Thursday, December 15, 2016

Oh My

Oh my was right. Carly had just come in the house. When she heard the door bell ring. She went to the front door and looked out the peep hole. It was her neighbor Kevin standing on the porch with a
puppy in his arms.  Carly opened the front door and told Kevin to come on in. Kevin said to Carly you're going to kill me. I'm going to kill you said Carly. Yes that's what Barry said you'd do when I showed up with this little puppy. Carly took a look at the puppy in Kevin's arms. Aw how cute said Carly. It's a boy dog and his name is Pecan Pie. Pecan Pie said Carly Yes said Kevin that's his name. He's part Labrador Retriever and something else. Pecan Pie comes from Magic Mission Beagle and Hound Rescue up in Buffalo NY. Barry saw this little guy on Facebook before he went out of town. Somehow Barry just knew this puppy needed a good home and he had the good home for him. If Barry could he'd bring home every stray dog he sees said Carly he would.  I do need to let the dogs out she said. So she called Max, Baily, Abbey and Lily. All four dogs came upstairs from the garden floor. Why don't we go outside said Carly. Maybe Pecan Pie he needs to go too. Carly, Kevin and the dogs went outside. Kevin took the leash off Pecan Pie. All five dogs took off running. Max, Baily, Abbey and Lily seem to be getting along with Pecan Pie. He definitely needs a different name said Kevin. Carly watched the puppy as he chased the other dogs. He looks like a Charlie  to me said Carly.  The puppy came over to Carly. You need a deferent name Pecan Pie. How about the name Charlie said Carly. The puppy perked up when he heard the name Charlie. Ok then Charlie it is she said. Kevin told Carly the puppy was almost a year old. He's had all his shots and he's been fixed. When we started dating Barry told me about this pipe dream he had said Carly. Barry mentioned how he'd love to have some property in upstate New York. So he can have a dog sanctuary. This sanctuary would be a place where dogs  that don't get their forever home would get to live. Instead of being euthanized in a gas chamber said Carly. Barry hates shelters that put dogs in gas chambers when they can find them their forever home. That is why Barry started The One Voice Foundation to give dogs a voice. Barry met Joe Dwyer who runs Daniel's Dream. Daniel was a stray dog running the streets. He was picked up and taken to this animal shelter, When they couldn't get him adopted they put him in a gas chamber with 16 other dogs. When the shelter people came back to take to dead dogs out. There was Daniel wagging his tail. They just couldn't put him in the gas chamber for a second time. So they tried to find him a home. The Dwyer family heard about Daniel and decided to adopt him. In the state of Pennsylvania there is Daniel's Law. That's a law that Joe Dwyer and Daniel got passed. The law bans gas chambers in the state of Pennsylvania. Joe and Daniel are trying to get that same law passed here in New York State. Daniel is called the Miracle Beagle because of surviving the gas chamber.  Kevin told Carly he need to get his three dogs outside. So he left and went home to let his dogs out.  On Saturday December 17th Carly ran into Kevin and Amy at Trader Joe's. When's Barry coming home? asked Amy. He has one more show tomorrow night in Denver at the Pepsi Center. So he should be home sometime on Monday said Carly.  Now while we were dating Barry told me about his pipe dream to have a dog sanctuary.  It would be a place where dogs of all ages who can't get their forever homes. Would be able to live out their life instead of being euthanized. I decided that Barry's pipe dream should become a reality. We've been talking for while about buying some property in upstate New York somewhere. Barry said he wanted a farmhouse retreat with plenty of land for that dog sanctuary he's been talking about. I went on in June. That was while Barry was over in London. I found a farmhouse with fifteen acres  just east of Lake Lucerne Warren county New York. The farmhouse has four bedrooms, three and a half baths with a two car attached garage. It also had a barn on the property. I went up a few weekends this past summer. Plus I was up there for a week in September. My parents came that week to help me with the furniture. I had some local house painters who painted each room the colors I wanted. I've been collecting furniture and other stuff then storing it all in a rented storage unit. This past weekend I went up there to get the farmhouse ready for Christmas. I had the neighbor down the road help me pick out a Christmas tree. While I was there I made gingerbread men cookies. I popped popcorn and strung it with cranberries for the tree. The tree has lights and old fashioned decorations. I got food for the refrigerator. Woods been chopped so we can build a fire. Barry will be home tomorrow sometime said Carly. I told him I thought we should spend Christmas up at the farmhouse. Barry doesn't have to be back until December 28th. That's so he can get ready for the two Madison Square Garden concerts On Monday morning Carly got up and let the dogs out. She was off for the next two weeks. When the dogs were done she brought them inside. She cleaned out their bowels and gave fresh water plus food. Carly then went into the kitchen to make breakfast. After breakfast she went upstairs to pack her suitcase. She had gotten dog food and treats the last weekend when she was at the farmhouse to decorate for Christmas. Soon she heard the front door open. Hello everyone I'm home.  Carly came downstairs to greet him. She gave Barry a kiss on the lips. Oh we've got some four legged friends eyeing us said Barry. He picked up the puppy and said you must be Pecan Pie. No he got a his name changed to Charlie said Carly.  Hi Charlie
said Barry as he scratched his fur. I have something for you Carly said. So Carly went downstairs to her computer room. She came back up with a wrapped package. This is for you she said. You can go a head and open it. Barry unwrapped the package. It was a sign that read Charlie's Home For Life Dog Sanctuary. While we were dating you told me about your pipe dream of having a dog sanctuary.  Since we found that farmhouse before you went to London. I thought it would be the perfect place for your dog sanctuary said Carly. In fact I thought we should go spend Christmas up there this year. Oh guess who lives up the road from us your co-producer Eddie Arkin. Eddie lives up the road from us really said Barry. Yes and he invited us over for Christmas Eve.

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