Thursday, March 27, 2014

What The?

Oh No! What the he double hockey sticks Barry thought. As he looked at the cover of the Globe while waiting in line to pay for some groceries. There on the cover of the Globe was a photo of himself with the title "I'm Coming Out!" So Barry added that to his cart of groceries. Hello Mr. Manilow said Carol the checker. Hi Carol said Barry. Your actually going to buy that piece of garbage said Carol. Unfortunately I have no choice said Barry. I'm on the cover and my manager Marc Hulett needs to see this. That's so we can figure out what course of action to take said Barry. The bag boy put Barry's groceries in the recyclable bags and then into the cart. Barry pushed the grocery cart out to his SUV. Barry put his groceries into his trunk. He took the cart back to cart coral. When Barry got back to his SUV he opened up the Globe to find the article dealing with him. There it was in black and white Barry Manilow finally comes out of the closet. Barry read the entire article and wondered who gave the Globe the story. Whoever it was that gave the story they would be hearing from him personally. Just then his cell phone rang. Barry pressed the on app and said hello. Hello said Garry on the other end. So what are you up to he asked? Well I'm sitting in the A&P parking lot reading the Globe. Why are you reading that piece of garbage for said Garry. I made the cover of the Globe said Barry. There's a photo of me with the title "Barry Manilow Comes Out Of The Closet" on the cover. Now how did they get that piece of information said Garry. You have always been out in the open and up front about your sexual orientation from day one. Yes I know said Barry. I've been photographed with every girlfriend I've ever had.  From Linda Allen to  Julie Berkovic and to my  latest girlfriend Skylar Herzbach.  You're going to show Marc that aren't you said Garry. Yes said Barry. Marc's going to see this so we can figure out what to do. I'd also check the internet said Garry. You know this will spread like wild fire. Yeah! I know said Barry juicy gossip true or false spreads fast. Well I'll let you go said Garry so can contact Marc about this. Ok said Barry it was nice talking to you. Give everyone on your end my love. I sure will said Garry. Barry then called Marc. Marc it's Barry. I know why your calling said Marc. I've already called the Globe and told them to put a retraction in next weeks magazine. I also asked them to tell me who gave them that piece of information or else we were going to sue them he said. They said one of their reporters saw this on  one of your non fan club message boards. They said the reporter said fans were talking about you coming out of the closet on that message board. I guess they still think your lying about your sexual preference. Can you get a hold of omg Insider said Barry. I want to  do an interview with Kevin Frasier to take care of this once and for all. Sure said Marc. I'll call them to set up the interview and get back to you when I have things set up. Barry then started his SUV and drove out of the A&P parking lot. Once Barry got home he put his groceries away and took his recyclable bags back to his SUV. Barry then came into the town house and let the dogs out in the back yard. He then went on his Mac to surf the internet. He landed on this  one message board he had been to many times before.  Barry was one of the biggest lurkers over here. There it was in print fans talking about him being gay. What these fans didn't know was Barry had a user name and password for this message board. He went in to the message and replied to it. Oh yeah! Did he tell you himself that he was gay wrote Barry. He didn't tell you no such thing. I aught to know that since I'm  him said Barry No joke it's really me Barry Manilow major lurker. Yeah that's right I don't even like social media.  Little do you know. I've been lurking over here for years. And no I'm not gay and I never was. Thanks to you I made next weeks Globe magazine. I'm on the cover with a three page spread on my sexual orientation inside. They even supposedly talked to a close source who confirmed I was gay. Makes me wonder if I even know the close source wrote Barry. Well I've got to go fix dinner. Yeah I'm cooking tonight chicken breast pounded  out this with lemon, white wine sauce with capers, grilled broccoli with garlic and olive oil,  a spinach salad and white wine. I've invited my girlfriend. Yes I have a girlfriend  how about that. I've invited Skylar over for dinner. I also stopped at the bakery on the way home to pick up Skylar's birthday cake since today's her birthday. It's a raspberry lemon tort. Baking I'm not good at wrote Barry. But cooking I am. He signed his message Major lurker Barry Manilow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tonights The Night Album Debut

Tonight  March 26, 2013 Barry was going to debut his latest album Night Songs The album  contained sixteen songs total. Fifteen  classic standards. Plus new classic standard written by Barry and songwriting partner Adrienne Anderson. The album debut was taking place at the Metropolitan Room a piano bar in the Flatiron district of Manhattan. It would be Barry playing piano with Stan Sargent on bass. Today Barry was also kicking into high gear his own record label and music publishing company.  Barry decided on Brooklyn Bum Entertainment for the name. Barry had already signed recording artists Brian Culbertson, Mike Lent, the resurrected Uncle Festive (With Matt Greene drums, Mark Levine bass, John PondeL guitar and Ron Pedley keyboards) MaD Fusion Music (David Rosenblatt drums,. Mat Fieldes bass and Matt Herskowitz piano). Dana Robins saxophonist Liza Minnelli singer and Lorna Luft singer. The music publishing end of company signed songwriters Barry Manilow, Bruce Sussman,  Jack Feldman and Adrienne Anderson. Now if he could only sign Enoch Anderson and Marty Panzer. Brooklyn Bum Entertainment also secured the rights to the entire Judy Garland catalogue thanks to her daughters Lorna Luft and Liza Minnelli.  Plus they now secured the rights to Frank Sinatra's entire catalogue  thanks to Frank's kids Nancy, Tina and Frank Jr. Barry was doing the entire Night Song album. It would be just him playing the piano with Stan Sargent playing bass. Barry had invited his friends Susanne Somers Alan Hamel, Liza Minnelli, Lorna Luft, Bruce Sussman, Rob Shutter,  Jack Feldman, Marty Panzer, Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson, Garry Kief (his old manager), Russ McKinnon, David Rosenblatt, Mike Lent, Billy Kidd, Dana Robbins, Joey Malotti and everyone from Stiletto and the BMIFC. Of course he was inviting Skylar. How could he not forget the sweetest girl in the whole world Skylar Herzbach. The rest of the audience would be made up of his fans. Some from the fan club and some not. Everyone who came was getting a folder filled with an autographed copy of Night Songs, a  letter talking about the album, photo of Barry Manilow and information about joining the the BMIFC. Barry had autographed all the CD's that went into every folder. Talk about getting writers cramp. Holy Mackerel! Tickets to get into the Metropolitan Room were $150 per person. Glasses of Merlot would be served in keepsake wine glasses. For those who did drink wine there would be sparkling red grape juice or ginger ale in the same keepsake wine glass. Barry decided to wear a white shirt, a navy three piece suit with a navy and thin slate blue striped tie. Later on in the evening Barry would undo his tie and take it off. Marc Hulett his manager was already at the Metropolitan Room checking things out. Marc wanted Barry to arrive in style in a limo. But Barry said no way. He would take the subway into Manhattan. Then catch a cab from the subway station to the Metropolitan Room. Barry told Marc I'm just not into limo's anymore. SUV's are more my style now. I'm just Barry Manilow normal guy. Not Barry Manilow celebrity even though I am one. Barry took Max and Maggie out to do their business. When they were done he let them back into the townhouse. He then went up stairs to get dressed. He went down stairs locked the front door and headed to the subway station to catch the subway into Manhattan.