Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Oh London

The phone rang and Barry went to answer it. I made it here in one piece said Brian Murphy. The bad thing is it's raining cats and dogs here in Dublin. Which makes it sort of damp and cold. So how's the weather back in New York? he asked. Hot and muggy said Barry. So what's new on your end?  Brian asked. We got a new dog said Barry. Oh you did he said. Yes we did said Barry. Shellington Carly's dachshund needed a playmate his own size.  Yeah you have the two Labrador Retriever's said Brian. So I can see why you got another dog. This ones a male dachshund just like Shelington. Carly named him Kwazii. Oh really said Brian. Yes there is a Disney jr program called Octonauts. It's about these animals who explore, rescue and protect the sea creatures. Shelligton is a professor who's a sea otter. While Kwazii is a  kitten. Carly's sister Jill has a grandson who loves the Octonauts. That's how she found out about the program. That makes four dogs now. Your first show is this coming Thursday June second said Barry. Right said Brian then it's off to Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh and the rest. I'm not leaving till Monday June thirteen said Barry.  That's because of the Tony Awards on Sunday June twelfth. Oh did Here At The Mayflower get nominated? asked Brian. Yes it did said Barry. Do you have room for those Tony's if you win? asked Brian. I think so said Barry. My Palladium run doesn't start till Thursday June sixteenth. I'm doing four nights Thursday thru Sunday till Saturday August twenty seventh.  Now Gregory and I are coming back to London after Tel Aviv to catch a couple of your Palladium shows said Brian. We'll have to go out for dinner one night said Barry. That we will said Brian. One question did you finally find some new backup singers? he asked. Yes Barry. I have Kyan Harris, Dana Stevens and Shelly Greco.  Tomorrow Kyan, Dana and Shelly and I are going for a costume fitting. Who designed your outfits for your Palladium run? asked Brian. Anthony Kahn designed the clothes we're wearing on stage said Barry. Kyan's wearing a black sequined bolero jacket with black pants and a white shirt. Dana and Shelly are wearing  sleeveless navy blue dresses with some sequins on them. My outfit is black dress pants, white shirt with stand up collar and a black knee length duster coat. The coat has a silver design on the bottom of the sleeves. Nor for the second half my jacket is a grey jacket.  I dragged my set from my Manilow Live 2001/2002 tour out of the warehouse. Hanging from the stage ceiling will be televisions that can project  different kinds  of photos. Broadway exterior and interior photos for the first half. Apartment building exterior and interior photos for the second half. I'm opening my show with Putting It Together. Then I'm doing two more  songs off the Stephen Sondheim album. I'll stay on the Broadway theme by doing a few songs from Showstoppers.  The television screens will then show the New York City skyline for my jazz segment before the intermission. In the second half the television screens will show apartment building exteriors and interiors. That's when I'm going to do my Here At The Mayflower segment.  During the segment I'm surprising the fans with two new songs I Miss My Esther and Who Is The Shadow Man?. Oh two new songs said Brian. Fans already knew about my Stephen Sondheim tribute album which comes out this month. But what they don't know is I've been working on another album that comes out this fall. I dumped the 2:00Am Paradise CafĂ© II idea which the fans weren't to happy about. But I think they're going to be freaking out when they find out about Here At The Mayflower II (Many more stories inside.)  Now I wasn't finished telling the stories of the tenants that lived in the Mayflower. So I decided to tell some more stories about the tenants who live there. Fans thought I was the shadow man. I'm not the shadow man. That's because the shadow man kept his personal life to himself. Which I never did. My personal life has always been an open book. I have never hidden anything from my fans. The fans have always knew my sexual orientation. Which is straight. Who my girlfriends were from Susan Deixler to Dr. Carly Simon who I married. Why hide when your fans will be sticking their nose into your personal life. Telling you that they have every right to know your personal business. I know loads of your fans went digging up stuff about you Brian? Because I ended up on your Alt-fan message board one night and saw your fans talking about the gay issue. They were even talking about me which was strange since it was your message board not mine. I know one fan said "Oh he's gay too." I don't normally post on message boards like that. But that time I did reply to their post. I told them "Sorry to disappoint you but my life is an open book. I don't have anything to hide." I'm straight not gay as you seem to think I am. I have a girlfriend  that I've been seeing for a year now. That was back in two thousand twelve one year after I started dating Carly. I didn't write the Shadow Man about you Brian. Even though some fans thought I did.  So what else is new said Brian. Some fans have nothing better in their in lives so they go looking for juicy gossip on their favorite celebrities.

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