Wednesday, August 17, 2016

25 Questions

1. If I weren't a songwriter/recording artist, I'd be:
A writer
2. Best career advice I've gotten:
Do what you love.
3. The three qualities that got me where I am today:
Perseverance, determination, gratitude,
4. Moment I felt I made it:
When my first musical Copacabana made it on Broadway.
5: Kind of work I'd do for free:
If Rachel Ray need an extra hand in her TV studio kitchen I'd be there.
6. What does your career look like in five years:
Great since I'll still be doing what love making music.
7. Changes I'd like to see in my industry:
More original Broadway theatrical productions and less non original musicals.
8. Who I admire:
John F. Kennedy
9. Last thing I binge-watched:
Travel channel's Baggage Battles.
10. Book that left a lasting impression on me:
The Power and Myth by Joseph Campbell
11. Song that always makes me cry
Send In The Clowns from A Little Night Music by Stephen Sondheim.
12. Movie with the greatest ending:
Flower Drum Song movie musical by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein.
13. Song I'd want played at my funeral:
Puttin' On The Ritz.
14. On my bucket list:
Doing a coffee table book filled with photos of my favorite places to visit.
15. If I could live in a foreign country, It would be:
16. What should every man try once in his lifetime?
Cooking a meal.
17. My perfect day begins:
By watching the sun come up.
18. My perfect day ends.
Cuddling on the couch with my wife Carly.
19. One thing I'm, exceptionally good at:
Making Snickerdoodle cookies
20. One thing I'm exceptionally bad at:
Roller skating.
21. My first kiss
Was at Maxine Hearst's party. That's when I kissed Maxine on the lips behind her sofa.
22. The three qualities I thought I wanted in a partner:
Sense of humor, caring and the ability to create things
23. Three qualities I now know matter:
Honesty, love and support.
24. The craziest thing I did for love:
Nothing is crazy when your totally in love with someone.
25. What my high school girlfriend would say about me:
I always knew you weren't gay. Even when others thought you were.

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