Friday, May 29, 2015

Charlie The Beagle's New Friend

Carly decided her five year old beagle Charlie needed a playmate. Charlie was a tri-colored beagle mostly white with some  tan and black spots on him. Ken Wasabi a neighbor down the street had just gotten a lemon beagle puppy. Carly  really thought Ken Wasabi's beagle puppy Lola was cute. She asked Ken where he got Lola at. Ken told Carly the breeder might still have some puppies left. He would call the breeder and see if they had any puppies left. If they did Ken would call her back. Ken called the breeder and told them he had a neighbor who was looking for another beagle. He told the breeder that his neighbor already had a five year old male beagle and was looking for a companion for the other beagle. The breeder told Ken they had two beagles both were male. Ken called Carly and told her the breeder still had two left. Ken then gave Carly the breeders address and phone number to call him. Carly called the number told the breeder she was very interested in getting one of the beagle puppies. The next day Carly took the drive out to Long Island to the breeders home to look at the puppies. She had brought her beagle Charlie along for the ride  Carly introduced the breeder to her beagle Charlie. The breeder told Carly that the smaller one was the runt of the littler. Charlie went up  to runt and started sniffing him. It was as if Charlie was choosing his new best his new best  friend himself. Carly decided to take the runt of the littler home. The breeder gave Carly all of the puppies papers. Including  papers for his first set of shots. Plus papers that said he was fixed. Carly put the little puppy in a box with a pillow in it. She put the puppy in the back seat. Charlie snuggled up next to the box with the puppy in it. Now we just need a name for your new friend said Carly How about the name Schroeder. Carly then headed to Petco to get some doggie supplies for Schroeder. She got a collar, leash, dog bed, food bowl, water bowl, puppy food and some toys. She also made Schroeder two dog tags. One with her address and one with Barry's address. She also made one for Charlie with Barry's address on it. Carly took the stuff out to her Land Rover Defender. Carly hated the fact that after December two thousand and fifteen there would be no more Land Rover Defenders were being made. Carly had a two door that was black.  Once Carly got home she took the dogs to the back yard. She then went to her car and brought everything into the house. Carly went outside to check up on the dogs. She picked up their stuff with the pooper scooper and put into the composting bin. Carly and the dogs went inside the house. Just then her phone rang. Hello she said. Hello said Marc. Barry asked me to check up on you. So you're doing ok? asked Marc. Yes said Carly. I just came from pet store. I had to get stuff for Charlie's new friend Schroeder. Schroeder is a tri colored beagle puppy said Carly. By the way I got Barry his birthday present a few days ago. Oh you did said Marc. Yes I did said Carly. I got him an Apple watch with two leather watch bands. One is blue and the other is black. You got him a what? said Marc. I got him an Apple watch said Carly. I figured Barry would like that for a birthday present. The blue leather band is for every day and the black leather band is for dress. Oh Barry's going to flip when he gets your present said Marc. Well I thought I'd check in on you like Barry asked me to. Have a great memorial day said Marc  You to said Carly. Just then there was a knock at her front door. Carly looked out the peep hole and saw Barry standing there. She opened the door to let him in. Hello sunshine said Barry. I'm off  till Wednesday when I'm going up to Mashantucket to play Foxwoods casino for three nights. So I thought I'd come spend memorial day here. My neighbors Sam and Gabby have been watching Max and Maggie said Barry. Just then Barry felt something sniff his sneakers. He looked down and saw this tiny little puppy. He picked up the puppy who licked his face. It's cute said Barry. It's actually a  he. My neighbor down the street Ken Wasabi got a playmate for his beagle Spock. The puppy is a tri colored beagle male named Bones. Ken is a big Star Trek fan. So his dogs are named after the Star Trek characters Dr. Spock and Bones. Ken suggested I get Charlie a playmate. The same breeder had two puppies left both were boys. I let Charlie pick out his new playmate. Charlie sniffed the runt and wanted to play with him so I chose to take him home. I named him Schroeder after one of the Peanuts characters. Schroeder is Charlie Brown's piano playing friend who loves Beethoven.  If you've ever watched the Peanuts TV shows  Schroeder has a bust of Beethoven on his baby grand piano. Lucy Van Pelt was the Peanuts character who was crazy about Schroeder. Charlie my other beagle was named after Charlie Brown the main Peanuts character. Barry hugged little Schroeder tight. You'd better watch it or I'll take him home. Oh no you won't said Carly. After we get married you can hug and play with Schroeder all you want.  Now yesterday when I was over on Facebook Brian Murphy's  fans were talking about leaving him alone They think he should have a private life. Well once you become famous you loose your private life so to speak said Barry. I learned long time ago to embrace my celebrity. That's why I've earned the title " The Worlds Friendliest Celebrity." If I'm out  and I see fans I'm always nice to them. I'll stop pose for pictures, sign autographs and talk to them. The thing is Brian Murphy never learned to embrace his celebrity.  The only way he did that was in a controlled environment like the platinum's he dose for his own charity.  I do meet and greets without my fans having to pay to meet me said Barry. Barry looked down and saw that Schroeder had fallen a sleep in his arms. Oh Schroeder I'm glad Carly brought you home said Barry. How about we go over to the Brooklyn Bowl for their fried chicken? said Barry. Sounds fine to me said Carly. So Barry and Carly headed over to the Brooklyn Bowl for their fried chicken dinner. After dinner they bowled a few games. Barry stayed at Carly's till Wednesday after lunch when he meet up with everyone else to had up to Mashantucket to play Foxwoods Casino. Before he left he hugged Schroeder and petted Charlie on the head. He hugged Carly and gave her a kiss on her lips. Said he'd see her in  New York City at the  fan club convention in June. With that Barry left and went outside to the waiting SUV. David was there to pick him up and take him to the tour bus.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Atlantic City Wednesday May 20, 2015

Barry heard a knock at his door. He went to the door and looked out the peep hole. He saw it was David Taylor his personal assistant. So he opened the door and let David in. What's up? asked Barry. I just came in from my morning run and who do I see in the lobby but Scott Nivens.  Luckily he didn't see me said David. If he had seen me then he'd be asking me where you were. Boy he sure loves to be with you when you go on tour said David.  You're  right about that said Barry. I was hoping this tour he wouldn't be hanging out with us. But no such luck said David. Well today is my day to go cycling . So I'm going down to the tour bus to get my bicycle said Barry. Barry was wearing a baseball cap  tee shirt,  hooded sweatshirt. cargo shorts ankle socks and his Adidas athletic shoes. He also remember his Rudy Project cycling sunglasses. He also had the key to the cargo space under the bus where he kept his bicycle. Barry had just bought a new Novara bicycle from REI (Recreational Equipment INC). He gotten a Novara Portail 2015 bicycle. He also bought Carly one also. Barry got down to the lobby and went outside to the tour bus. He opened the correct hatch and took out his Novara Portail bicycle. He got on his bicycle and road off. Barry chose to ride down around the boardwalk. While Barry was out cycling David went to his room to take a shower. After he shower and got dressed he went down to the Borgata Baking Company for breakfast. When he got there he ordered one of their cheesesteak croissants, orange juice and coffee with a little cream. Who should come walking in but Scott Nivens. Scott walked over and said hi to David. He asked David where's Barry? David said I have no idea where Barry is. I do know today  was Barry's day to go cycling. So he maybe out cycling somewhere. Just then here comes Carly, Susan and Vicki. They went over to David's table and hello to him. David said hello back to them. Scott then asked David where Barry would have gotten a bicycle to ride. You know I'm not real sure said David. I think there's some bicycle shops around here where you can rent a bicycle. David knew not to tell Scott that Barry had brought his own bicycle to ride. If he had then Scott would have found out that they were going by tour busses. And not by plane. David figured if Scott found that out he would want to hitch a ride on the tour bus with them. He knew Barry would not want Scott on the tour bus for the rest of the tour. Barry enjoyed having the wind in his face as he road down the boardwalk on his bicycle. Now if only Carly was riding with him Barry thought. Barry came back to the Borgata after his two hour bike ride. He put his bike in the storage compartment under the bus. He then headed into the hotel. He made a dash up to his hotel suite in the hopes Scott Nivens wouldn't see him. Once in his hotel suite Barry took off his cap, jacket, shoes and socks. He heard a knock at the door and looked out his peep hole. It was David so Barry let him in. David told Barry that Scott hung out with him while he ate breakfast at the Borgata Baking Company. He wanted to know where you were. I told him today was your day to bicycle ride. He wanted to know where you would have gotten a bicycle. I told him there were bike rental shops around here somewhere. Then Carly, Susan and Vicki came up and said hello before they went to get their breakfast. Scott said I take it their Fanilows. I said Barry's fans don't like being called Fanilows said David. Scott then said wait till they find out Barry and I are a couple. There is no him and me being a couple.  Scott was the MC and opened for me when I did a benefit at the McCallum Theatre back in the nineties After that he's been hanging around me ever since.  Garry was the one who said "I think he's got the hot's for you." That's why after that whenever I've gone on tour Scott gone with me. When Garry was still my manager and Marc was my personal assistant they were getting annoyed with him. Garry had this thought of me waking up one morning and rolling over to discover Scott in bed with me. That's why we were always booked into hotels where you used a key card to access the suites. For this tour Marc thought if we went the country and western route and used tour busses then maybe Scott wouldn't be hanging out with me. Oh well at least he doesn't know about the tour busses said Barry. That's the great thing about the Borgata. They have a great hiding place on their property for the entertainers tour busses said Barry. Scott needs to understand I'm not interested in him.  Just the phone rang. Barry picked it up and said hello. Hello said Garry what's up? Well Scott's what's up said Barry. You mean he's there in AC where you are?  Yes he's here said Barry. Good grief  He can't leave you alone said Garry. No it seems he can't said Barry. He really must be obsessed with you. Garry he's in love with me. But I'm not in love with him said Barry. Now you don't want to upset him incase he's got major mental health issues said Garry. Yeah I know that said Barry. Other than that everything else is going ok asked Garry. Yes said Barry. I have three more nights at the Events Center before we head on to our next destination. Which is Mashantucket CO. Foxwoods Casino Thursday May 28, Friday May 29 and Saturday May 30. After that it's Boston MA Wang Center. Then we  head off to Portland MI, Manchester VT, Albany NY, Philadelphia PA and New York City.

Friday, May 15, 2015

ABC 20/20 For Friday May 8, 2015

Friday morning Carly, Susan and Vicki went down to grab some breakfast. Carly told her friends she was going over to the Borgata. Carly made the trek to the Borgata Hotel. She went inside the hotel to find the Events Center. Carly found the Events Center and then decided to go to the lobby. She decided to sit and wait for Barry. Who should come and sit near her but Robin Roberts. Robin said hello to her. Carly said hello back. There was a TV on in the sitting area. Carly looked at the screen to see Access Hollywood's Billy Bush and Kit Hoover talking to Suzanne Somers. Carly listened as Suzanne talked about her latest book. Then Billy said I heard your friend Barry Manilow's doing an interview with Robin Roberts for Friday nights 20/20. Yes I heard that too said Suzanne. Finally Barry's going to come clean and tell everyone the truth about him and Garry being married. Well he is gay you know said Suzanne. She can't keep her mouth shut said Carly out loud. Oh I'm sorry for talking to myself said Carly to Robin. Robin said that's ok. No it's not ok when someone continues claim their friend is gay. Especially when her friend is engaged to get married to his fiancée in September. I'm sorry where are my manners said Carly. I'm Dr. Carly Simon Doctor of veterinary medicine at the Bronx zoo. Oh so your Carly said Robin. Yes I am said Carly. In fact in November
 2011 I was on GMA with zoo keeper Andy Fishman. Andy is the head zoo keeper of the penguin habitat. Also on that day was Barry Manilow, Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson and the cast of 15 Minutes the musical. Me and Andy were on before them. So after they were on Barry went looking for me. But Andy and I had already left to go back to the zoo. Two weeks later he came to the zoo looking for me. I had brought extra leftovers to work for Jeff one of the other veterinarians. Jeff called in sick so I shared the leftovers with Barry. He had come to invite me over to his house for dinner. We've been together ever since then. Soon Barry showed up and said hello to Carly. Carly told Barry she had already introduced herself to Robin who remembered her from being on GMA in 2011. Barry, Carly and Robin went into the Events Center. They went up on the stage. Barry and Carly sat on Barry's piano bench. While Robin sat on comfortable bar stool behind the piano facing them.  She did the introduction to the special  20/20 interview with Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and fiancée Dr. Carly Simon veterinarian. Barry explained that ever since the mid sixties people have thought I was gay. Then I took a job at the Continental Baths. I knew the guy who worked there before me. He told me he was leaving and did I want the gig?  I hemmed and hawed about it. Then he told me Steve Ostrow paid one hundred and forty-nine dollars a night. Four hundred and forty seven dollars for three nights wasn't bad. Besides I gave up my vocal coaching side job so I needed the money. That's where I met Bette Midler. Barry went on to explain about divorcing his first wife Susan Deixler. About the girls he dated after Susan. He mentioned that his ex-manager Garry Kief had gotten remarried in two thousand nine to his second wife Deanna Griffin. So I don't know how Garry and I can be married.  Carly and I sort of met on GMA in November of two thousand eleven. Since we were both on the show. Robin asked both Carly and Barry questions about their relationship. Then today there was a new Radar online article on me and Scott Nivens. The article said something about my husband should be worried because I'm dating Scot who's a younger guy. Also my manager Marc Hulett called me before I came down to tell me there is a new article in the latest National Enquirer dealing with me dating Scott Nevins. Yes I know who Scott Nevins is. But what I don't understand is why Scott Nevins has to hang around me all the time. The last time I toured was in two thousand nine and ten with my Swinging Christmas Tour. Scott went with me on the entire tour. The crew, band and backup singers couldn't understand why Scott had to go with us. Since he didn't do anything except hang out with me the whole time. Except when I was in my hotel rooms. That's because I stayed in hotel suites on floors Scott couldn't get to. This tour that I'm on now we're traveling by tour buses like the country singers do. Instead of by private plane like we usually do. The Brooklyn Blues tour was published just as much as the last tour. However we lucked out and Scott isn't on the road with us this time. Thank goodness he isn't I really can't stand him at all. It's because he has to hang around me the whole time. Carly and Barry gave some details on their wedding which was taking place on Sunday September sixth two thousand fifteen at B'nai Avraham Synagogue in Brooklyn Heights. Also about the reception which was at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Palm House venue. Robin got to see Carly's Neil Lane four carat yellow gold three hundred and fifty thousand diamond engagement ring. Also the  engraved  C+B=Forever  ring that Carly wore every day on her left finger in place of her engagement ring. Carly told Robin that since she was a veterinarian she didn't was to wear her expensive engagement ring at work. Robin thanked both Carly and Barry for doing the interview for a special edition of 20/20. Barry made sure that  Robin got comp tickets for how since she trekked down to Atlantic City to interview him and Carly. Barry told Carly to call Susan and Vicki to tell them they were going to dinner together. So Carly called them to tell them Barry was treating them to dinner. During dinner Barry and Carly told the girls all about the interview with Robin Roberts.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Thursday May7, 2015

Carly took Thursday May 7th through Thursday May 14th off. This was her regular weekend off so Carly would have seen days off total. Carly decided to ask her beasties Susan Barrett and Vicki Smith to go with her.  They were taking Amtrak's Keystone train to Philadelphia. Then they  were  going on NJTRO's Atlantic City Line to get to Atlantic City. Barry had called her to let her know Robin Roberts would do the interview Friday afternoon. Carly told Barry she was bringing her two beasties Susan Barrett and Vicki Smith. Carly also told Barry when he called that she was wearing both rings. The expensive Neil Lane engagement ring she didn't wear because of her job at the zoo. Plus the engraved band she always wore. That one said "Carly and Barry Forever." Carly made sure she had a decent dress to wear for the interview. Carly also wanted to get a tickets for Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesdays Events Center shows at the Borgata. Carly called her parents and sister to let them know about the 20/20 interview she and Barry were doing that would air on 20/20 Friday night. Carly's parents understood why she and Barry had to do the interview. Carly's mom Norah really thought Suzanne should have kept her mouth shut. Carly explained to her mom that Suzanne figured that Barry was gay. It had something to with her gaydar. Also that she was Barry's latest beard. Now I only met her once said Carly. She wasn't to fond of me. She made the comment that sooner rather than later Barry was going to have to come out of the closet. She said " It's time to show off his male partner and new husband Garry." Carly, Susan and Vicki took a cab to Penn Central station. When  their train was called they went down the platform to board Amtrak's Keystone train. They sat back in their seats to relax. Soon the train pulled into the thirtieth street station in Philadelphia. The girls had to wait for forty-five minutes till the Atlantic City Line was ready to leave. Carly called Barry's cell phone. Barry answered with a hello. Hello said Carly. I'm in Philadelphia waiting for the Atlantic City Line which will bring me, Susan and Vicki to Atlantic City. I'll be glad when this is over with said Carly. Barry told her he had talked to Lorna long distance. She wasn't too happy about what Suzanne did. I also talked to Garry and told him we upped the interview date from September 7th to this Friday May 9th. Garry said you got to do what you got to do. He said to tell Carly I send her my love. That was nice of him said Carly. I always did like Garry. He was always so nice to us fans. There was the one time a bunch of us camped out over night in front of Radio City Music Hall to get tickets. Garry found out we did that and he had bagels, cream cheese and coffee delivered to us fans. There was about forty of us who camped out for tickets. I know I went with a couple of fellow fans who wanted to see Brian Murphy. His manager Gregory Knoffler was a real pain in the ass. He treated us fans like dirt. But then you've always been nice to us fans. Like the one time we waited by the Gershwin stage door for you. That was after one of your Barry Manilow Live On Broadway shows back in nineteen eighty-nine. You came out and said hello to all of us fans. You even took time for autographs and pictures. That's what we fans always liked about you. How nice you've always been to all of us fans. You showed up at every convention for a Q&A. Heck you  even came to our last conventions fancy sit down dinner and ate with us. You sat with Kirsten Kief, Vikki Thomas and the rest of the fan club staff. We dubbed you the nicest entertainer on the planet. Well they just called our train so I have to let you go. See you when I get there said Carly. Love you sweet thing Carly said. Love you too said Barry. The girls went down to the correct platform to catch her train. Once they got to Atlantic City They took a cab to the Water Club boutique hotel. They came into the Water Club and who do they see but Joey Malotti. Hey what are you doing here asked? Joey. I'm here because Barry decided to up the date of our 20/20 interview with Robin Roberts from September 7th to tomorrow afternoon. That's because of what Suzanne said on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens program which aired Thursday April sixteenth on Bravo.  Suzanne mentioned that Barry had gotten married to his former manager Garry Kief last April in his Palm Springs backyard. And it was so freeing for him to do that. Barry told me he sold the Palm Springs home in two thousand and eight. So how could he and Garry have gotten married there. Plus Garry's also married to his second wife Deanna Kief.  Suzanne from what I understand has always maintained that Barry was gay and not bisexual or straight. All the supposed women he was seen with from Loran Luft to me were beards. She calls me Barry's latest beard. She said she wished I wouldn't hang around Barry so he could live with his former manager Garry Kief. I guess Suzanne has always figured that Barry was gay even though he's always been straight said Carly. Now you know why I'm here. Let me, Susan and Vicki  check in to our room said Carly. It was nice seeing you. If I see Barry I'll let him know your here said Joey. Which he knew he would since they were rehearsing in an hour. The girls went to the Water Club. One in the lobby they went to the front desk to register.  She said her name Dr. Carly Simon the clerk gave her floor and room number. The girls went to the elevators to go up to their room. Once they got to their room they put their suitcase on their beds.   They opened their suitcases and put some of their  clothes in the closet. Put the stuff that went into the chest of drawers into that. Then they sat down to watch Dr. Oz's show. During his show they saw the 20/20 ad for the Robin Roberts interview with Barry Manilow. After Dr. Oz's show They decided to take a walk to the boardwalk. The girls went to this one store where they  got some salt water taffy. The girls went and found a bench to sit on while they drank their sodas. They then made their way back to the Borgata. They went to the box office to see if they could get  tickets for Sunday through Wednesday nights Barry Manilow shows at the Events Center. Carly couldn't believe how lucky they were  to get section three hundred row two seats seven, eight and nine for Sunday night.  Then they went back to their hotel room. They no sooner got into their hotel room when her cell phone rang. It was Barry calling to see if she wanted to go have dinner with him. Carly told Barry yes. Carly called Jeff her second in command veterinarian. Hey Jeff it's Carly can you hold down till Thuesday? Jeff said sure when will you be back. I'll be back on Friday said Carly. I'll give you this coming weekend off for being so nice and allowing me to be off till Friday. Ok ladies I'm leaving on Thursday morning.  I've got a dinner date with Barry so I'm going to go now. Right after Carly said that there was knock at their hotel door. Carly went to see who it was. Of course it was Barry.  Oh I see you've brought friends with you said Barry. Yes said Carly I figured they'd like to see you for a few of your Atlantic City shows. Well then lets go ladies said Barry. I open you like Chinese  cause that's where were going for dinner.

Hey East Coast We're Here

Barry and company were on the road again after doing a two nights in Atlanta at the Fox Theatre. They were on their way to Raleigh NC for a show on Friday May 1st at Duke Energy center. Then it was on to Richmond VA The National Theatre Sunday May 3rd.  Baltimore MD Joseph Meyeroff Theatre Monday May 4th and Tuesday May 5th. After those date it was two weeks in Atlantic City NJ at the Borgata Hotel and Casino's Music Box Theatre. Barry's run at the Music Box Theatre started on Sunday May 10th and ended on Saturday May 23rd. Someone had asked him why he played Atlantic City but not Las Vegas. Barry told the interviewer Las Vegas was too wild for him. While Atlantic City had the boardwalk and the ocean. Two things Barry looked up on the internet before he went on this tour was orthodox synagogues and place to get gourmet popcorn. Why won't these press people leave the gay issue alone thought Barry. It has been fifteen days since Suzanne was on Watch What Happens on Bravo. People are still talking about what she said. Barry hadn't talked to Suzanne yet. Nor did he want to right now. Since he was still pissed off at her. He had talked to Lorna Luft and she was flabbergasted when she found out. Suzanne actually said that to Andy Cohen asked Lorna. Yes she did said Barry. David thinks she might be upset with me since I moved back to New York City in 2008. I spend more time in New York City with my musical career. Or maybe she doesn't like the fact I sold my house to Brian Murphy and his manager/husband Gregory Knoffler. Did you get your invitation to the wedding asked Barry. Yes said Lorna. I also sent one to your sister Liza Minnelli. She already replied to me and said she was coming. So did Bette Midler and her husband Martin von Hasselberg. Is Suzanne coming? asked Lorna. No said Barry Friday September 5th through Monday September 7th Suzanne is on Shop NBC selling her books and other stuff. So where are you now? said Lorna. Well I'm on my tour bus heading towards Atlantic City to do two weeks at the Borgata's Music Box theatre said Barry. I wish I could be in the UK to see your show on your mom Judy Garland. You'll have to bring it state side said Barry. I probably will said Lorna. My Portland Maine show for June the 5th got canceled said Barry. The date we were marked down for Tom Jones was marked down for that date too. They marked him down before me. I had to move the two Boston shows to Thursday June the 4th and Friday June the 5th. After Atlantic City I go to Mashantucket CT to play Foxwoods Casino for three nights Thursday May 28 through Saturday May 30. The reason I rescheduled the Boston shows is because I have to go across the pond to London for opening night of Could It Be Magic  The Barry Manilow Songbook. That played at the Mercury Theatre in Chicago in 2001. Now it's going on a national tour across the UK. The cast consist of Michael Lee, Kevin Brooks, Evelyn Butler, Dina Byrd and Martina Nichols.  From the UK it goes to Europe and then to Australia before coming to the US. Will you be back here in the US by June 14th? asked Barry. What's happening June 14th? asked Lorna. That's the night I'm playing Carnegie Hall for a benefit concert for my Manilow Music Project. Then on Wednesday June 17th I'm doing PBS's Great Performances program at the Metropolitan Opera House. Then on Saturday June 20th I'm playing the Fredrick P. Rose Hall for a new PBS program called Jazz at Lincoln Center. I wanted to do June 17th through the 20th at Radio City Music Hall. But there again I lost out this time to Tony Bennett and Lady GaGa.   Barry said goodbye to Lorna. Then he put his iPhone down. He opened up his Mac Book Pro and went online. Barry went to Google for a quick look. He typed in his name and went to news. Page one nothing but articles on him being gay. Page two, three, four and five  more articles on him being gay. Barry picked up his iPhone and pressed Victoria Varlia name. Victoria said hello. Barry said Victoria it's Barry. Oh Barry how's the tour going? Fine said Barry. I'm calling because something needs to be done about this whole gay issue.  I'm on my tour bus surfing in the internet on my notebook computer. I thought I'd check Google. So I typed in my name into the search bar. Went to the news section. Page one nothing but links to articles on me being gay. Page two, three, four and five the same thing as page one. I just did an interview with the Atlantic City newspaper and I can't find it. I'm sure if I go to the newspaper site I'll find it. But my fans who would like to share the article with friends and they won't think to go to the newspapers website. Maybe waiting till September 7th to talk to Robin Roberts isn't such a good idea. I'm wondering if I should up the interview date. You know do the interview now instead of then. Maybe Robin Roberts could come down here to Atlantic City to do the interview. What do you think I should do? said Barry. Victoria thought for a moment and said maybe you should do the interview now. I counted over nine hundred articles from all over the world that deal with you being gay. Also Twitter hasn't stopped talking about it either. Nor has the Altfan-barry-manilow alternative message board stopped talking about it. The "See I told you so." line is getting very stale said Victoria.  I used my nickname Torry over there to post and read. Now Carly was going to do the September 7th interview with me said Barry. Maybe she can trade days off and come down here to do the interview. I'll call her and see if she can. You see if you and Marc can get a hold of Robin Roberts to do the interview now instead of in September said Barry. Ok I'll get in touch with Marc as soon as I get off the phone with you. Carly went online to see if there was nay new articles on Barry Manilow. Nothing but the gay issue. Damn those reporters said Carly. Carly never really cared for Suzanne Somers. She met her once back in 2012 at a party she threw that Barry had to go to. Carly got the feeling Suzanne thought she was Barry's latest beard. Which Carly wasn't at all. Carly had met Lorna Luft more times than Suzanne Somers. Barry had Lorna and her husband Colin over to his home for dinner many times. Whenever Barry invited Lorna and Colin he made it a dinner party and invited Liza Minnelli, her, Bruce Sussman and Rob Shuter. Just then her phone rang. Hello she said. Hello sweetheart said Barry. What's up she asked. Well I went to Google and typed my name in and the first five pages was nothing but articles on me being gay. Yeah I saw that. I ended up going to The Press of Atlantic City newspaper  website to share the article with my One Voice BMFC Facebook group. Also the one that was in Now I talked to Victoria Varlia about doing the Robin Roberts 20/20 interview now instead of September 7th said Barry. Victoria said Twitter's still a buzz about it. So is Altfan-barry-manilow message board. This is my weekend off so there's no problem with me coming there. Maybe we could do the interview with Robin this coming Friday afternoon said Carly. Then the interview can be shown on 20/20 that night. Let me know before Friday so I can pack and get stuff together said Carly.