Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Facebook post September 10, 2016

Hi Gang
It's me Barry again. Since I'm such an open book. I thought you needed to know my dog Maggie passed away. Maggie passed away while I was in the UK. Carly called me long distance to tell me that happened Then she said I was a two dog kind of guy. I asked her what did you you mean by that? She said most of the time you always had two dogs in your house. There was the Beagles Bagel and Biscuit. The Labrador Retrievers Casey, Pepper, Salt, Snickers, Maggie and Max. I thought about it and you know she's right I am a two dog kind of guy. So I now have a new puppy. A female yellow Labrador Retriever named Bialy. I named her Bialy after a Jewish bread product. It's made from the same dough as a Bagel is. Except it's not boiled like a bagel is. Nor does it have a hole in the center. Instead it has an indentation that's filled with either sautéed onion or poppy seeds. They're  now also filled with sesame seeds, cinnamon cream cheese  with out without raisins, pimento cheese spread  and asiago cheese spread. Above is my new little puppy Bialy. Bialy gets along fine with our other  dogs. My Labrador Retriever Max and Carly's Labrador Retriever puppy male named Bailey. Oh and yes Bialy's has baby blue eyes. Then if your thinking her fur is too light to be yellow it's more of a pale yellow. It's time to let Bialy, Bailey and Max to their sniffing and such.
Love and sloppy wet kisses from me

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