Wednesday, November 25, 2015

CBS Sunday Morning and ETC.

Barry Manilow was going to be on CBS News Sunday Morning on Sunday November twenty ninth. Tracy Smith was going to interview Barry Manilow from his home studio in Brooklyn Heights. Barry's interview would take place  prior to the air date. Barry  came from taking the dogs out. He went downstairs to Carly's computer room. He asked Carly if she was doing  any better now that what  had happened in August was over. Carly thanked Barry for asking about her. She told Barry she was feeling much better. Also that she wasn't going to let Scott Nevins  or anyone else bother her. Barry said that's good. Scott Nevins still has a restraining order on him so he can't come within one inch of either of us. Carly decided to call her parents to see what they had planed for Thanksgiving. Carly's mom answered the phone and  told her they were going up to La Jolla California. Your dad and I are going to visit our  grandson Sam. Sam and Kate just had twins. Oliver Matthew and  Elisa Nicole. Sam and Kate already have a five year old named Amelia Grace. Jill and Sam Sr. are also  going down there from Seattle Washington for Thanksgiving. Jonathan and his family are going to visit jis wife's parents in Houston Texas. Jonathan and his family lived in  Chicago Illinois. Jonathan and his wife Gwen have three children. Michael Jeffrey, Andre Nolan and Jillian Kate. After talking to her mom  Carly got off the phone. She went to find Barry. Well I talked to my mom and she and dad are going up to La Jolla California. My nephew Sam's wife just had twins so mom and dad want to see their new great grandkids. There's going to be a house full down at Sam Jr.'s. My parents, my sister, her husband, Sam Jr., Kate and the grandkids. I guess that just leaves you and me this year for thanksgiving said Carly.  Then since it's just me and you we aught to go somewhere said Barry. I do want to spend Christmas at home this year. I want to decorate a real Christmas tree. Put lights on our bushes in front of the house. Even though I'm a orthodox Jewish person I still enjoy the Christmas tree and exchanging gifts said Barry. I need to go into the storage room downstairs and look for the menorah. Then I need to get the correct colored candles to go in the menorah. Now where do you want to go? asked Carly.  Well I don't want to go to any beaches said Barry. I love to swim however I'm not a beach person any more. I use to lay out in the sun.  But I ended up with  a case of melanoma on my face. So now I quit laying outside to sun tan. Let me  figure out where to go said Barry. Barry went up to his office. Barry kind of had an idea where he wanted to go. He just need to see if he could book everything. Barry went online and was able to book everything. He came back downstairs and found Carly making lunch. Well I got everything booked said Barry. Ok said Carly so where did you decided to go? I decided on New Orleans said Barry. Something  about a line in the song Night Song made me think that's where we should go. "You dream of a train from New Orleans and deep in the music I hear her humming." I really enjoyed taking the train for our honeymoon in July said Barry. So I booked a sleeper on Amtrak's Crescent from New York to New Orleans. We'll leave New York on Monday November twenty third at one fifty pm. Get into New Orleans Tuesday November twenty fourth at seven thirty two pm. Stay Tuesday night thru Saturday night. Depart New Orleans Saturday  November twenty eighth at seven am. Then arrive back in New York on Sunday November twenty ninth at on Sunday November twenty ninth at one forty six pm. I booked a skyline king at the Q&C Hotel for five nights said Barry. The phone rang and Carly picked it up. Hello she said. Hi it's mom. I called to see what you and Barry were doing for thanksgiving. We're going to New Orleans. We're staying four days and five nights said Carly. Oh said Carly's mom. I just called to invite you two to La Jolla for thanksgiving. We'll be fine for thanksgiving by ourselves said Carly. You tell everyone out there that Barry and I send our love.  Enjoy your time with the grandkids said Carly. Oh we will said Carly's mom. You and Barry also have a safe trip said her mom. Carly said goodbye to her mom and then hung up the phone. Who was that? asked Barry. It was my mom she wanted to know if we wanted to come to La Jolla for thanksgiving. I told my mom we already made plans for thanksgiving. Mom said we needed this that after the summer we had.  She was talking about what happened this past August. She asked how we were getting there. I told her we were going on Amtrak's Crescent. Just then the phone rang again. Hello said Carly. Is Barry there? asked Suzanne. No he's not here said Carly.  He isn't there said Suzanne. Well actually no Barry's out of town. Why did you want to know? asked Carly. Well because I wanted to see if Barry wanted to come for thanksgiving said Suzanne. You have his cell phone number so why don't you call him and ask said Carly. Ok I'll do just that said Suzanne. Carly hung up with Suzanne. Now who was that? asked Barry.  Suzanne she wanted to know if you were home.  I told her you weren't here.  I said to her "You have his cell phone number you call him and ask." Ask me what asked Barry. Ask you about going out to Palm Springs to have thanksgiving at her house. You know she doesn't have my cell phone any more. She doesn't said Carly. No she does not. I switched cell phone carriers. When I got my new iPhone 6s Plus. I switched from AT&T to Verizon. Now I already put your cell phone number in my new iPhone. You did that said Carly. Yes I did said Barry. I did that last month. Well now your going to have to give me your number again said Carly. I was due for a new cell phone. I traded in my old iPhone 5 for an iPhone 6s . I got the space grey colored one. I didn't like the gold or the rose gold at all. My iPhone 5 was a silver one. I decided to get the space grey color instead. I also got an otter box cell phone cover that's blue and bright lime green. Barry gave Carly his cell phone number once again.

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