Wednesday, February 17, 2016

After The Grammys

Barry and Lorna caught a cab for the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. That's where Barry was hosting his first ever after the Grammys party. The ballroom was being transformed into the famous New York City night spot called the Copacabana. The waiters would be in nineteen forties waiters attire. Waitress would be dressed like Carmen Miranda but without the fruit headdresses. A fifty piece orchestra would play during the evening. When you came in there would be cocktails and hor dourves. Then dinner would start off with your choice of asparagus soup or a spinach salad with a dinner roll.  You had your choice of one of the following entries strip steak with wild mushrooms, grilled salmon with lemon butter and ratatouille. Your entrĂ©e came with wild rice pilaf and broccoli. Desert was shaped like a gramophone. A square of devils food cake covered in dark chocolate fondant topped with a white chocolate shaped gramophone covered in eatable gold. Those who were allergic to chocolate or didn't like it. There was raspberry white chocolate cheesecake with a small white chocolate  forty- five covered in eatable gold. Barry had invited record executives, recording artist and songwriting friends. Brian Murphy came over to Barry's table. Congratulations on your Grammy win he said. Thanks said Barry. Sorry you lost to Tony Bennett said Barry. Brain said did you hear there's a new
hotel and casino coming to Las Vegas called Resort World. Resort World has a Chinese theme  to it. Resort World opens in two thousand eighteen. Are you thinking about going back to Las Vegas to headline? asked Barry. Yeah said Brian I was thinking about it. Because I'm getting tired of the hotels and the hotel food. Why haven't you ever played Las Vegas? asked Brian. Why? said Barry because I'm not real crazy about Las Vegas. I've played Atlantic City many times. Mostly Caesars' showroom now a theatre. This last time I was there I played The Music box at the Borgata. That was last year during the first leg of my Brooklyn Blues Tour. I'm taking the tour over to London to do the West End for a short three month run. I'll be back here between the sixth and the fifteenth of June since I'm hosting the two thousand sixteen Tony Awards. The Tony Awards is on June twelfth at the Beacon Theatre. In November it's my first ever Barry Manilow, Friends and Fans Cruise at sea. We'll be aboard Royal Caribbean's MS Ovation for an Asian cruise. China, Japan, Vietnam and Singapore are the ports of call. That's November eighteenth thru November twenty-ninth. At the end of the year it's NYE, NYC, RCMH, 5S, D28, D29, D30, D31 and J1 said Barry. New Years Eve, New York City, Radio City Music Hall, five shows December twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first and January first. Your fans will have fun decoding your cryptic Facebook post said Brian. Then in two thousand seventeen March I'm heading down under to Australia and New Zealand. In September I'm hoping to do a Canadian tour. When we go to Canada we're going by tour bus like we did last year here in the US. How about some Asian countries? asked Brian. Brian I'm not popular over in those countries said Barry. That's why I've never done concerts in any Asian countries. Nor am I popular in Mexico and South America. The only places I'm popular is in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, US, UK and Europe. You know what we should get together and record an album said Brian. Yes we should said Barry. I'll have my manager Marc called your manager Gregory to figure out when we can do it said Barry. Mean while back in Brooklyn Heights at Barry's house Carly and her BFF's were enjoying the Grammy Awards.   I found out Barry bought an old run down theatre on the main street in Scarsdale. Oh really he did said Susie. Now what's he going to do with it? she asked. Well right now being refurbished back to it's original glory. The theatre seats one thousand eight hundred and fifty people. It's being called The Manilow Center For the Performing Arts.  The Manilow Center is where music artists and music groups can perform. Where musicals and plays can be mounted or put on. Oh really said Vick. Yes really said Carly.  Oh come on now your  kidding aren't you said Janice. No I'm not kidding said Carly. Two weeks ago Barry and I went up to Scarsdale New York for the weekend. We actually stayed at a bed and breakfast in Warwick New York called The Inn At Stony Creek. We stayed in the Fox and Hound suite mainly because that one had a shower only. Barry's not a bathtub kind of guy. Then we went to Scarsdale to take a look at this theatre. Barry said I bought this theatre. I said you did. He said yes I did. I always wanted to own a theatre like this. It seats one thousand eight hundred and fifty people Barry said. The renovations will be done by the end of September.  The Manilow Center For the Performing Arts as I'm calling it. Ken Newman my sound guy is the brains behind the acoustics. No matter where you sit from front row to last row your going to feel like your at Carnegie Hall. The acoustics are going to be that good. Anywhere you sit you will have an unobstructed view. No poles anywhere to ubstruct your view of the stage.  The Manilow Center will officially open on Sunday October second with a benefit concert. The concert is going to  benefit Scarsdale Senior High. Barry's will have a musical instrument drive at this concert. Just like he does at all his concerts. You can bring gently used musical instruments and they will fix them up. The instruments will then be given to Scarsdale Senior High. Barry's also not keeping the ticket sales from the show. That too is also going to Scarsdale Senior High.Barry's giving tickets to the principal and vice principal of Scarsdale Senior High.  Plus the band director and the drama teacher. The four of them don't have any idea what's going on. Their just being told they got complementary tickets to the official opening of The Manilow Center For the Performing Arts. Then what will happen during the show Barry will bring the principle, vice principle band director and drama teacher up on stage. He's going to explain to them he usually gets paid for every show he dose. However this time he, the band and backup singers are not getting paid for the show. Instead the money is being split evenly between the drama department and the music department.  He's also going to help the drama teacher direct Copacabana for this years musical.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Grammy Weekend

Carly took Barry to JFK to catch his flight to Los Angeles. Barry was leaving on Delta airlines at one forty-five pm. Why fans thought Barry always flew United airlines was beyond me thought Carly. Barry had always flown Delta airlines for domestic and foreign travel.  Carly waited with Barry till they called his flight. She gave him a kiss on the lips wished him good luck on Monday night. Barry turned to get on board. He turned around one last time to wave at Carly and blow her a kiss. Then Carly went to the parking lot to get into her car. On her way home she stopped at Trader Joe's to pick up some groceries. Lettuce, tomatoes, onions ground beef, jalapenos, taco shells hard and soft. Carly was having Barry Buddies over for Mexican on Monday. She invited, Vicki Smith, Katie Gilbert, Janice Primavera and Susie Ronske Doolittle. Carly was having a Mexican  taco bar along with some homemade salsa and chips. The salsa recipe was Barry's world famous salsa recipe. Or so he always  said. Barry liked his Mexican extra spicy said Carly. One of her friends asked "Doesn't Barry have a stomach problem?" No he doesn't that's Brian Murphy who has the stomach problem said Carly. He told me when he went out with Brian  he never ordered anything real spicy. Carly got home and took the dogs out. After they were done Carly went to the car and brought the groceries in. As she was putting the groceries away the phone rang. Carly picked it up to answer it. It was Janice Primavera. Janice called because she heard that something was wrong with Barry Manilow. Carly said Barry's flight left JFK at ten thirty am. The flight is five hours and twenty-three minutes long. Barry should be at LAX by three fifty-three pm pacific time. It's four thirty so Barry's still in the air. Just a minute said Carly. She went on the internet and over to Google. She typed in  Barry's name and checked news there was nothing. Then she typed in Brian Murphy's name in and went to news. Up came a bunch of articles mentioning Brian was rushed to an LA hospital. I just searched Brian Murphy's name and up came a bunch of articles. He's the one who was rushed to the hospital. It says he went in for surgery to take care of a ruptured appendix. Oh I hope he'll be ok said Janice. Barry used up some of his frequent flyer miles. So actually he flew free. Barry has a Delta Sky Miles credit card. He pays one hundred and ninety-five dollars a year for the platinum card.  Barry has always flown Delta airlines said Carly. When he flies it's business class elite. I'm guessing that  Brian Murphy's  most likely at Cedars Sinai Carly told Janice. Barry will have to present the Grammy by himself. Brian and Barry were to present the Grammy together for Song Of The Year. I also wonder what Clive's going to do? said Carly. Brian was supposed to preform at Clive Davis' Pre-Grammy party. What about Barry preforming at Clive's party? asked Janice. Barry wasn't invited to Clive's party.  Clive Davis hates Barry because of his huge success.  Besides Barry's hosting an after the Grammy party at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel Monday night.  Well I've got to let you go so I can get the dogs out said Carly. I'll see you Monday night for our Grammy fiesta. Can I bring something said Janice. Sure why don't you bring some desert. Vicki is bringing the wine and sodas. While Katie is bringing the nacho chips and guacamole. Carly and Janice said goodbye to each other. Then Carly took the dogs out. after she brought them in she went downstairs to clean the litter box. She then went upstairs to make something to eat. Carly finished off the last of the tuna casserole with some salad. Right after dinner the phone rang. It was Barry calling. I made here in one piece he said. I'm at my hotel in my room. Was your flight smooth? asked Carly. Yes the flight was smooth with no turbulence at all. I saw Clive Davis at JFK. Now the person he was with told me in the men's room that their flight didn't leave till one thirty pm on United. He asked me when I was leaving I told him ten forty-five am on Delta flight 617. I also told the guy my flight was straight thru. He said he and Clive had a two hour layover in Dallas Texas. Pays to fly Delta I get more straight thru fights. Lunch was good I had a chicken salad sandwich with potato chips. I'm meeting up with Lorna and her husband Colin Freeman for dinner tonight. We're going to Wolfgang Puck Bistro at the Universal City Walk. Lorna said the spaghetti is to die for. Then we're going to see Zoolander 2 with Ben Stiller. Lorna sends you her love. Tell Lorna I'm sending some right back said Carly. Good luck Monday night and have fun at  your  Grammy party. Thanks said Barry. I miss you and I love you he told Carly. I miss you and love you too said Carly. Today was the day Grammy day. Barry was up early so he could go running. He put on his running clothes and shoes then went to the elevator to go down to the lobby. Once outside he took off running. Barry usually ran four miles every other day. Back in Brooklyn Barry bicycled every other day and ran the days he didn't bicycled. In the dead of winter Barry hit the health club near his town house. Barry made sure he wore a baseball cap on his head. When he got back to his hotel he took a shower. He got dressed and went downstairs for some breakfast at the Cabana Room. Barry was staying at the Beverly Wilshire (A Four Seasons Hotel) in Beverly Hills. Barry was going to host his after Grammy party in the hotels ballroom. The ballroom held eight hundred people. The menu for the party was  steak, smoked salmon and ratatouille a vegetarian dish. Carly was having her girlfriends over for a Mexican Fiesta. Taco bar, guacamole, salsa,  tortilla chips and churros. They were going to watch the Grammys in the family room on the big screen. Carly heard from Barry that Brian Murphy was able to go to Clive's party. Barry said Brian went to Clive's party with his partner Gregory Knofler. Brian also told Barry that Suzanne Somers was there wearing her favorite type of outfit. A skin tight off the shoulder gown with a slit up one side. Brian said the color was navy blue. Suzanne came with her hubby Alan Hamel. Brian heard from Suzanne that Scott Nevins didn't get invited to Clive's party. Barry was so glad he wasn't invited to Clive Davis' Pre-Grammy Party. Barry had rented a bicycle earlier in the day to go cycling. Barry ate lunch around one thirty pm. Barry got dressed in his tuxedo, white shirt vest and euro tie. He then sat on the bed to slip into his loafers. Las year when he bought the shoes he wore on his wedding day he got two extra pairs. Barry then put a piece of Orbits peppermint gum in his mouth to freshen his breath.  He went out of his hotel room down the hall to the elevator. When the elevator got to his floor he got on and road it down to the lobby. That's where he met his date Lorna Luft.  I called Carly told her that I loved her. She wished me good luck tonight. Carly's at home with her BBF's Janice,  Katie, Susie and Vicki. They're having a Mexican Fiesta tonight. Taco bar, guacamole, salsa, tortilla chips, churros and sangria. They'll be in the family room watching the Grammys. Carly said she and her BFF's were rooting for me to win said Barry. Carly and the girls were in the family room watching on the big screen. LL  Cool J came back out to introduced one the hippest guys on the planet. A guy who's won every Grammy Award he's ever been nominated for. Ladies and gentlemen  Barry Manilow. The audience got up and gave Barry a standing ovation. Barry came out he said this song was written and sung by Joni Mitchell. Then it was sung by pop  rock singer Neil Diamond. When I heard it I knew I could jazz it up. So I contacted Joni Mitchell and got her permission to do just that. The song is Chelsea Morning. Now Chelsea is a neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan. Barry began to sing his jazzed up version of Chelsea Morning.  During the song Barry introduced Dave Koz on sax. Later during the broadcast LL Cool J introduced Dave  Grohl  and Katy Smith. Dave Grohl announced the nominees for Best Jazz Vocal album. Katy Smith said and the winner is Barry Manilow for New York State Of Mind. Barry came from the wings. Oh the artists with midas touch. This is Grammy number. You know I've lost count said Barry. But any way. First I'd like to thank my someone very special. My wife Carly. She at home watching this with her girlfriends. Glen Barros president of Concord Records and everyone else there. My wonderful co-producer Eddie Arkin. My partners in songwriting Adrienne Anderson, Nick
Anderson, Jack Feldman, Marty Panzer and Bruce Sussman.  Also my fans who have been with me from the beginning. Barry then walked off the stage with Dave and Katy.  Carly, Janice, Katie, Susie and Vicki cheered when Barry won his Grammy. Vicki checked Facebook on her cell phone. It looks like Brian Murphy didn't win for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album. So who won? asked Susie. Tony Bennett and Bill Charlap for  The Silver Lining: The Songs of Jerome Kern. It figures said Janice he always wins. He must love putting out albums just to win Grammys.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

At Least It's Not Me

Carly heard through the grape vine that Brian Murphy was pissed major. She heard Brian was back in the states for a few shows before the Grammy Awards next month. Her friend Katie from Facebook messaged her about this Brian Murphy fan. Katie who was at Brian's show last night mentioned a fan was sitting in the front row take photo after photo. About a half hour into the show Brian pointed at her and told to put away her camera and stop photographing him. Or else if she didn't he was going to have her camera taken away. This fan has been to everyone of Brian's concerts since he went back on the road. She went over to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, China and Japan. Saw all of his show from front row dead center. No wonder Brian was pissed if he could see her photographing him at every show. Carly asked Katie was this the fan who posted the long write up with photos on Facebook.? Carly saw the fans write up with photos over on Facebook. Of course said Katie. Now Barry saw her at his June twelfth Philadelphia concert said Carly. She was sitting down in the front row dead center. All she did at the concert was continually take photos of Barry. Barry told me all about her. The day after the concert Barry went to the BMIFC message board where he saw her post with photos. In her write up she told fans that Barry was very arrogant and not photogenic. Boy did she get lambasted by the fans who post over there. They let her know that Barry is very photogenic and "Sexilicious". Also that he's not arrogant. But a real sweetheart of a guy. They don't call Barry Manilow the friendliest celebrity on the planet for nothing. Then Carly saw a post from some fan wondering what was on Barry Manilow's bucket list. Hum thought Carly.  She knew Barry wanted to do a Smithsonian Journeys trip. He wanted to do either the Great Lakes Cruise or A Voyage from New England to Montreal. Eight years ago Bruce and Rob got Barry a subscription to National Geographic magazine. Every since then they've renewed his subscription to the magazine. Three years ago my sister and her husband gave Barry subscription to Smithsonian magazine. I'm not sure what else Barry has on his bucket list thought Carly. Just then she heard Barry say hello Carly are you down there? Yes I am said Carly. I have lunch ready said Barry. Carly went upstairs for lunch. So what's on the menu? asked Carly. Pastrami on rye with Swiss cheese, tomato and brown mustard. We are out of lettuce to put on the sandwich. Also my homemade potato salad said Barry. I'm going to put that recipe up on my Facebook page. Also my coleslaw and fried green beans recipes. I went to pick up my tuxedo for the Grammy awards. I've asked Brian Culbertson, Dave Koz and Michael Lington if they would perform with me on stage. I'm doing Avenue C at the Grammys. Go over to Facebook some fan posted a list of US cities for this coming fall said Carly. The fan also posted the day and date for each city. Then she mentioned you and your management (Marc Hulett manager) confirmed these shows.  Oh and by the way tickets go on sale at the end of next month. So you and Marc better squelch this before get out of had said Carly. Huh say what! said Barry. Now Marc and I haven't announced or confirmed any tour dates for this coming fall. I'm performing at the London Palladium this summer. June first to June seventh. Then I come back here to host the Tony Awards. After that I go back to London  where I start up again on June sixteen and go until August thirty-first. I only have two other things planed. One is to do something with you next month on your birthday March twenty-fifth. Also my Barry Manilow, Friends and Fans Asian Cruise November eighteenth thru November twenty-ninth. I have no idea where that fan came up with her list of cities and dates said Barry. I saw the list of cities and dates for the cities in my Night Song Facebook group. It was posted by one of my members said Carly. However she was not the one who originated the post. That was some other fan who posted that. Barry quickly called Marc. Hello said Marc. So what's up? Carly told me some fan in her Night Song group posted a message by another fan  mentioning cities and dates for a fall tour. In the message it also said that me and you (manager) have confirmed the dates. Tickets start going on sale at the end of March.  Now really! said Marc. I know you're talking about doing some shows in two thousand seventeen.  I'll go check Facebook to see if I can see that post said Marc. After lunch Carly went back downstairs. She went back over to Facebook to see what was going on over there. More fans were talking about the tour dates for fall. Some said they couldn't wait.  Carly put up a post on the home page of Facebook telling fans that Barry did not have any tour dates scheduled for fall. Yes I know many of you want him back on tour again. The only thing Barry has for this fall is his Barry Manilow, Friends and Fans Asian Cruise from November eighteenth to November twenty-ninth. Plus he's spending the summer in London playing the Palladium. Except for June eighth thru June fifteenth when he back here  in the US to host the Tony Awards at the Beacon Theatre on Sunday June twelfth. Barry's manager Marc Hulett knew nothing about the fall tour dates. So he's pretty steamed about it. Barry will be putting out an official statement addressing this issue soon. Barry came downstairs to check Madeline's litter box. He then came into Carly's computer room. So what's up on Facebook? he asked. Carly said That fans were still talking about the fall tour that wasn't going to happen. Oh I have a little surprise up my sleeve for later this year said Barry. Oh you do said Carly. Yeah think NYE in NYC at RCMH 5S D28 D29, D30, D31and J1. Ok New Years Eve, New York City, Radio City Music Hall, five shows December twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirty, thirty-first and January first said Carly. Barry didn't say a word and just grinned.