Saturday, January 30, 2016

Checking Facebook Page

After taking the dogs out. Then eating breakfast Barry headed upstairs to go on his Mac. Once on his Mac he went on the internet to check his email on Verizon. He then went to Facebook to see if any fans had posted new messages on his page. There were a couple of new ones. One fan was begging for Barry to come to Wilkes Bare Pennsylvania. She said oh please ASAP! ASAP was short for As soon as possible. I'm not touring in the US this year. Next month I'm going out to LA for the Grammy Awards. I'm leaving on  Tuesday February ninth in the morning. I'm going to visit Garry and Deanna up in Santa Barbara. Then Friday afternoon I'll drive down to LA. That's so I can hit the convention center on Saturday for the swag stuff. Then on Sunday afternoon the band and I are rehearsing for Monday nights Grammy performance. I'm not going to Clive Davis' Pre-Grammy party since I wasn't invited. That's ok thought Barry Clive hated me any way. For the fifteen years I recorded for Arista all my records and singles did very well. All of my albums and singles came out certified quadruple platinum. The albums and singles debuted at number one on the correct Billboard charts. Every one of my albums got nominated for Grammy Awards. Best Pop Vocal Album, Best Jazz Vocal Album, Best Single and etc. Then in two thousand L.A. Reed took over as president of Arista Records. That summer I met Glenn  Barros president of Concord Records at a party. We got to talking music. Two days later I went to Glenn Barros' office to sign a record contract. I've been with Concord Records Concord Jazz label ever since. So for the sixteen years I've been with Concord I've had albums and singles come out certified quadruple platinum. Album and singles debut at number one on the correct Billboard charts. Every album and single record nominated for a Grammy Award. Clive hates the fact that I'm so successful and that I love performing. I think he was hoping I would bomb as a recording artist. But I didn't bomb. Just then Barry's phone rang. It was Brian Murphy calling him. Hi Barry it's Brian. I hear we're presenting a Grammy on Monday. Yes we are said Barry. Cassandra Wilson and I were supposed to present together. However she got sick and canceled. I hope she get to feeling  a lot better said Brian. I did find out Clive Davis that invited Suzanne Somers and Scott Nevins to his Pre-Grammy party on Sunday February fourteenth.Interesting said Barry. I  ran into Scott who asked if you were going to Clive's party. I told him no you weren't going to Clive's party because didn't invite you. . Then I had to explain to Scott why Clive didn't invite you. All Scott could say was oh my! I'm thinking he was hoping you'd be there so he could see you. Now I didn't tell him you got invited to the official Grammy party at the LA Convention Center. Nor did I tell him you were preforming at the party. I could see him and Suzanne going to the convention center to see if they could get into the party without an invitation.  He  asked if you were bringing someone to the Grammy Awards. I said I didn't really know if you were or not. Because he'd have a lot to say if he knew you were coming with Lorna Luft not your wife. That weekend wass actually Carly's weekend off. However veterinarian Jeff Houston's youngest daughter Jillian is getting married on Sunday. So he and Carly switched weekends Jeff's off February thirteenth and fourteenth. Carly's off the following weekend February twentieth and twenty-first said Barry. Carly's fine with not going to the Grammy's. She'll be glued to the TV in our living room. Jeff's daughter is having a destination wedding down in San Juan Puerto Rico. Carly and I got them a hundred dollar gift card to Macys so they can buy whatever they need. That's nice said Brian. They said their goodbyes to each other. Then Barry went downstairs to make lunch. He had a bowl of Progresso tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. Then he took the dogs out before going out. Today was his day to volunteer at BARC short for Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition. Barry would go over and take dogs outside and play with the cats. There was one cat named Madeline that Barry wanted to see. Madeline was a female cat. She was one year and two months old. She had pale yellow cream fur and brown eyes. Barry just loved Madeline because she was a very loving cat. Whenever Barry came into the cat room Madeline came running to meet him. After hanging out with the cats Barry went to the front desk to ask for adoption papers. Michelle said oh you want to adopt an animal. Yes said Barry I do. I want to adopt Madeline the cat. So Michelle gave Barry the papers which he filled out quickly. Michelle took the papers to Betty the adoption person. Betty came out and got Barry to talk to him. She asked him if he had any pets. Barry said yes I do. There's two Labrador Retrievers Maggie six, Max two and one Beagle Charlie five. Maggie, Max and Charlie get along fine with the next door neighbors three cats Toby, Peck and Callie. So having a cat in the house won't be a problem. Downstairs on the Garden floor there is a closet where I keep the dog food. I had Kyle the neighbor with the cats put a cat door on that door, That's where I'll keep Madeline's cat food and litter box. Since Barry was on of BARC's best supporters they let him take Madeline home that same day. Barry went out to his SUV to get the cat carrier. He put Madeline in the cat carrier. Once he got home he took the carrier into the house. He let Madeline out of her carrier. Charlie came in and went to sniff Madeline's fur. He also gave her a lick on the top of her head. Then in came Maggie and Max. They both came over to sniff Madeline. Soon Barry heard the front door open and Carly said hello. I'm in the living room said Barry. Carly took off her coat and hung it up in the closet. She came into the living room and sat on the couch. Carly then felt something nudge her. She looked down and saw this pale yellow cream cat. That is Madeline said Barry. Oh hi Madeline said Carly. Madeline crawled up into Carly's lap to snuggle up. Madeline is from BARC. I adopted her today after I did my volunteering. Kyle put in a cat door on the closet where the dog foods kept. That's also where I placed the litter box. Charlie, Maggie and Max have already come over and sniffed Madeline.  Just so you know I'm glad I married you said Carly. You are such a kind hearted soul. Barry then said when I went on the internet this morning there were fans over on my Facebook page begging me to play Wilkes Barrie and Hershey Pennsylvania ASAP. I'm not doing any US dates this year said Barry. I'm heading to the UK this summer. I'm hosting the Tony Awards. Then at the end of November there's my Barry Manilow and Friends Asian Cruise for my fans . Hopefully in February I can finish recording 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Then we can do the mastering and pressing. I'd like the album to come out in October.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Barry's New Facebook Post January 16, 2016

Hi Everyone. I hope your Christmas and New Years was fantastic. Mine was super. I got some super cool Christmas presents. Garry got me a Beatles box set that I didn't have. Marc gave me a iTunes gift card. Bruce and Rob gave me subscription to National Geographic magazine. Adrienne continued my subscription to Club W. They send  wine monthly to your door. Jack gave me a gift card to The Bagel Place. Enoch got me a Starbucks gift set. Marty got me a subscription to Terra's Popcorn The Cob! Monthly Subscription. Every month I get two tins of popcorn. This month I got barbeque and garlic butter flavors. Then from Carly I got a Jo Malone gift set, Starbucks gift card,  two long sleeved shirts,  a Billy Joel hoodie, a Fitbit and tickets to see Billy Joel At Madison Square Garden on March fifteenth.  This past September my two thousand six Range Rover Sport caught on fire. Luckily I pulled the SUV off to side of the road. Shut off the engine took out my keys. Then I grabbed my iPhone and two small packages and ran like hell before it  caught on fire. I got another Range Rover but I just couldn't bring myself to keep it. I took it back to the dealer where I got it. Rob helped me take the Rover back. We went to a Hyundai dealer. But I didn't see anything I liked. So two days later while I was at Trader Joe's getting groceries. Parked in the space next to me was an Audi. The owner of the Audi came out of the store when I did. I happened to ask the guy what make his Audi was. He old me what the make was and where he got it. The next day I went to that  Audi in Brooklyn. I test drove the Audi Q5 TDI and boy did it drive great.  I decided right then and there that I would buy one. Now I'm the proud owner of a two thousand sixteen Audi Q5 TDI. Now I like color so I got it in Milsano Red Pearl Effect with Black leather interior. Now I can put my vanity license plate on my SUV. My plate reads 42 BDWAY which is short for 42nd St. and Broadway.  As  some of you may know Brian Murphy seems to love the color black. He's all about the color black unfortunately. All five of us fit nicely into the Audi Q5 TDI. That's me, Carl and the three dogs. Maggie, Max and Charlie. Now for those who don't know Maggie and Max are my black Labrador Retrievers. Charlie is Carly's Beagles. Maggie, and Charlie are  all rescue dogs from shelters. Max was training to be a seeing eye dog but he flunked out of training  On Friday December 31st. New Years Eve  I did a fan club members only New Years Eve concert at David Geffin Hall.  I had the TV camera guys there down in front. The audio guys were in the sound booth with my audio guy Ken Newman. The concert was audio and video taped for a CD/DVD combo pack.The thing was that after I toasted the new year with a fan and sang It's Just Another New Years Eve I didn't want to go home. So I asked if we had to leave John the theatre manager said no we didn't. I gave everyone fifteen minutes to go to the boys and girls rooms. Then I did one more hour on stage filled with non hits. Plus two more songs from my next album 2:00AM Paradise Café II. The CD/DVD combo pack will be coming out on April fourth.  I'm titling it Barry Manilow It's Just Another New Years Eve. Right now I'm not busy. Bud Harner has fully recovered from his surgery. So now we can go back into the studio and finish recording  my album 2:00AM Paradise Café II. We were in the middle of recording it when Bud got sick. On the album is Uncle Festive (Bud Harner drums, Marc Levine bass, John Pondel guitar, Ron Pedley  keyboards), Dave Koz and the Manhattan Transfer. I'm gearing up for summer. That's when I host the seventieth Tony Awards. The date and the venue have been changed to date June twelfth and venue Beacon Theatre. I'll start my Palladium Theatre run on Wednesday June first. Then I'll leave June ninth for New York to be there for the Tony Awards. Then I'll be back on the Palladium stage on Wednesday June fifteenth. That's also the first day of the convention in London. The BMIFC convention is from Wednesday June fifteenth to Sunday June nineteenth. Of course the fan club is having a Birthday dinner for me on Friday June seventeenth. I'll be there for dinner. I'm going to pick five lucky fans to sit at my table. Then after the show I'll be back for the Birthday party complete with cake and champagne. Sunday June nineteenth is the brunch and a Q&A afterwards. I'm coming to the brunch so there again I'll pick five other lucky fans to sit at my table. I hear Alicia Galay and the rest of the BMIFC gang have a jam packed convention full of fun.  Then in November there's my Cruising With Barry and Friends Asian cruise. The cruise goes from Friday November eighteenth to Tuesday November twenty-ninth. The cruise was open to fans only. The cruise was sold out three weeks after it was announced. We will celebrate thanksgiving while on board the ship. Thanksgiving is Thursday November twenty-fifth this year. Of course we'll have turkey and all the trimmings that day. For you vegetarians we'll have stuff for you to eat on that day too. It will be a blast. Ports of call to visit. Concerts from my friends. For those of you that wanted to go and couldn't I'm thinking of doing another cruise in 2017. You can put suggested places on my Facebook page. Like Alaska, Mexico, Caribbean, Europe. and Etc.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Welcome 2016

Welcome two thousand sixteen  everyone. Barry's New Years Eve show was a blast. Barry was on stage for a total of three solid hours. Barry had heard from a reliable source that Brian Murphy's show on New Years Eve lasted only ninety minutes.  Interesting he thought I'm seventy-two and I did a three hour show last night. Oh yeah that's right Brian Murphy has bad hips and I don't  said Barry. From what Barry heard from the source Brian played the Staples Center in Los Angeles. He also heard that Susanne Somers, Alan Hamel and Scott Nevins was there.  Next week Barry  was going into the studio to finish the CD?DVD of his New Years Eve show. He would be in the studio with Eddie Arkin his co-producer. Barry started working with Eddie when he did Swing Street album in nineteen eighty-six. Barry also heard from John Pondel that Bud Harner was doing better. Recording would resume soon on the recording of 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Barry couldn't wait for his fans to hear this. Barry went into the kitchen to fix some lunch. Just as he got in there the phone rang. So Barry went to answer it. It was Marc Barry you better be sitting down when I tell you this said Marc. Ok I'm sitting in the dining room so what's up? asked Barry. Well I don't know exactly how to say this but you made the cover of the National Enquirer. Why did I make the cover of that rag I haven't done anything lately that would gotten me in that rag said Barry. According to them you came out of the closet said Marc. I did what! Came out of the closet. Oh really.  What's the attention grabber line under my photo ? said Barry. "BARRY MANILOW COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET TO ADMIT HE'S GAY." Well this time we're suing them. I am not gay nor do I need to come out of any closet. I happen to be a happily married man. I wonder which of my so called friends gave them the story.  As for who told that rag I'm guessing either Suzanne or Scott said Marc. Since both of them believe that  you're gay. On Monday I'll call Jack McCoy and tell him about this said Barry.  Just then the front door opened and in came Carly. Now I don't normally buy the rags. however since you made the cover plus an accompanying  article I figured you might want to read this. Carly handed Barry a copy of the latest issue of the National Enquirer. Barry said to Marc I'm going to let you go. Marc said ok talk to you later. That was Marc who called to tell me I made the cover of the National Enquirer. Who would have given them the information? asked Carly. Marc's thinking either Suzanne or Scott said Barry. Oh yeah they both think you're gay said Carly. Plus Suzanne may still be pissed off at you for moving back east. Just then there was a knock at the door. Carly said I'll get the door. She went to the door and opened it. There were reporters and the paparazzi  standing on the front steps. Is Barry Manilow home? the reporter asked. Why do you need to talk to him? asked Carly. Who might you be? the reporter asked. Mrs. Barry Manilow since you asked said Carly. Oh you must be his beard said the reporter. No I'm not his beard and I never was. I guess certain people aren't very happy that Barry Manilow's a happily married man. Or that for entire life he has been straight when those same certain people think he's gay. Oh and by the way Barry Manilow is here but he's busy right now. So goodbye said Carly as she slammed the door. It was a bunch of reporters and some paparazzi wanting to talk to you. One reporter asked who I was and I told him. Then he said that I must be your beard.  I told the guy no I wasn't nor was I ever your beard. I told him certain people aren't very happy that you are a happily married man. I said one other thing and then told the guy you were busy. I said "Goodbye" then I slammed the door on all of them. Carly went to the kitchen window to see if they were still out there. Oh my God you've got to come see this said Carly. Ok said Barry as he came into the kitchen. There in front of the house were the reporters, paparazzi and some policemen. Just then the phone rang. Barry picked it up. It was James O'Neal their neighbor across the street. You don't need to worry. There's a paddy wagon coming to haul them off to the  precinct. They'll be booked for illegal trespassing. I'll also make sure their bond is set high. It would serve them right to spend a night in jail said James. James O'Neal was precinct eighty-four's head detective. So it pays to have the police living on your block. Thanks Detective O'Neal said Barry. That was Detective O'Neal from across the street. He called to let us know that a paddy wagon was coming to haul them off to jail. He also said he'd make sure the judge set their bail high. It would serve them right to spend a night in jail. Just then the phone rang again. Carly said let me get this. Hello Carly said. Hi is Barry there? the person asked. Carly knew who it was so she said he's busy right now and can't come to the phone. Would you tell him Suzanne called and that I need to speak with him right now. Ok I'll tell him you called said Carly. Barry came out from the kitchen caring a tray with his lunch on it. Who was that? Barry asked. Suzanne said Carly. She said to tell you she called and she needs to speak with you right now. Well I have better things to do than to talk to her right now. Carly went into the kitchen and made herself some lunch. She then brought a tray with her lunch on it. The phone rang for the third time. I got it said Carly. Hello said Carly. Hello is Barry there? it's Lorna. Yes he's here hang on while I hand him the phone. Carly gave Barry the phone. It's Lorna and she wants to talk to you. Hi Lorna said Barry. So what's up? I guess you saw the latest issue of the National Enquirer? she asked. Yes I did said Barry. In fact there was a bunch of reporters and paparazzi  in front here earlier. Our neighbor Detective O'Neal who lives across the street called for a paddy wagon to take them to jail. Plus Suzanne called wanting to talk to me right now. I think she might be one who told the National Enquirer that you were gay said Lorna. You may not have seen last weeks issue of the rag. But Suzanne was on the cover and inside for a four page spread. I found that out only because my sister Liza saw last weeks National Enquirer at the hair place she goes to. Liza thought it was rather odd that a celebrity would be happy about being in a tabloid. Yes that is very odd said Barry. I'm playing Feinstein's 54 Below Broadway Supper Club next weekend said Lorna. Yes I know you are said Barry. Carly and I will be there next Friday. You'll have to come see the townhouse since the remodeling. We just  had the kitchen done in September. Everyone thought we were nuts for getting Whirlpool's White Ice brand of appliances. They're white except for the handles on the doors which are stainless steel. We could have gotten other colors but we liked what we got. The appliances that we took out had been here since I moved in back in two thousand  and seven. The microwave had actually died on us this past summer. So we knew it was time to up grade to new ones. Also I hated the range since it was electric. I prefer a gas range. Now our kitchen is a galley kitchen so we didn't have room for the chef's range. We could have put in a chef's range but then we would have lost some cabinets. Carly came into the living room where Barry was. Lorna  Carly said tell Lorna she can stay  here with us if she want's to. We have two extra bedrooms. Barry said Carly says you can stay with us while you play Feinstein's 54 Below this coming weekend. Both guest bedrooms have queen sized beds There is a full bath on that floor with a bathtub. Carly keeps that bathroom stocked with Bath and Body Works products. Shower gel,  bubble bath, body lotion and foaming hand soap. Those are her favorite body products.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Merry Christmas And ETC.

Barry got up to take the dogs out. He went into the bathroom to dT his necessary business. When he got finished he turned around and there was Carly. If you wait I'll go out with you when you let the dogs out she said. Sure thing said Barry as he went in to get dressed. Carly came back into the main part of the bedroom to get dressed. She went downstairs where she met Barry and the dogs. The six of them went out to the backyard. The dogs did their business which was picked up by Carly and Barry. They all went inside the townhouse.  Barry had started the coffee maker before he went to bed so the coffee would be ready for him. Carly got out the stuff to make waffles. I thought we'd have some waffles for breakfast she said. I made some mixed berry compote to go on top of the waffles. Or you can have real maple syrup on them. Barry cleaned the dogs water bowels out and put in fresh water. He also cleaned the food bowels and gave them their dog food. Barry got out his favorite coffee mug and poured himself some coffee. He then went to the fridge and got out the cream and put a splash in his mug. He put his mug on the dining room table so he could put out dishes on the table. When he had everything on the table Carly came in with a plate of waffles. Merry Christmas said Barry. Carly said the same back to him. After breakfast they put the dishes in the dishwasher. Well what do you say we go open up some presents said Barry. Ok said Carly as the two of them headed to the living room. Carly handed Barry a present from Garry and his wife. Barry opened the present and said Garry sure knows how to pick them. Barry turned the present around so Carly could see it. Yes he does she said. It was a Beatles box set that Barry didn't have. Barry handed Carly a present from her parents. Carly opened the envelope to see a bed and breakfast gift card. Oh My God she said. my parents gave us a one thousand dollar bead and breakfast gift card. There's also a note that says they made reservations for us at A Butler's Manor in South Hampton for the last weekend in April. That's from Friday April twenty-second to Sunday April twenty-fourth. It has a four point eight stars rating on Google. P.S. mom says we both need it after everything we've gone through this year. They opened up the rest of their presents. Barry got clothes, a Jo Malone gift card, a fitbit, vinyl records and a few gift cards. Carly got clothes, Bath and Body Works, Barry Manilow calendar 2016 and a few gift cards. Barry said now this isn't exactly a Christmas present. The jeweler finally finished the
engraving of our wedding rings. Their wedding rings were two platinum band that when next to each other you saw two intertwined hearts. The rings were engraved with their names on them. Carly's ring had Barry's name on it. While Barry's ring had Carly's name on it. Oh and I do have one more gift for you he said. I just need to go get it. So off Barry went to get the gift. Barry handed Carly her last gift. It was a box and inside was a piece of sheet music. Carly looked at the sheet music which had been autographed by Barry. The title of the song on the sheet music was called My Dear Carly. Now this  song is going on the 2:00AM Paradise Café II album. Carly is a waitress at the Paradise Café jazz club. The piano player in the quartet that plays there nightly is in love with Carly. He  sat down and wrote a song about her. What I did was I  made you the waitress at the Paradise Café. While I'm the piano player in the jazz quartet that plays at the Paradise Café five nights a week. The rest of their day went fine. Carly told Barry she had another gift for him but it hadn't come yet. The days after Christmas flew by fast. New Years Eve came real quick. Here it was Thursday December thirty-first
already.  Barry was in his dressing room ready to go out on stage. Barry chose to wear a black tuxedo with white shirt, vest and bow tie. The tuxedo jacket went down to his knees. Barry had been told by Marc that it was standing room only. The show was starting at ten pm and going to twelve midnight. All the guys had on black tuxedos. While the girls wore silver sequined dresses. The show started with a slightly different opening number. Barry kept in the "Right Here Right Now" piece. The band was already on stage when the introduction number for Barry began. Out came the backup singers Kye Brackett, Muffy Hendricks and Melanie Nyema.  The backup singers started singing the opening to It's A Miracle. Out walked Barry to sing  the song. When he finished singing Barry said yes I know I sang that song differently than Brian Murphy dose. However I wrote that song back in the seventies with my partner Marty Panzer. I sang it the way I originally wanted to have it sung. A more bluesy version than a pop version like Brain did. Barry sang songs from all of his albums. He even did a song from 2:00AM Paradise Café II like he said he would. All to soon it was close to midnight and time to ring in the New Year. Barry went into the audience to find a fan to toast the New Year with. The lucky lady was Jillian Thomas from Newark New Jersey. After they toasted the New Year in Barry gave his New Years resolution for two thousand sixteen. Which was to make more time to do other stuff besides making music twenty-four seven. Then it was time to sing It's Just Another New Years Eve. Barry then said "Hey John do we have a curfew here?" John the theatre manager said no we  don't.  Then I guess we can stay a while longer. If that's ok with you fans? asked Barry. The fans yelled yes Barry we can stay. Great cause I don't want to go home just yet.  I'm sure everyone needs to see the boys and girls room.  So I'm giving you fifteen minutes to use the boys and girls room. By the way did you notice the TV cameras that are down here in front? Well there here along with the audio guys who are in the sound both with Ken Newman. You might be wondering why is Barry telling me this. Well this entire New Years Eve concert is being taped for a dual disc. CD/DVD. The entire audience went completely crazy. Ok you have fifteen minutes to go the boys and girls room staring right now. Barry and his gang also made a mad dash for the bathrooms in the back. Once everyone was back Barry continued his show for another full hour. You know I should let you guys go home. I'm sure some of you have a long drive ahead of you. So one more time. Here's to a New Year filled with all sorts of  Big Fun. With that Barry and company did one more song. This one was from the techno swing album Swing Street. The song was Big Fun. After that Barry said to coin TV host Rachel Ray "I'll see you when I see you." Have a safe trip home. Love you all lots. Barry then blew the fans a kiss as he left the stage. Once he changed into his street clothes Barry got ready to leave by the stage door. When he came out there was a bunch of fans waiting for him. Ok he said who's first. Barry signed everyone's program, posed for pictures and let fans give him a kiss on his cheek. Ok everyone I'm pooped. With that Barry got into the waiting SUV to head home.