Friday, May 15, 2015

ABC 20/20 For Friday May 8, 2015

Friday morning Carly, Susan and Vicki went down to grab some breakfast. Carly told her friends she was going over to the Borgata. Carly made the trek to the Borgata Hotel. She went inside the hotel to find the Events Center. Carly found the Events Center and then decided to go to the lobby. She decided to sit and wait for Barry. Who should come and sit near her but Robin Roberts. Robin said hello to her. Carly said hello back. There was a TV on in the sitting area. Carly looked at the screen to see Access Hollywood's Billy Bush and Kit Hoover talking to Suzanne Somers. Carly listened as Suzanne talked about her latest book. Then Billy said I heard your friend Barry Manilow's doing an interview with Robin Roberts for Friday nights 20/20. Yes I heard that too said Suzanne. Finally Barry's going to come clean and tell everyone the truth about him and Garry being married. Well he is gay you know said Suzanne. She can't keep her mouth shut said Carly out loud. Oh I'm sorry for talking to myself said Carly to Robin. Robin said that's ok. No it's not ok when someone continues claim their friend is gay. Especially when her friend is engaged to get married to his fiancée in September. I'm sorry where are my manners said Carly. I'm Dr. Carly Simon Doctor of veterinary medicine at the Bronx zoo. Oh so your Carly said Robin. Yes I am said Carly. In fact in November
 2011 I was on GMA with zoo keeper Andy Fishman. Andy is the head zoo keeper of the penguin habitat. Also on that day was Barry Manilow, Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson and the cast of 15 Minutes the musical. Me and Andy were on before them. So after they were on Barry went looking for me. But Andy and I had already left to go back to the zoo. Two weeks later he came to the zoo looking for me. I had brought extra leftovers to work for Jeff one of the other veterinarians. Jeff called in sick so I shared the leftovers with Barry. He had come to invite me over to his house for dinner. We've been together ever since then. Soon Barry showed up and said hello to Carly. Carly told Barry she had already introduced herself to Robin who remembered her from being on GMA in 2011. Barry, Carly and Robin went into the Events Center. They went up on the stage. Barry and Carly sat on Barry's piano bench. While Robin sat on comfortable bar stool behind the piano facing them.  She did the introduction to the special  20/20 interview with Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and fiancée Dr. Carly Simon veterinarian. Barry explained that ever since the mid sixties people have thought I was gay. Then I took a job at the Continental Baths. I knew the guy who worked there before me. He told me he was leaving and did I want the gig?  I hemmed and hawed about it. Then he told me Steve Ostrow paid one hundred and forty-nine dollars a night. Four hundred and forty seven dollars for three nights wasn't bad. Besides I gave up my vocal coaching side job so I needed the money. That's where I met Bette Midler. Barry went on to explain about divorcing his first wife Susan Deixler. About the girls he dated after Susan. He mentioned that his ex-manager Garry Kief had gotten remarried in two thousand nine to his second wife Deanna Griffin. So I don't know how Garry and I can be married.  Carly and I sort of met on GMA in November of two thousand eleven. Since we were both on the show. Robin asked both Carly and Barry questions about their relationship. Then today there was a new Radar online article on me and Scott Nivens. The article said something about my husband should be worried because I'm dating Scot who's a younger guy. Also my manager Marc Hulett called me before I came down to tell me there is a new article in the latest National Enquirer dealing with me dating Scott Nevins. Yes I know who Scott Nevins is. But what I don't understand is why Scott Nevins has to hang around me all the time. The last time I toured was in two thousand nine and ten with my Swinging Christmas Tour. Scott went with me on the entire tour. The crew, band and backup singers couldn't understand why Scott had to go with us. Since he didn't do anything except hang out with me the whole time. Except when I was in my hotel rooms. That's because I stayed in hotel suites on floors Scott couldn't get to. This tour that I'm on now we're traveling by tour buses like the country singers do. Instead of by private plane like we usually do. The Brooklyn Blues tour was published just as much as the last tour. However we lucked out and Scott isn't on the road with us this time. Thank goodness he isn't I really can't stand him at all. It's because he has to hang around me the whole time. Carly and Barry gave some details on their wedding which was taking place on Sunday September sixth two thousand fifteen at B'nai Avraham Synagogue in Brooklyn Heights. Also about the reception which was at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Palm House venue. Robin got to see Carly's Neil Lane four carat yellow gold three hundred and fifty thousand diamond engagement ring. Also the  engraved  C+B=Forever  ring that Carly wore every day on her left finger in place of her engagement ring. Carly told Robin that since she was a veterinarian she didn't was to wear her expensive engagement ring at work. Robin thanked both Carly and Barry for doing the interview for a special edition of 20/20. Barry made sure that  Robin got comp tickets for how since she trekked down to Atlantic City to interview him and Carly. Barry told Carly to call Susan and Vicki to tell them they were going to dinner together. So Carly called them to tell them Barry was treating them to dinner. During dinner Barry and Carly told the girls all about the interview with Robin Roberts.

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