Friday, June 19, 2015

Great Performances PBS

Earlier in the day Marc took Barry and David out for Barry's breakfast. Barry turned seventy-two at nine am this morning. He got phone calls from his family cousin Dennis, cousin Olivia, second cousin Greg and second cousin Jordan. Phone calls from Garry Kief, Kirsten Kief, Vicki Thomas, Melissa Manchester, Bette Midler, Liza Minnelli, Lorna Luft, and Brian Culbertson. Tonight was the PBS Great Performances taping at the Metropolitan Opera House. The Metropolitan Opera House was on the Lincoln Center grounds. Barry had a little surprise cooked up for tonight's taping. He was doing one song from an up an coming album he was getting ready to record.The album was titled 2:00AM Paradise Café II. This album would deal with the fictional Paradise Café jazz club in New York City. The album would center around the patrons who loved to come to the club and people who worked there. Barry went back to his townhouse after breakfast. He decided to make a quick check on Facebook. Oh no more bitching from fans who didn't get a ticket to the PBS taping. Barry just wished those fan who bitched would quit bitching. Heck life's to short to bitch Barry thought.. He also figured these were Brian Murphy fans. Ever since February Barry had gotten a large chunk of Brian's fans coming to his shows. Yesterday Barry rehearsed with his band, the orchestra and chorus. When Barry looked at the clock in his home office it was twelve thirty. So Barry shut down his computer. He let the dogs out into the back yard. He then went into his kitchen to make himself some lunch. He got out the nine grain bread, a jar of Jiff all natural peanut butter and Smuckers grape jelly. Yes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sounded so good. He got some multi veggie chips to eat with his sandwich. Just then he heard the door bell ring. He went to the front door to answer it. He opened the door and there stood Carly. Come in said Barry I was just going to eat. Have you eaten lunch yet Barry asked? No said Carly I'm on my way into Manhattan for the fan club convention. I have my suite case and my tote bag with me. I stopped by to give you your birthday card and present. I'll open them after I make you a sandwich. It's peanut butter and grape jelly I hope that's ok with you. Yes said Carly. Barry made Carly her sandwich and put it on a plate. He then said lets eat on the back deck. Barry before we eat I'll open your card and present. Barry opened the card. He loved the message inside. Then he unwrapped the present. I wonder what's in here said Barry as shook the box. He opened the box and pulled out the watch. Oh wow and new watch said Barry. The one I have now is going dead. So thanks sunshine said Barry. You're really going to like this watch said Carly. I will said Barry because you know I needed a new one. Yes you already said that said Carly. The reason I said you're really going to love this one is because it's an Apple watch. An Apple watch. Oh Carly you shouldn't have said Barry. I had to buy this for you my favorite techie. Barry gave Carly a kiss on her lips. I guess you heard the news  about you retiring said Carly. Retiring? said Barry. I never said I was retiring. In fact next week I'm going into the studio to record 2:00AM Paradise Café II with Steve Gadd, Marc Levine, John Pondel, Ron Pedley, Michael Lington and the Manhattan Transfer. Then it's the fourth of July in Chicago with the Grant Park Symphony and chorus. Here At The Mayflower rehearsals start in August. We're getting married September 6th and going on our honeymoon right after. Then it's opening night of Here At The Mayflower on Broadway beginning of October. End of October I'm back on the road. A few US cities I missed and a Canada road trip.  We are going to go byVia Rail. Then it's the Count Your Blessing II benefit shows at the Beacon Theatre the week before Christmas. I maybe seventy-two today but I'm not wiped out yet. I also don't have the bad hips like Brian Murphy has. But then again I don't road tour as much as he has in the last forty years. I started touring in nineteen eighty-four and I only go on the road when I have a new album to promote. I'm just telling you what I saw on Facebook this morning said Carly.  You really wouldn't believe how depressed those fan on Facebook were. Then I see Brian Murphy is heading PBS' A Capital 4th program. I guess he's feeling much better after his major hip surgery said Carly. That's good said Barry. mow maybe I'll loose some of his fans. I think that some of my fans were doing some major complaining about how crazy his fans are. After Lunch Carly said goodbye to Barry and said she's see him at the birthday party after the Great Performances taping. The Great Performances taping went on without a hitch. The audience went nuts when he mentioned 2:00AM Paradise Café II was coming out next February fourteenth.  At the end of the show Barry went backstage to take off his makeup and show attire. He put on a blue grey and white stripped shirt, blue jeans, a navy jacket and black casual loafers. Barry, David and Marc were going by van to the Grand Hyatt Hotel for the birthday party. The band and backup singers were coming as well. Barry and everyone headed to the ballroom where the party was being held. The minute Barry walked in the fans all started singing Happy Birthday To You to him. While they were singing the staff rolled out the Birthday cake. Alicia told everyone it was a raspberry tort cake. Also for those who didn't like raspberry's  there was plain white cake. Barry got a ton of gifts. He showed everyone his new Apple watch that he got from his fiancée. His One Voice BMLFC had been sponsoring a Guiding Eyes For The Blind yellow Labrador retriever named Barry. Who came to the party with his owner to met his namesake. Barry owner was a member of the club who was blind. She had a dog that just died a month ago so Barry was her new pal. Barry went over to member Sally Bryant and gave her a hug and kiss. Barry allowed Sally to feel his face which is what blind people do. Barry thanked everyone for their lovely gifts. Said he'd see them tomorrow night at the Italian buffet before their theatre outing. Some fans were going to see Copacabana. While others were going to see 15 Minutes. Two quick things before I leave. Tickets go on sale Monday for the Count Your Blessings II benefit shows at the Beacon Theatre. The shows are Monday December fourteenth through Friday December eighteenth.  Fan club members will also have first crack at tickets for the 2:00AM Paradise Café II CD debut. We'll let you know as soon as we have the venue to the CD debut.  The CD debut will be on February fourteenth Valentines Day. Also I am not RETIRING! I don't know where or how that got started. You can't get rid of me because I won't leave. But now I will leave to get some shut eye. See you tomorrow night a dinner. Love you Barry said as blew them a kiss.

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