Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Facebook post September 10, 2016

Hi Gang
It's me Barry again. Since I'm such an open book. I thought you needed to know my dog Maggie passed away. Maggie passed away while I was in the UK. Carly called me long distance to tell me that happened Then she said I was a two dog kind of guy. I asked her what did you you mean by that? She said most of the time you always had two dogs in your house. There was the Beagles Bagel and Biscuit. The Labrador Retrievers Casey, Pepper, Salt, Snickers, Maggie and Max. I thought about it and you know she's right I am a two dog kind of guy. So I now have a new puppy. A female yellow Labrador Retriever named Bialy. I named her Bialy after a Jewish bread product. It's made from the same dough as a Bagel is. Except it's not boiled like a bagel is. Nor does it have a hole in the center. Instead it has an indentation that's filled with either sautéed onion or poppy seeds. They're  now also filled with sesame seeds, cinnamon cream cheese  with out without raisins, pimento cheese spread  and asiago cheese spread. Above is my new little puppy Bialy. Bialy gets along fine with our other  dogs. My Labrador Retriever Max and Carly's Labrador Retriever puppy male named Bailey. Oh and yes Bialy's has baby blue eyes. Then if your thinking her fur is too light to be yellow it's more of a pale yellow. It's time to let Bialy, Bailey and Max to their sniffing and such.
Love and sloppy wet kisses from me

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

25 Questions

1. If I weren't a songwriter/recording artist, I'd be:
A writer
2. Best career advice I've gotten:
Do what you love.
3. The three qualities that got me where I am today:
Perseverance, determination, gratitude,
4. Moment I felt I made it:
When my first musical Copacabana made it on Broadway.
5: Kind of work I'd do for free:
If Rachel Ray need an extra hand in her TV studio kitchen I'd be there.
6. What does your career look like in five years:
Great since I'll still be doing what love making music.
7. Changes I'd like to see in my industry:
More original Broadway theatrical productions and less non original musicals.
8. Who I admire:
John F. Kennedy
9. Last thing I binge-watched:
Travel channel's Baggage Battles.
10. Book that left a lasting impression on me:
The Power and Myth by Joseph Campbell
11. Song that always makes me cry
Send In The Clowns from A Little Night Music by Stephen Sondheim.
12. Movie with the greatest ending:
Flower Drum Song movie musical by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein.
13. Song I'd want played at my funeral:
Puttin' On The Ritz.
14. On my bucket list:
Doing a coffee table book filled with photos of my favorite places to visit.
15. If I could live in a foreign country, It would be:
16. What should every man try once in his lifetime?
Cooking a meal.
17. My perfect day begins:
By watching the sun come up.
18. My perfect day ends.
Cuddling on the couch with my wife Carly.
19. One thing I'm, exceptionally good at:
Making Snickerdoodle cookies
20. One thing I'm exceptionally bad at:
Roller skating.
21. My first kiss
Was at Maxine Hearst's party. That's when I kissed Maxine on the lips behind her sofa.
22. The three qualities I thought I wanted in a partner:
Sense of humor, caring and the ability to create things
23. Three qualities I now know matter:
Honesty, love and support.
24. The craziest thing I did for love:
Nothing is crazy when your totally in love with someone.
25. What my high school girlfriend would say about me:
I always knew you weren't gay. Even when others thought you were.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I'm Back!

Hi Gang
It's me Barry I'm back from the UK. The Palladium run was sold out every night. I had a blast making music for all my UK friends. Here At The Mayflower opened at the Palladium to rave reviews. The above is the new tour poster for my concert tour called MANILOW LIVE. I'm bringing an orchestra with me this road trip. The should be  fun and real blast. We're bringing the tour buses out of storage. Yes we're going by tour bus again next year. We had a blast last year when we road tripped. I even got to drive one of the tour buses. So get ready Canada and the US because we're coming at you. I'm
playing  Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Manitoba, Regina, Edmonton and Vancouver. Tickets for the Canadian dates will go sale this coming December. Then next summer get ready US fans because I'm doing the outdoor venues or sheds as I like to call them. I start that road trip In Mansfield MA at the Xfinity Center and I end it in Auburn WA at White River Amphitheater. Red Rocks Amphitheater Denver and the Hollywood Bowl Los Angeles  are the only two venues where I'm doing more than one show. Head on over to the BMIFC website, my website or my Facebook page for all the details.
While I was in London Marc my manager came over to see some  of my shows and to tell me some exciting news. The exciting  news is that I've been asked to open and preform at the two thousand eighteen Montreux Jazz Festival in Montreux Switzerland. WOW! What an honor that is. I'll have to polish off all my Jazz songs. Now I haven't forgotten about you guys down under in Australia and New Zealand. I'll be in your countries some time in two thousand eighteen. I'm also going to bring a touring company of  my musical Here At The Mayflower down there. Me , BMIFC director Alicia and convention coordinator Pamela are looking into to have a BMIFC convention down under in two thousand eighteen. We're going to let you BMIFC members decided on our convention city  Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. Once you pick the city I'll look into get the hotel. Now on the home front our family got a little bigger by one. Yes we have a new family member named Bailey. Bailey is a one year old male Golden Retriever.  Bailey happens to be Carly's doggie. He fist in very nicely into our
family. Maggie and Max have a new friend to play with. Now don't forget the BMIFC convention in Denver next year. Wednesday July fifth thru Sunday July ninth at the Sheraton Downtown. I'm going to be there are you? Then remember "It's Just Another New Years Eve." NYE in NYC at RCMH Wednesday  December twenty eighth thru Sunday January first. So why not spend your New Years Eve with me Barry in New York New York. One more thing before I break for lunch. Next March two thousand seventeen the BMIFC and I have planed a Canadian weekend surrounding two of my Canadian concerts Quebec City and Montreal. I'm playing the Colsee Pepsi in Quebec on Friday March tenth  and the Centre Bell in Montreal on Sunday March twelfth .  So mark your calendars for Friday March tenth thru Sunday March twelfth. That when we have our "Weekend In Canada." I've already got the hotels lined up for both Quebec City and Montreal. Quebec City is the Hilton Quebec 1100 Boulevard Rene' Levsquel E, Ville Quebec QCGR4P3, Canada. Room rate is one hundred and twenty five dollars. Montreal is the Hyatt Regency 1255 Rue Jeanne-Mance, Montreal QCH5B 1ES, Canada. Room rate is one hundred and thirty dollars. To get from Quebec to Montreal you will take Canada's Via-Rail. Vis-Rail tickets are very cheep We will have an Italian night in Quebec which I will attend. And yes five lucky BMIFC members will get to sit at my table. Then in Montreal we'll have a Q&A brunch. There again five lucky BMIFC members will get to sit at my table. Information on the "Weekend In Canada" in March two thousand seventeen is up on my Facebook page and the BMIFC website. I've got to let the dogs out and eat lunch.
Love a sloppy wet kisses,