Center for New Years Eve. BMIFC annual It's Just Another New Years Eve Party weekend. As for the much needed vacation I let Carly pick where we're going. So it's off to Boston and Cape Cod for our much needed vacation.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Barry Manilow One Voice in Central Park.

Hi Friends
It's me Barry. I can hear you already saying "But  Barry isn't this a little too early to be announcing this?" No not really it isn't to early to announce this. A concert in Central Park for the summer of 2019. So "Come Monday" June 17, 2019 I'm doing a concert in Central Park. Sorry for the Here At The Mayflower pun friends. I'm doing a free concert on the Great Lawn in Central Park to thank all of my friends. It's just my way of saying thank you for all your support over my entire career.  I've chosen the largest of the three open spaces for my one night only concert. That is the Great Lawn which is 55 total acres. Previously other recording artists have used the Great Lawn 55 acres, North Meadow 23 acres and Sheep Meadow 15 acres. Sheep Meadow is called Sheep Meadow because sheep used to roam on that part of Central Park. Other recording artists who have used Central Park for a one night only concert are Barbra Streisand, James Taylor, Diana Ross, Simon and Garfunkle, Elton John, Garth Brooks, Paul Simon, Daryl Hall and John Oats, Edie Brickell, The B-52's and The Dave Matthews Band.  Everyone who's done a concert in Central Park did theirs for free. Which is what I will be doing next year. Above is the ad for my Central Park concert for next year. I decided the perfect way to celebrate my seventy sixth birthday was being with my friends in Central Park making music. The reason I'm telling you about the concert next summer is so you can post three song from my vast collection. Your three song along with everyone's three songs will be put together in a list. Then I will pick enough songs to do an entire two hour concert. Yes there will be audio and video guys there to record and tape the concert for a CD/DVD combo. Which later in two thousand nineteen the CD/DVD combo will come out as a two disc box set. My latest 1943 British American Gastro Pub in London England  will open ahead of schedule. It was suppose to open in April of two thousand nineteen. Instead it will be opening on Saturday August twenty fifth two thousand eighteen. On that night the gastro pub will be closed to the general public. However it will be open to BMIFC members. Just show your BMIFC membership card to the person at the door. Friday August twenty four is the night the UK restaurant critics will be their to critique my gastro pub. I'm adding two US favorites and a Canadian favorite to the menu. The US favorites are called an Awesome Blossom or a Blooming Onion and hot wings. The Blooming onion is a large onion that is cut down almost to the bottom. It is then batter dipped and deep fried. It's opened up to look like a bunch of flower petals. In the center is a ramekin filled with spicy dipping sauce.  The hot wings is chicken wings covered in vegetable oil and salt. They're deep fried and after they're deep fried they get coated in Buffalo wing sauce. Buffalo wing sauce is made with butter, vinegar, cayenne pepper, garlic powder and hot sauce. The Canadian favorite called Poutine. Poutine consists of French fries, cheese curds and brown gravy The gravy is chicken, veal or turkey. Some people who make this dish add pulled pork. Instead of the gravy they use barbecue sauce on it. You UK fans will love these three appetizers. Of course at my two 1943 British American Gastro Pubs in New York City we serve your deep fried Snickers Bar. The chefs and I are still working on some other deserts. If you have some desert recipes. Send us the recipes for them so we can put them on our menu. Can't wait to see you UK fans in August.

Monday, April 2, 2018

I said no and I mean no.

Las Vegas Review Journal March two thousand fifteen Katz's column. "So very Barry. We're inching closer...closer...closer to a final sign-off of Manilow's residency at Westgate's International Theatre. Dates he would have filled in April and May at the theatre have been taken off the schedule, but we do anticipate a return to the stage by Manilow this summer. He headlined the room from 2005 to 2010." When did I headline the International Theatre thought Barry. That was Brian Murphy who headlined at the Las Vegas Hilton between two thousand five and two thousand nine. Not to two thousand ten. Then for two years two thousand ten and two thousand eleven Brian was at the Paris
on the Las Vegas strip said Barry. What have I been saying all a long. I don't like Las Vegas and no
I didn't sign with the Westgate. I'm going down under to Australia and New Zealand in June. Then on Monday August twenty seventh I'm doing one night only on the Blenheim Palace grounds. I did my first concert at Blenheim Palace on Saturday August twenty seven nineteen eighty three. That was thirty five years ago said Barry. In the fall I'm doing three months on Broadway at the Cort Theatre. I'll be at the Cort Theatre in September, October and November. Then in December I'll be at the Barclay Center for three nights. That's Saturday December twenty-ninth, Sunday December thirtieth and Monday December thirty first. Friday December twenty eighth thru Monday December thirty first is the BMIFC's annual New Years Eve Party Weekend. The party weekend will be at the Grand Hyatt  New York City next to the Grand Central Terminal. That's where the BMIFC had their New York City Rhythm Convention in June of two thousand fifteen. I did Great  Performance's on PBS Wednesday June seventeenth. Then I also did a BMIFC members only concert outdoors at the Delacort Theatre in Central Park on Saturday June twentieth two thousand fifteen. Then in two thousand nineteen during the summer I'll be doing the outdoor sheds (Amphitheaters) across Canada and the US. Garry asked if I was playing  Nikon Amphitheater at Jones Beach  State Park Wantagh? I told Garry the amphitheater is now called Norwell Health Amphitheater. And no I'm not playing there on my New York City stop. I will be playing Central Park's fifty five acre Great Lawn.  The
concert will be on Monday June seventeen two thousand nineteen. I told Garry David asked Mayor Bill de Blasio if I could do a concert on Central Park's Great Lawn. Mayor de Blasio said yes I could do a one night only free concert. He told the mayor that I always come out at the end of my concerts and do encores. The mayor said "I know Barry Manilow does encores at the end of his concerts. Since I've been to a bunch of his concerts here in New York City." By the way Carly called me to tell me that Brian Murphy has extended his UK shows to include Leeds, Birmingham, Glasgow, Cardiff and Dublin. Carly and her friend Rita were asked by Jacqueline to go to the O2 shows in September. Rita told Jacqueline that she, Zoey and Carly were going to my opening night concert on Broadway at the Cort Theatre. Your opening night said Garry. I've been wanting to do another short Broadway run. David got me three months September, October and November said Barry. I already got you and Denise tickets to my show in November. I did tell Carly I was getting you and Denise tickets to my show on Broadway. Carly then asked me "Barry why don't you invite  Garry and Denise over to our house for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving is on Thursday November twenty second of this year. So I got you and Denise tickets for two of my Broadway shows. Saturday November twenty fourth and Sunday November twenty fifth.  Barry said goodbye to Garry. Then he went back on the internet to check out the latest news. He saw fans talking about him singing Let Freedom Ring at Bill Clinton's first inaugural concert back in nineteen ninety three.  That was Brian Murphy who sang that song at Bill Clinton's first inaugural concert back then. The only time I ever sang Let Freedom Ring was on Fiesta At Fords Theatre in nineteen ninety two. President George H.W.  and Barbara Bush were in attendance. That's the only time I've ever sang Let Freedom Ring live on TV. Brian Murphy  has also sang that song twice on A Capitol Fourth. He asked me if he could sing that song on PBS' A Capitol Fourth on the capital lawn with the president and first lady in attendance. Now as I have said many times before I don't sing for politicians or for political reasons. Yes I vote every year but who I vote for is no ones business. I don't even give money to any politicians for their political campaigns. If it's for charity of course I'll do the concert and give money. But if it's for some one running for a political office no I won't do a concert for that purpose. Brian Murphy gives money to politicians for their political campaigns and I don't. I don't think celebrities should stick their noses in politics unless they're running for office. Like a few celebrities did.  I know Brian Murphy voted for in two thousand sixteen Hillary Clinton. That's because he's a democrat said Barry. He also went to a thousand dollar
a plate fundraiser for Hillary Clinton that  was held in Palm Springs California. Barbra Streisand was the entertainer for the fundraiser. Brian went to the Hillary Clinton fundraiser with Gregory Knofler his husband. Brian and Gregory go out a lot with Suzanne Somers and her husband Alan Hamel.